Star Wars What I Would Have Done


Anakin defeated Dooku as well IIRC as well in AoTC.

That is a good point, Anakin did not fight Darth Maul either. Wow it seems like young untrained Force users have a history of not going up against Dark Jedi. Remember when Anakin was killed by the Younglings? Nah, me neither.

The one main tweak I would have made is Rey losing to Kylo or giving her a tweaked back story (which I think she needs anyway).

If Kylo is loosly based off Jacen Solo in Legends I would have based her off Jaina maybe Mara Jade. Luke was fairly restrained in most of the legends material but they weren't allowed to kill him off and they often sidestepped around his powers either with force dampening creatures, star, or he retreated into the back ground due to iot wasn't his destiny to kill Jacen (and he feared falling to the darkside).

Luke got a dark side point in ESB and RoTJ in RPG terms, they played up the temptation.

Rey could have met Ahsoka Tano in TFA and then got the trained by Luke T-shirt in TLJ. They don't need a massive amount of world building IMHO but something would be nice. I owuld have used as female protagonist myself for the simple reason its something we hadn't seen before. The female Jedi were back ground characters for the most part, legends was full of them (and Sith Ladies). Its one thing Legends did better IMHO than even the prequels.

I have a post Endor game and I'll have a Sith Sisterhood via a secret apprentice of Darth Maul before Obi Wan Killed him. I'll let the PCs defeat 2 of them but the rule of two will no longer apply so the master is still out there. They had a Brotherhood of Darkness, the men keep failing (including the rule of two). I'll borrow the One Sith idea from legacy and tweak it.

Mara Jade was a cool character.

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That is a good point, Anakin did not fight Darth Maul either. Wow it seems like young untrained Force users have a history of not going up against Dark Jedi. Remember when Anakin was killed by the Younglings? Nah, me neither.

Mara Jade was a cool character.

Yeah I ended up liking Jaina a lot as well, her brother really started to annoy me in the NJO, Mara was great in the Thrawn Trilogy. I think its part of why the Calista thing bombed so hard, the fans wanted Luke+ Mara. The main plotline went down hill after the Thrawn Duology though NJO was to disjointed and 15 books to long, Legacy of the Force looked good by comparison and I enjoyed it, Fate of the Jedi was not good. Retconning the NJO away and adding in Jaina and Jacen could have worked IMHO. They're already added Thrawn back into canon.

I did like the Legacy plotline with Cade.
Do you play Empire at War, the Thrawns Revenge mod is really good. 14 year old game soldiering on lol.


41st lv DM
Huh. Luke is a farm hand. Never fought anyone. Probably never did more than fly in a couple of fairly non-dangerous races, maybe. Certainly wasn't eking out a survival in a hostile environment.

Yet, without any formal training, is one of the greatest fighter pilots around. And fantastic gunner of said fighter ships. Considering he'd never actually been off world before, how exactly did he learn to fly fighters? Especially the most advanced fighters around with an X-Wing? It's like expecting a crop duster to be able to fly an F-15.

But, hey, that's perfectly fine. No problem. Crack shot, expert pilot, engineer, all learned while farming. :uhoh:

R2 doesn't get nearly enough credit....


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
And Rey's the Mary Sue? Really? This is where we're going to draw the line? That she manages to fight off Kylo Ren after he's seriously injured and bleeding all over the place? Or we're hung up because some kid can force move a broom and that totally breaks canon?


It’s the same old sexist BS. Guys can be super-competent action heroes all over the place - from Luke and Anakin to John McClane and Indiana Jones. But if it’s someone with a vagina she’s gotta be a Mary Sue.


It’s the same old sexist BS. Guys can be super-competent action heroes all over the place - from Luke and Anakin to John McClane and Indiana Jones. But if it’s someone with a vagina she’s gotta be a Mary Sue.

Only if done poorly for the wrong reasons with poor world building, storyline and basically throwing canon under the bus.
Samantha Carter SG1 was great same with Teyla in Atlantis. Starbuck in BSG was fine. Orphan Black was great female protagonist, anything with Amanda Tapping really. Susan in Babylon 5.
Claudia Black was more interesting than the other guy in Farscape.
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41st lv DM
We crowned him the King of All Droids. 2nd or 3rd best actor in the prequels as well.

I think you missed the point.

I mean, who do you think was really flying & fighting that X-Wing most of the time?

Some whiney moisture farmer on his first trip off planet with supposed magic powers?
Or was it that astromech droid in the backseat - who's god knows how long over due for a memory wipe, is chock full of XP as a result, & earned that XP helping said whiney moisture farmers' father AND his fathers mentor become legends?

One of these two knows considerably more about flying & fighting an X-Wing than the other....


I think you missed the point.

I mean, who do you think was really flying & fighting that X-Wing most of the time?

Some whiney moisture farmer on his first trip off planet with supposed magic powers?
Or was it that astromech droid in the backseat - who's god knows how long over due for a memory wipe, is chock full of XP as a result, & earned that XP helping said whiney moisture farmers' father AND his fathers mentor become legends?

One of these two knows considerably more about flying & fighting an X-Wing than the other....

RPG stats arto is a good pilot. He can't break his programing to fire weapons but Luke can. Artoo can definitely co pilot as well which is a bonus or advantage.

X-Wings RPG stats are also good a level 1 pilot could fly it well. Luke was level 4 or so in ANH.

RPG wise Luke was level 2 leveled up gaining a Jedi level with Obi Wan and leveled up again after the Death Star.

I had lvl 1 PCs in TIE fighters. They're still better than the average imperial pilot.

Artoo King of All Droids.


Star Wars different than RL, civilians have flying cars things like T-16 Skyhoppers which have controls similar to an X-Wing. In ANH it was established Luke was a pilot, could shoot womp rats, and "had to much of his father in him". There is also precedent IRL as well if you could drive a truck you would probably find driving a Sherman tank similar.

A star wars truck is a light freighter, being a pilot is a lot more common in their universe than ours.

Reys not even that annoying her character has been somewhat badly portrayal. Shes less annoying than Jar Jar and Anakin in TPM and Anakin in AoTC.


Says someone who obviously has never seen the inside of a Sherman tank. Hint, tiller bars and caterpillar treads are not the same as a truck. Not even close. And, never minding that a flying vehicle is considerably more difficult to operate. But, without any training, apparently the farm hand can hop into the equivalent of an F15 and operate it without any problems. In fact, he's a better pilot than the horde of TIE fighter pilots who had years of training, as well as the couple dozen or so Rebel pilots that get shot down.

AFAIK, a T-16 isn't even shown in any of the movies. Does it have shields? How many engines does it have? How many weapons? It has ion cannons? Torpedo launchers? That's quite the truck you're driving there.

Oh, an with, what, a couple of weeks of training, Luke holds his own, and then later, defeats Vader in a saber duel. That's some pretty intense training there. :uhoh:

Good grief, whinging that Rey is a Mary Sue character in Star Wars is kinda pointless no? EVERY Star Wars character is the best of the best.


41st lv DM

Says someone who obviously has never seen the inside of a Sherman tank. Hint, tiller bars and caterpillar treads are not the same as a truck. Not even close. And, never minding that a flying vehicle is considerably more difficult to operate. But, without any training, apparently the farm hand can hop into the equivalent of an F15 and operate it without any problems. In fact, he's a better pilot than the horde of TIE fighter pilots who had years of training, as well as the couple dozen or so Rebel pilots that get shot down.

I just explained who's really flying & fighting that X-Wing.

AFAIK, a T-16 isn't even shown in any of the movies.

Sure it is. It's the wedge winged model Luke's playing with while 3P0's in the oil bath.
I'll just assume there's shots of a "real" one in action somewhere in the Special Edition re-edits...

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