Spoilers SW: Skeleton crew discussion thread

Could At Attin be the Old Republic's version of the Fort Knox gold reserves vault? That wouldn't explain the analysts and emphasis on fungibility of various currencies, but might explain the secrecy and the rumors of treasure. But the GFFA essentially uses coins rather than paper or electronic money, so would they even need a reserve
Maybe old Republic credits are a cryptocurrency, and there are data mines under the school?

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Where I come from we have this!

I noticed some of the vehicles had physical pickups for the power track on the roads. That seems a bit low tech for Star Wars. Haven’t they heard of induction?!
Star Wars tech has always been a mix of high and low by our standards. It's 70s future, except it's not even the future, it's long ago and far away. They have intelligent robots, yet most of their interfaces are primitive and manual.

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