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Tales of the Grey Coast (IC)

Isida Kep'Tukari

"We don't bite, honestly," Caramip says with a smile, and then giggles at Ebony's antics. Ravens were truly the jokers of the animal kingdom!

OOC: [sblock]Spot is an 8. Initiative is a 19. I used two initiative rolls and took the better of the two to represent my watchful spirit class feature (can reroll init 1/day). [/sblock]

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A Crazy Fool

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You see nothing of note, though you do get the feeling something is wrong.

OOC: Waiting on Jenna's check results

You can't see (OOC: :) )


You see nothing of note


You notice out of the corner of your eye several people (humans) walking together down one of the main streets (between the yellow and purple blocks). They look to be a part of the same group even though they are all dressed diferently. They all walk in lockstep. You also see similar groups walking into the marketplace from the other 4 major entrances. (You count about twenty in all)


Same as Felix plus you observe that they are moving to cut the square of. Several of their number have their hands in thier pockets--which seem to bulge somewhat.

A Crazy Fool

First Post
Rargh. I failed my read check.

You see what Felix sees.

OOC: Jenna, Felix, and Roxanne all have a few rounds to prepare and warn the others. The suspicious figures are still a fair ways away.


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Jenna, Human Hexblade HP: 28/28

Jenna opens her mouth – but snaps it shut suddenly. Her eyes are drawn to the street behind and over Hedowin’s shoulder, and the individuals walking together down it to the market square. Normally she’d think little of it – but the purposeful, almost militarily uniform stride of the small group stick out to her like a sore thumb. She seems to recover from her hesitation, “Oh Hedowin! How can you just ignore us like that! How terribly insensitive! Why, we’ve been here nearly twenty minutes and you’ve not spoken four words to us!” She attempts to make serious eye contact with the wizard, but her eyes are still misty and she squints, hastily trying to drive tears away. All and all, it makes for an odd outburst – it probably hasn’t been twenty minutes, and Hedowin has said more than four words, after all.

Hedowin or DC 12 Sense Motive (Secret Message):[sblock]Beware! We’re surrounded by twenty spokes of four-pronged magic![/sblock]

Rising to her feet she swiftly embraces Roxanne, “Please don’t cry Roxanne. You don’t have to explain a thing.” However in a decidedly even-toned whisper close to her ear, she adds, “Do you see them? Do you recognize them?”

Mentally, Jenna’s thoughts are awhirl. Are they after me? Or her? Or one of them? Or someone else? I didn’t do anything wrong! I mean, I’ve paid my dues.. they’re surrounding us! We shouldn’t stay here, we should move! I hope the rest noticed something’s wrong!

OOC:[sblock]Bluff Check to deliver secret message (1d20+9=12): Failed by more than 5, so false information is implied or inferred. Whoops! :eek: I hope you don’t mind the liberty I took with that blundered roll.[/sblock]


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Roxanne gasps as she notices first one group and then another moving together to cut off the square. Spinning around she sees the same at all four main roads leading into the square. Marching in step...military! Hands in bulging pockets...wands!! "Oh gods! Please no!" she gasps before Jenna rises to hug her and try to warn her. She turns to the others and huridly whispers, "Listen to me, all of you! Someone is about to be rounded up here in this square and it may or may not be me they're after. I swear I'm not a murderer or anything, but just by associating with me they could be after you as well now. I have to get out of here if possible, but I can't just leave you to be taken in my place just for being kind to me. Please, lets try to escape capture here together and once we are all safely away I will seperate from you so that no further suspicion falls upon any of you."

"They've got the main streets covered and probably the alleys as well, but maybe we can get into a shop or something and hide, or even up onto a roof from inside one of the buildings just off the square. Via rooftops, we might be able to get past their lines before dropping back to street level and scattering..."
Roxanne says in a long winded rush. "But whatever you choose to do, you must act NOW!"


First Post
Hedowin looks are the comely lass with somewhat over a puzzled look," 20 minutes, 4 words? Insensitive?"

"Ignoring and the 4 words I can understand, but the rest.... is she trying to get some point across about my nightshirt?"
He thinks to himself.

He sighs,"Yes, this is my nightshirt. I forgot to change out of it this morning when I was putting on my trousers. I really don't mean to offend -- I thought I had tucked it in enough that it looked like a tunic."

All of a sudden Roxanne starts a long diatribe about guards, people, and escaping.

" They've got the main streets covered and probably the alleys as well, but maybe we can get into a shop or something and hide, or even up onto a roof from inside one of the buildings just off the square. Via rooftops, we might be able to get past their lines before dropping back to street level and scattering..." Roxanne says in a long winded rush. "But whatever you choose to do, you must act NOW! "

Hedowin snaps back to reality and looks around and notices the large groups of people suddenly moving into the square.

"We could back to the bookstore, I think he has another entrance that faces away from the square." He offers.

He then quickly mentally prepares himself for any spellcasting that might occur in the near future, mentally listed off the spells that he had prepared this morning.

sense motive (1d20=19)

Isida Kep'Tukari

Caramip purses her lips in distaste when young Roxanne points out the soldier-types in the square. It annoys her that the girl is so distressed, and while soldiers are usually fairly decent individuals, corruption existed in many places, for many reasons. And the marketplace at midday was not a good place for a confrontation.

"Quork, eyes above," she says calmly, and her familiar powers upward without a single comment, leaving off the bread he had been picking at without a qualm.

Find us a clear way out. Is behind the bookshop clear? she asks through their mental bond.

"I don't like the smell of this terribly much. But we'll learn nothing sitting here and being fearful, will we now? Roxanne child, do be calm and collected. I sent Quork up to find us a route, if that should become needful. And now, I'm going to go ask these kind men and women what their purpose is, as benefits a proper citizen. I often find myself quite distracting when necessary. I'll have Quork lead you out, if this becomes less than pleasent," Caramip says mildly.

With that, the half-gnome, half-hair tower will slide off the bench and begin to walk purposefully toward the nearest clutch of soldier-types.


First Post
Phoenix8008 said:
"I swear I'm not a murderer or anything..."

She straightens, stung. That's right, she isn't a murderer. There's only one murderer here, isn't there Jenna? Whatever Roxanne's worried about is nothing compared to that, isn't it? Whatever she is or has done - she's not a murderer. And you are. A criminal and a murderer, playing at being a respectable citizen. Having a nice little chat and breakfast. If they only knew... well, they probably will now.

She leans down against the table, placing her hands flat on its surface. It is slightly tacky, from the fruit juice that has been smeared on the table from the starfruit map. She shivers - it feels like blood. She lowers her head and her voice is cold - dead, "The bookstore. Good idea, Hedowin. Why don't you take everyone in there. I'll wait here. If they're after me, I won't run from them. If not... I'll be fine here. I'll keep an eye on Caramip."


First Post
Felix is not visibly panicked by the presence of the soldiers, as the others are. He idly comments on their presence. "Military, perhaps. The bearing suggests an organization of some sort. Strange that they would be gathering in a square." Without warning, Roxanne panics. He holds out his hand, gesturing for her to calm down. In a soothing voice, he attempts to calm her. "Roxanne, Roxanne, slow down, I beg of you! You assume that they are here to kill. How are you certain of this? They may just be out on patrol. Acknowledged, it is strange of them to be present, but I am sure that there is a logical explanation for all of this." Caramip announces that she is going to find out what is going on by talking to some of the soldiers, and Felix nods silently in agreement as she walks off. "She has the right idea. Might I suggest that we find out what is going on before anybody panics and runs? If you dash from a scene, that would seem rather suspicious, no? Enough to draw attention to yourself, and, apparently being a woman with something to hide, I would deem that most... unwise. Excuse me." Felix pushes back his chair, stands up, and strides up to Caramip, walking next to her. "Caramip. I will be accompanying you. Hostile or not, I'm still curious as to what these men are up to." Felix pauses for a moment, slowing down momentarily. "Caramip, I still must urge that we use caution here. They are not in uniform, they might not be soldiers. Be alert." Felix ponders his sudden paranoia. Why am I worried? I've done nothing illegal. Those others must be getting to me. Is everyone holding their own dirty little secrets? Ah well, in time, in time. In time, all will be revealed, I suppose. He smiles.

[sblock=OOC]I think that I'll try for a Diplomacy check (1d20+9=29, I swear to god, I'm just lucky) on the "soldiers" (if they're open to sharing what they're up to). Caramip, if you want to Aid Another on the check, that would be most welcome. I don't think that they're necessarily hostile towards me, all I want to know is what's going on. Should they prove hostile, I have a contingency plan. I'll get to that if it comes up. Relax, people - we're adventurers, we're perfectly normal! :)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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