Spoilers SW: Skeleton crew discussion thread

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One thing occurs to me though.

For me, Star Wars without the iconic setting elements of Jedi, the Empire, and the music, is basically Guardians of the Galaxy. Which is fine, but if you removed the word 'Jedi' from SC and told me I was watching a new Guardians of the Galaxy TV show, I'd believe you. I mean, sure, an X-Wing might pop up or somebody might say the word "Republic", I guess.

One thing occurs to me though.

For me, Star Wars without the iconic setting elements of Jedi, the Empire, and the music, is basically Guardians of the Galaxy. Which is fine, but if you removed the word 'Jedi' from SC and told me I was watching a new Guardians of the Galaxy TV show, I'd believe you. I mean, sure, an X-Wing might pop up or somebody might say the word "Republic", I guess.
That's kind-of a hazard of choosing people who are disconnected from the rest of the Star Wars universe to be your main characters, but it does also highlight the uncertainty of where they're intending to go with this series. It may turn out to be one that's more enjoyable to watch on a second viewing.

One thing occurs to me though.

For me, Star Wars without the iconic setting elements of Jedi, the Empire, and the music, is basically Guardians of the Galaxy. Which is fine, but if you removed the word 'Jedi' from SC and told me I was watching a new Guardians of the Galaxy TV show, I'd believe you. I mean, sure, an X-Wing might pop up or somebody might say the word "Republic", I guess.
Could also just as well be a Doctor Who spinoff. But does it matter which franchise it belongs to?

Although in this case, the constant parodying scenes from the Star Wars movies is a bit of a clue. Almost there… almost there…

Something that just occurred to me is that, despite the At Attin society having vehicles that can travel quickly along the tracks in the roads, the safety droid appears to have walked all the way from the city to the suburbs to give the parents the Supervisor’s news.

Something that just occurred to me is that, despite the At Attin society having vehicles that can travel quickly along the tracks in the roads, the safety droid appears to have walked all the way from the city to the suburbs to give the parents the Supervisor’s news.
I don't think that's the case. The impression I got from the establishing shots was that they were showing the ubiquity of safety droids, not that it was the same one.

And if it was, it could have taken the bus.

I don't think that's the case. The impression I got from the establishing shots was that they were showing the ubiquity of safety droids, not that it was the same one.

And if it was, it could have taken the bus.
Fair enough. My initial impression was that it was the same droid just plodding along ... but you're probably right.

It's interesting that Undersecretary Fara has to wait for a droid-delivered message from the Supervisor. Her position (which Fern describes as "admin") obviously doesn't grant her direct access to the boss.

I love that they're dribbling out clues to At Attin's nature. The kids have figured out that their society has something to do with money, but they've been cut off from the rest of the galaxy since before the rise of the Empire. Whatever it is that they're doing with money, it's not something that requires the average At Attin citizen to be aware of current events in the wider galaxy.

I'm thinking that maybe, rather than a bank or a mint, perhaps their contribution to the Great Work was to be a currency exchange or something ... but I feel like that would require them to be more connected to the galaxy at large. They would need to know when currencies become defunct (like Old Republic dataries) and when new ones come into effect (like Imperial credits).

Could At Attin be the Old Republic's version of the Fort Knox gold reserves vault? That wouldn't explain the analysts and emphasis on fungibility of various currencies, but might explain the secrecy and the rumors of treasure. But the GFFA essentially uses coins rather than paper or electronic money, so would they even need a reserve?

I'm enjoying trying to figure out this mystery. Can't wait to find out what the answer is!
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Something that just occurred to me is that, despite the At Attin society having vehicles that can travel quickly along the tracks in the roads
I noticed some of the vehicles had physical pickups for the power track on the roads. That seems a bit low tech for Star Wars. Haven’t they heard of induction?!

I noticed some of the vehicles had physical pickups for the power track on the roads. That seems a bit low tech for Star Wars. Haven’t they heard of induction?!
The whole tracks thing is weird with or without induction.
To me, it's one of several visual cues meant to reinforce the orderliness of At Attin's society ... and provide a handy juxtaposition for Fern's rebelliousness and individualism. She can take her "motorcycle" off-road and weave through the traffic. She is a non-conformist! It's a bit heavy-handed, now that I think about it.

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