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Tales of the Grey Coast (IC)

A Crazy Fool

First Post
OOC: If everyone could pick a color for thier PCs, that would be great. If two of you want the same color, I suggest a fight to the death with sharpened spoons :) .

It is a hot and humid summer morning in Greyport. The sun is bright, and the fog of the previous rainy night has been largely burnt off by now. Despite this, the smooth cobbles are still slippery and dark from the rain. On the glossy black marble face of a distant tower, a large illusory clock says that the time is exactly 9:36. The bright orange glow is as good as any of the lighthouses closer to the bay for navigation.

The business of the day has just begun in earnest in the city's market district, and shoppers are beginning to trickle in to purchase whatever they need-mostly food. On almost every corner, there are wizards hawking their magical wares to passers-by (most of whom politely decline in favor of buying their magical trinkets from more reputable sources). Thankfully, the market isn't deafeningly loud quite yet, but you would still have to speak loudly to be heard over the murmur by someone close-by.

Every few corners, a pair of city guards sit resting in the heat. Most do not envy them. Heavy chain is uncomfortable in heat like this. Even in 'winter,' wearing metal armor is not an enjoyable experience. Some drink from canteens or nibble on dried fruit. Despite appearances to the contrary, Esdah Alsum's troops are, for the most part, highly disciplined and organized. They always have a sharp eye for any possible trouble-especially in the market. Many ships take detours of almost one-hundred miles to offload their cargoes in Greyport because the market and wharf districts are so safe. These soldiers have a difficult reputation to uphold, and if they fail to do so, the loss of revenue from tariffs will eat into their excellent wages.

Felix, Hedowin, and Caramip:

All three of you are in a must old bookstore. It has no name or sign at the door. Anonymity, however has not been a setback the owner, Jarru, a prune-like old wizard, who, according to some is well into his nineties and still sharp and healthy as ever. As the three of you are browsing the somewhat disorganized shelves (Jarru blames disrespectful customers who don't put things back where they belong) for books of interest, you eventually find yourselves in the same isle. Most of the books here are devoted to history, but there are always strays (Jarru takes a liking to people who bring him the misplaced tomes-he isn't as strong as he used to be). Hedowin and Felix immediately recognize each other.


You are wandering the market ward, still not quite sure to do with your newfound freedom. You find yourself in a small square with only a few stalls-mostly people selling produce and some more permanent
Buildings arranged around the edge of the square. One looks to be a book shop, there is also a combined tailor's and cobbler's shop, and small-looking imports business, and two or three offices for larger businesses located elsewhere in the city.


You have just arrived in Greyport from the countryside, and are wandering aimlessly throughout the city. You haven’t asked for a guide yet. In your wanderings you have turned up in a small square (OOC: see the description above)

You are standing outside the offices of the Grey coast shipping company, a small, but successful business. You are waiting for a friend and contact of yours, Issek, a kobold in responsible for the accounting of the cargoes of three of the company's ships. You were hoping to speak with him about taking on some 'extra cargo' on the next ship out. Issek popped out a moment ago with a pen in his hands and blue ink on his sleeves to tell you he was a bit busy at the moment and would see you in about ten minutes when he has cleared this mess up.
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First Post
Jenna, Human Hexblade

OOC: I'll take salmon, hope I don't have to ruin a perfectly good spoon to claim it! ;)

The heat doesn't bother Jenna. The city guards do.

It's an unpleasant realization that she can't meet their gaze, and that her pace quickens as she passes them. The heat is nothing. Her armor is lighter than theirs. She's worked harder in worse heat, even as a little girl. It’s been her constant companion for the past five years, locked away from society.

She wants to draw up her hood, but she realizes the odd behavior would only draw more attention in this heat. She wants to run. She doesn't want any of them to stop her, question her, or worse.

"Why would they?" she reasons mentally. "I've served my time! I'm free now. Get a hold of yourself, idiot! What was that!?"

There's a crash. She flings herself against a wall, looking around wildly. One of the produce vendors has dropped a crate, spilling its contents. She breathes deeply, pretends that she is taking a break in the shade - getting out of the oppressive heat. She watches the vendor recover his wares. She shudders. It’s probably her fault, she's losing control. Bad things happen to people when she loses control.

She batters back the demons of fear and wild imagination with the cudgel of reason and discipline. She straightens, correcting her posture to something a drill sergeant would find no fault with. Her expression blanks, then turns to an easy smile as she emerges from the shade with a confident stride.

A casual glance at his wares show its quality, growing up on a farm gave her an eye for such things. Fresh fruit is a luxury not often afforded to prisoners. She picks out three of the choices samples from his selection.

"Where were these grown?" She turns a plum delicately between her fingers. "Good hands tended these. Very fine, how much are you charging?"


First Post
Hedowin, Human Wizard

Hedowin set out this morning with a single purpose in mind -- he was looking for the journal of an old sorcerer. He had seen several references in other texts he had been studying about a long dead sorcerer, named Crioset, with a mention made in one about a journal that he had penned.

Hedowin's desire to learn more about sorcery had put him on the hunt for this old book and he always starts a search for ancient texts at Jarru's bookstore down near the market.

He set out from Flavik's house in a haze, his mind focused primarily on the hopes of locating this text, so much so that he had forgotten to change out of his sleeping tunic. He had somehow remembered to put on his breeches, but left his nightshirt on, not that he realized that fact yet.

After about an hour of puttering through the various aisles of Jarru's, he was reading off the names of the tomes by the binding while walking down an aisle, when he bumped into something, which snapped him back to reality.

He immediately thought that it felt more like and arm than a bookcart, so he turned to see who was in the aisle with him, and quickly noticed Felix looking at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Well, hi there Felix -- didn't see you there." Hedowin manages to get out before his voice trails off,"What the....."

Looking past Felix's shoulders, all Hedowin can see is a moving pile of hair.

He bends over slightly at the waist and attempts to see around Felix, trying to see if the hair creature goes completely to the floor.

Seeing that the creature has two legs sticking out from underneath of it, it takes him a moment to recognize it, now a her, as a gnome with some kind of aversion to haircutting.

Seeing that she is currently perusing a book of some sort, he stands up straight again and slightly nudges Felix and quietly says,"Tell me I'm not seeing some sort of illusionary magicks -- look behind you."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Caramip Raulnor, female gnome wu jen 3 with raven familiar Quork

Caramip was smiling as she perused the shelves of books, keeping up a steady soft conversation with Quork as she went. So few bookstores held the kind of variety that Jarru carried, and finding what odd little treasures he might have acquired was proving to be quite entertaining. Quork, her raven familiar, was happily seated at the apex of her hair tower, for the sole purpose of alerting her to interesting things on higher shelves. Looking upward, or downward, or too far sideways was rather dangerous when one's hair was piled up as tall as oneself.

Quork gave a small squawk when he found something interesting.

"Found something! Journal of Yes, looks pretty old, symbol of gold mountains on it, a few gnomish letters too," he proclaims. Caramip glances up a bit as Quork points it out, and she mutters a small incantation to bring the book down to her.

"Hmm... Well, what do you know? I have no idea what this is..." she says with delight, flipping through the book eagerly. It looked to be a travel journal perhaps, or a series of diary entries over a period of many years. And in the far south of the Empire too, quite interesting. Travel journals were such treasure troves of information, provided one had the patience to sift through them.

She started to squint at the pages more carefully when she heard a voice behind her. Turning slightly, she spied two human men, nearly identical in their slender height, pale skin, and scholarly squint.

Newcomers around here? Or newer than I? Or old hands? That's soon to be found out.

"Greetings and salutations!" she said with a broad smile. Some found her odd appearance slightly disconcerting, and a broad smile was always the best way to start out a conversation. Unless people considered a broad smile a threat, in which case, things could get messy. "I am called Caramip, and that unruly beast atop my head is Quork. What brings you here? Are you searching for anything in particular? I just found a rather interesting book... Jarru has the most fascinating things sometimes, don't you agree?"


That clown Herb thinks. Issek is usually more reliable than this.

Time to kill. He decides to stroll around the market, keeping an eye out for anything new or unusual, and just going where his feet take him.

He spots an inattentive fat man, obviously preoccupied with some business, and well dressed. While he's tempted to try picking the guy's pocket just for practice, he doesn't dare try it in the open marketplace.

He considers chatting up a 'street wizard', if he sees an interesting one. Charlatans, no doubt, but they may know a thing or two about magic. Or about being a charlatan, which I could put to use right away. Still, he knows he needs a more reliable source of such information.

A Crazy Fool

First Post
(OOC: I'll leave a few more posts for RP'ing before the action starts. I've not seen a post from Phoenix8008 yet.)


All the street wizards are interesting-looking. That's how they get their business. Do you want to talk to the phoniest looking ones or the most skilful looking ones?


The merchant looks cautiously at you scar for a moment before responding. "It's one bead(DM: essentialy a silver cylinder hollowed-out to make room for a string. It's equivilant to one SP) for a pound of those," he says, hiding his nervousness well. The price he is asking is a bit high, but not altogether unreasonable.


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Is indigo OK? I know that somebody else has already done purple, but it's a scholarly/magical color (and it's the color of his robes, which is easy for me to remember). Just to be safe... *sharpens spoon*[/sblock]
Felix had been in Jarru's for well over an hour now, with minimal luck. He was searching for tomes containing variations on the various summoning procedures, in order to compare them to his own. With a little luck, he might have been able to dig up a useful tip or two that would save him a good bit of time or effort. Alas, luck was not with him.

Still leafing through book after book in Jarru's bookstore, Felix clucks his tongue at the inaccuracies he locates in one of the tomes. He sighs as he flips one of them shut, then begins to softly talk to himself. "A proper circle? He must be joking. Placing the focus directly in the center would only increase the odds of the spell accidentall---" He is cut off from his train of thought as somebody bumps into him. Raising his eyebrow as he looks to the bumbling scholar who had undoubtedly been responsible, Felix spots a man still in his nightclothes. After a moment's thought, Felix recognizes the figure as Hedowin, and his irritation subsides somewhat.

Felix, giving a faint smile and a quick nod, addresses the Wizard. "Hedowin. Well met, it has certainly seems like quite a while since..." Felix trails off, perplexed as Hedowin begins to look behind him. "What are you..." Hedowin nudges him, and quietly says, "Tell me I'm not seeing some sort of illusionary magicks -- look behind you." Felix slowly turns, looking at whatever it was that had drawn Hedowin's attention out of the corners of his eyes. Thinking that he is face to face with a moving pile of hair, Felix briefly notes that there must have been some sort of magical misfire at the local barbershop. He then looks downward, and sees that all of this hair is attached to a Gnome with a raven on her shoulder. "Hedowin, you know that the only way to test that is to throw something at it. A bad idea, considering the circumstances, and the bird."

The pile of hair with the Gnome attached to it seems to notice them, and speaks. "Greetings and salutations! I am called Caramip, and that unruly beast atop my head is Quork. What brings you here? Are you searching for anything in particular? I just found a rather interesting book... Jarru has the most fascinating things sometimes, don't you agree?" Felix gives a slow nod, just getting over the shock of the hair. "Yes, charmed, I'm sure. As for the content of this shop, acknowledged, there is the occasional useful gem. Still..." Felix brandishes the book briefly. "...There is the occasional blemish upon the fair features of the literary world." Felix reshelves the book distastefully. "Personally, I am searching for a work or two detailing the summoning arts. Perhaps you have come across such a find?" Already accustomed to the creature's hair, Felix suddenly remembers Hedowin's presence. "Ah, forgive me for not introducing you sooner! Caramip, this is my fellow scholar, Hedowin." Felix eyes Hedowin up and down, raising his eyebrow again, and discretely gestures towards his nightclothes, in the hopes that the absentminded Wizard will take a hint. Felix steps out of the way, affording the two a full view of each other. As he moves, he gets the annoying feeling that he wouldn't be getting much work done today.


A Crazy Fool said:
All the street wizards are interesting-looking. That's how they get their business. Do you want to talk to the phoniest looking ones or the most skilful looking ones?

Herb will approach the most skillful-looking street wizard.

"Good morning" he observes.


First Post
A Crazy Fool said:

The merchant looks cautiously at you scar for a moment before responding. "It's one bead(DM: essentialy a silver cylinder hollowed-out to make room for a string. It's equivilant to one SP) for a pound of those," he says, hiding his nervousness well. The price he is asking is a bit high, but not altogether unreasonable.

Jenna nods. It is a high price but the fruit is of high quality. She doesn't press the man for answers to her questions - he probably wants her to make her purchase and get away from his booth. She doesn't blame him. Wordlessly she hands him fruit until he measures out a pound, then produces a silver bead for payment.

She puts the majority of the fruit in her backpack, with a few plums placed inside her belt pouch for quick snacking. Nodding her thanks to the vendor, she elects to stroll about the market square. She pops a plum whole in her mouth, forcing her to chew somewhat exaggeratedly, but keeping any of its juice from escaping. She keeps her eyes on the street magicians, smiling politely at their displays, whatever she may think of the actual execution of their skills.

OOC:[sblock] -1 sp, +1 lb fruit noted :) [/sblock]

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