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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


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Sir Khensu slashes at the already-wounded zombie, putting as much force as possible behind it in hopes of killing off the grandfatherly zombie quickly.

((OOC - Full power attack on the one I AoO'd last round. I'll cleave into the most wounded one if I drop him.))

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Jarrith sees the anger within his Flame Brother come out with a huge swing of the greataxe to the two zombies that had just begun to cower from Selase. Knowing that the others of the Six could take care of the zombies in front of them (and not yet knowing of the blast of fire Janis was about to drop down upon the further group shortly)... Jarrith decides to come to the aid of the warrior surrounded in back. "Enemy of an enemy is a friend" and all that.

He quickly tries his best to tumble and dodge the zombies up front to move on past them all to get into a flanking position with the female warrior (Move Action to M7 / Tumble check to avoid AoOs). He then decides to exchange the divine power within him that drives undead away to instead use it to empower his attack with a holy might. He rears back with his magical rapier and thrusts it into the zombie being flanked (Attack action on L7: flanking bonus to hit +2 / Free Action to use Sacred Vengeance: +2D6 damage on successful hit, costs one use of Turn ability) .

He then hears the roar of the fireball that explodes on top of them all and starts streaming towards him. "Oh lord..." he winces, and Jarrith tries his best to drop out of the way from the incoming blast of searing flame. (Evasion of incoming fireball spell).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Town Square Round 2 (Partial)

Sir Khensu brings his axe down heavily on the elder zombie, rending much of its dead flesh away. [AC 23 hits; 9 hp]

Trying to come to the warrior's aide, Jarrith is thwarted by the remnants of the broken barricade, forcing him to move through the cowering mass of zombies. He manages to deftly dodge the large zombie, the one still intent on flesh. [Tumble 20 vs DC 15 success] Calling the strength of the Flame to him, he moves up behind one of the zombies and strikes at it. The intent hunger of the zombie distracts it enough for the sickened Jarrith to land a solid blow. [Move to M9; AC 16 hits; 15 hp before DR]

Confident in her cool calculations, the army of Janii lob a pea sized force of fire into the fray. Both the warrior and Jarrith notice the fiery doom coming their way, and take precautions to ward themselves [Reflex saves succeeds] while only one of the zombies is so fortunate [J6's Reflex save succeeds. The flames sear the area, but then the end of the conflagration, the undead still remain standing. [18 hp]

Unsure of where the hurting fire came from, the zombies flail out at whatever is closest. Two of them strike the warrior, wounding her grievously [Near Death], while the one Jarrith just wounded smashes ones of his ribs. [8 hp] The massive zombie continues to miss Khensu, however.

A snarl comes over Marot's face, and he yells, "By the Flame, harm our foes, not our allies, woman!" as he hurls another holy bolt. The Flame's might burns away the elderly zombies flesh, and it crumbles to dust. [AC 13 ranged touch into melee hits; 11 hp; enemy drops]

It then came to Daellin.

Town Square Round 2 (Partial)


K: 22 (32/47 hp)
J: 18 (18/26, sickened, cat's grace 1 rounds, 3 turns checks left)
J: 16 (mirror image 15 rounds)
Z: 14 (L8: -32 [moderately wounded], J6: -9 [lightly wounded], L6,L7,K8: -18 [moderately wounded], P9: -11 [lightly wounded], Q8: -56 [destroyed])
M: 13
D: 12
E: 10 (-18 moderately wounded])
A: 6 [near death]
S: 5 (35/36 hp, sickened, 2 rebukes left)

Map Key: A: Armored warrior, E: Dirt encrusted zombie, D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, S: Selase, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: White area is lit to 20'; grey area is shadowy to 40'. Red Border: rebuked (10 rounds), Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened.

drogthery, please indicate your actions for round 2.


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First Post
He should have known Janis would do something like that. Tactics like that might even be sound, when armies faced each other. But he did not have reserves to bring up here. Here, he had only himself and the others -- and that stranger, perhaps. He took a step back, and fired another trio of arrows at the only zombie he could get a clear shot at. (full attack L7)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Town Square Round 2 (Complete)

It then came to Daellin. The elf took a step back and launched three arrows, two striking true. It stumbled, distracted. [AC 23, 17 hit; AC 15 misses. 24 hp before DR]

The dirt fouled zombie, enraged by the fire, strikes at the warrior once again. This time the blow is solid, and it is enough to drive her to the ground, blood spewing from her mouth. However, the force of the blow is enough to drive the warrior into the ground, which quickly covers and smothers her! [Warrior dying, entombed, suffocating]

Seeing the warrior buried by the blow, a look of horror draws over Selase. [Successful knowledge check] "Ware the entomber! It will bury you! Only silver harms it!" Deciding she must help the warrior, Selase calls for sanctuary on her self, then moves towards the smothered woman. [Cast sanctuary] Her power is not enough to ward her against the large zombie, which strikes at her solidly. [15 hp] Grimacing, she stridently marches forward, skirting around the undead, but another fights past her compelling ward, though it fails to strike her.

Town Square Round 2 (Complete)


K: 22 (32/47 hp)
J: 18 (18/26, sickened, cat's grace 1 rounds, 3 turns checks left)
J: 16 (mirror image 15 rounds)
Z: 14 (L8: -32 [moderately wounded], J6: -9 [lightly wounded], L6,K8: -18 [moderately wounded], L7: -42 [near destruction], P9: -11 [lightly wounded], Q8: -56 [destroyed])
M: 13
D: 12
E: 10 (-18 moderately wounded])
A: 6 [dying, enotmbed, suffocating]
S: 5 (20/36 hp, sickened, 2 rebukes left)

Map Key: A: Armored warrior, E: Dirt encrusted zombie, D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, S: Selase, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: White area is lit to 20'; grey area is shadowy to 40'. Red Border: rebuked (10 rounds), Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened.

Please indicate your actions for round 3.


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Daellin fits a pair of arrows to his bow, attempting to fell the zombie at L7 with a single shot. If he succeeds, he intends to risk being attacked in passing as he moves up to N7 for a better shot. (manyshot, then move)


Selase said:
"Ware the entomber! It will bury you! Only silver harms it!"
As Jarrith hears the priestess' declaration, he grimaces in pain and in thought. There's no way I can reach that woman... Selase, you better hope you have something silver. He sees her come around into his view and he shouts at her while dodging the flailing arms of the zombies. "Selase! I have two silvered weapons right here, but I can't get through yet! I need a clear path!"

Jarrith realizes that with the warrior down, the distractions she might have caused are now gone. Casting a Grave Strike spell right now would be useless. Knowing that they have no time to waste, he calls forth the power of the Voice once more to him and uses it to strengthen both of his attacks with his rapiers "By the glories of the Silver Flame... you... will... fall!!!" (Full attack action on L8: Use one turn attempt to use Sacred Vengeance (+2D6 damage) on both attacks)
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James Heard

"Perhaps you'd note that someone rushed into melee with the zombies when they were nicely clustered around whoever that was?" Jannis snarls at Marot.

Unfazed by any further protests or exclamations by party members who, after all, weren't bright enough to pursue studies in Cyran magic, Janis neatly shuffles to the side and expertly pronounces the incantations of the 3rd tier of magical storms: offensive, and releases it in a devastatingly thunderous line of crackling ozone.

OOC: Five foot step to T8, casting Lightning Bolt (7d6 damage down row 8, DC 18)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Town Square Round 3

Khensu roars in frustration at the fallen warrior, and continues his attack. This blow barely manages to hit the cowering elderly zombie, which collapses. [AC 17 hits, 8 hp, falls] His follow-up is enough to hit the young zombie, but not enough to drop it. [AC 23 hits, 6 hp]

Jarrith stumbles a bit, as he feels his bolstering magic fade, leaving him clumsy. [cat's grace ends] While its last dredges remain, he forces his blades up, and manages to drive one home with the power of the Flame, the other just turned away by the zombie. The wound does light damage to the grey flesh. [AC 15 misses, AC 17 hits; 12 hp before DR]

A grimace on her face from her companion's remarks, the real Janis steps through her magic twin to cast true lightning on her dead foes. The zombie facing Jarrith drops eerily out of the most of the blast, but the other two are caught flat footed. But the blue bolt is enough to fall Jarrith's foe, leaving him room to assist Selase. [23 hp; L8 makes save for half, J8 drops]

With new foes entering the field, the zombies have new flesh to conquer. The two who broke through Selase's enchantment flail wildly with no success. One against Jarrith hits a solid blow, almost knocking the wind out of him. [9 hp] The large zombie facing Khensu finally connects, denting the paladin's armor with a solid hit. [9 hp]

White power continues to pour from Marot, and it strikes the large zombie in the chest, burning a sizable hole. [AC 13 ranged touch hits covered target in melee; 14 hp]

Daellin buries two arrows into the large zombie, clearing himself a path for a better shot. [AC 23 hits P8; 17 hp before DR; drops]

The entomber grins malevolently at Selase, stepping between her and the suffocating warrior. Its grin fades as some force frustrates its desire to harm her! [Failed save against sanctuary]

Clenching her teeth in anticipation of pain, Selase works her way around zombies to the covered warrior. Her fears are realized when one of the hungry zombies manages another blow against her. [AoO, 7 hp] Selase manages to partially uncover the fighter, who is not breathing. [Partially unentombed]

Town Square Round 4


K: 22 (23/47 hp)
J: 18 (9/26, sickened, 1 turn checks left)
J: 16 (mirror image 14 rounds)
Z: 14 (L8: -55 [destroyed], J6: -9 [lightly wounded], L6,K8: -41 [near destruction], L7: -42 [near destruction], P9: -11 [lightly wounded], P8: -54 [destroyed], Q8: -56 [destroyed])
M: 13
D: 12
E: 10 (-18 moderately wounded])
A: 6 [dying, enotmbed, suffocating]
S: 5 (13/36 hp, sickened, 2 rebukes left)

Map Key: A: Armored warrior, E: Dirt encrusted zombie, D: Daellin, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, S: Selase, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: White area is lit to 20'; grey area is shadowy to 40'. Red Border: rebuked (10 rounds), Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened, Brown Border: Entombed.

Please indicate your actions for round 4.


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Daellin lets another trio of arrows fly (full attack, target L6, then L8, then L9, and then the entoumber; he'll keep on one target until it drops, so he could target as many as three different enemies).
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