Spoilers SW: Skeleton crew discussion thread

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So, Jod's other name, to his old crew, is Captain Silvo, which is competing with SM33 for being on-the-nose. Will we eventually learn that the full name he was known by was Long Jod Silvo?

Honsetly Disney, if you want to do a live-action Treasure Planet I'm 100% there for it, no need to shoehorn it into the Star Wars universe.
It's a good story. I'm fine with coating it with Star Wars paint.

One thing occurs to me though.

For me, Star Wars without the iconic setting elements of Jedi, the Empire, and the music, is basically Guardians of the Galaxy. Which is fine, but if you removed the word 'Jedi' from SC and told me I was watching a new Guardians of the Galaxy TV show, I'd believe you. I mean, sure, an X-Wing might pop up or somebody might say the word "Republic", I guess.
Agreed, but honestly I just see that genre flexibility as a strength of the franchise.

So according to Kh'ymm, At Attin was once one of nine hidden planets known as the "Jewels of the Old Republic". The others were all apparently destroyed. I wonder what each one's purpose was and whether we will find out in this show (or if it will be something explained in a future Star Wars visual atlas or whatever).

So according to Kh'ymm, At Attin was once one of nine hidden planets known as the "Jewels of the Old Republic". The others were all apparently destroyed. I wonder what each one's purpose was and whether we will find out in this show (or if it will be something explained in a future Star Wars visual atlas or whatever).
The obvious interpretation is plot hooks for a sequel. Are those worlds really destroyed? Who can go round destroying worlds when the Jedi at the height of their power.

I’ve not played the whole game, but there is a hidden high republic world in Jedi Survivor.

“Great Work” sounds sinister, even though the chancellor behind it was benevolent (or where they?)

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