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Straczynski on Trek

Hand of Evil

JMS as long as he has full control and backing. I think there are a number of people that could do wonders with ST but you got to get rid of Berman and Braga, which I do not think are fans of the myth that is Star Trek but more of the franchise of Star Trek. :heh:

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With all I'd want to change if I were to reboot Trek (and accepted because they're part of Trek Lore), I'd be inclined to change things a little bit more and call it something else.

I could see him doing a lot of things. Me, I think some point in between the original and Enterprise would be a good point. Also sometime after the return of Voyager woudl be a good point. (I could see a lot of fun to be had with Section 31 too. but I like a little espionage in my fun too)


Chun-tzu said:
Besides the whole tech side of things, there are aspects of Starfleet culture that just really don't work for me. A culture without any form of currency is just bizarre. I can completely understand a de-emphasis on materialism, but there still has to be currency of SOME form, especially if other cultures (like the Ferengi) use them.

The money bit was one of my favorite bits of new trek, "hamhanded beating you over the skull with a philosphical point of view" instances. It simply makes absolutely no sense unless everyone is living in some sort of communal society, which Trek clearly is not. Not to mention that it is quite clear from a large number of other episodes that money is quite clearly used in the federation

It ranks right up there with the bit in the episode where the romulans return, where the thawed 22nd century billionare is impatiently pounding on the com device to get Picard's attention and Picard chews him out saying something to the effect of "Every person on this ship is a responsible person even the children, and they all know better than to abuse the com system" The next episode a kid gets upset, steals a shuttle and nearly gets himself killed. Everyone is a responsible person, riiiiigghhhtt!

The major problem I've had with all of the new Trek shows has been their willingness to toss logic and common sense out the window everytime they had some moral point they wanted to club you over the skull with. At least with Straczynski I know that wouldn't be the case.

Though I can't imagine the paramount people being willing to give him the freedom from interference he demands.


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Chun-tzu said:
A culture without any form of currency is just bizarre. I can completely understand a de-emphasis on materialism, but there still has to be currency of SOME form, especially if other cultures (like the Ferengi) use them. And in early TNG, they said headaches were practically nonexistent. Again, this is just bizarrely unrealistic. They don't have any stress in the future? They face invasions, they have family squabbles, they compete for important positions... there is just no way in the world they've "cured" headaches.
Based on everything Star Trek has thrown at us so far, I find your arguments... uncompelling.


Rackhir said:
The major problem I've had with all of the new Trek shows has been their willingness to toss logic and common sense out the window everytime they had some moral point they wanted to club you over the skull with.
Welcome to Science Fiction. Please enjoy your stay.

(And you only experienced that problem with the new Treks? Not only did the TOS hammer you over the head, for added emphasis they often had a shirtless Kirk literally hammer the opposing point of view into a bloody pulp...)

At least with Straczynski I know that wouldn't be the case.
True. JMS would hammer you over the head with his frequently inept attempts at everyday dialogue and humor...

That said... I think pairing JMS and Trek would be wonderful.


Chun-tzu said:
Besides the whole tech side of things, there are aspects of Starfleet culture that just really don't work for me. A culture without any form of currency is just bizarre.
It is bizarre... but Roddenberry's Trek was never SF in the extrapalotory vein. It was primarily a highly romanticized, humanist, capital-L liberal fairytale about humanity's future.

I always thought that was part of its charm.

Then again, I started watching TOS when I four. That probably colors my view...


Viking Bastard said:
The idea of a reboot does not fascinate me. Too soon for reboot. You wait decades for a reboot, not a couple of years. I'd like to see what JMS would do with the Trek Universe as is.

Years, not decades.

And besides, it's been decades. Trek came out in, what was it, 1967? Sure, there was an absense of it in the 1970s, but with movies in the 80's and there has been over 15 years of constant Trek.

The more backstory there is, the harder it is to do new storylines.

If they don't do a reboot, I'd want this to be another generation or 100 years forward. One thing I dislike about Trek is that it hasn't taken into account the various changes we've speculated. Trek virtually ignored other speculated innovations. Compare GURPS Transhuman Space to Trek. I think Trek should start reflecting some of these innovations we expect to come in the future.


First Post
Chun-tzu said:
...And in early TNG, they said headaches were practically nonexistent. Again, this is just bizarrely unrealistic. They don't have any stress in the future? They face invasions, they have family squabbles, they compete for important positions... there is just no way in the world they've "cured" headaches...

This has bothered me and stuck with me since I first saw this episode. I had to be in high school when I saw it but it has always bothered me. Picard simply waves away the fact that he has a headache and deals with it (ended up being a Fernegi mind control device), as we would do today. Then Crusher says well since we have eliminated headaches this is unusual. WHY DIDN'T PICARD THINK IT WAS UNUSUAL? The way Crusher acted this should have caused all kinds of alarms for Picard yet he dealt with it as a normal occurence. Needed to get that out as this has bugged me for over a decade!

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