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The Game of Kings OOC


Looks like this is shaping up to be quite a group! I'll see if I can get a character up for you by the deadline if I can unpack enough books and get my internet conenction working at home. :)

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First Post
Before my individual comments, I'd like to point out stonegod's note about tying together character backgrounds. This is more of an issue in games with other premises, but if you'd like to give your characters history with other ones, feel free to contact them and work something out. Of course, not all backgrounds can mesh easily together, and if giving two characters a history would require twisting backgrounds in odd directions, there's no need to force it.

Random Encounter: you're welcome to flesh your telepath out, but note that you might not be selected on the basis of filling party roles, since other submissions seem capable of acting as the group's negotiator.

Deuce: I like it.

Velmont: I'll be honest: the grammar and spelling in your background doesn't meet our standards for this game. Your stats look fine, but that's not what we're picking characters based on. If you'd still like to join, do some serious work on the grammar and structure in Ankara's biography.

MadMaxim: heh, sorry. I've got nothing against psionic healers; in fact, it's something that's sorely missing from the XPH that I'd like to see played. I'll talk with Dark Jackalope about it, but I'm already picking up the PHBII. In any case, we could use a dedicated healer, so my advice to you is to work on your character's history now and worry about the source of his powers later on.

stonegod: congrats: you're the first applicant here to finish a character--in fact, two. Good work.

Isida: I haven't checked all the math yet, but your sheet seems to be in order.

Ferrix: I'd be glad to see a submission from you. You have until saturday, so there's no big rush.

James Heard

I'd love to give this a shot, if only to give myself a break from the character in my other PbP game.

I still haven't figured out what I might bring to the table here though. I'll mull it over tonight and post something soonish. I like Eberron almost as much as Greyhawk. :D


First Post
Ringmereth said:
MadMaxim: heh, sorry. I've got nothing against psionic healers; in fact, it's something that's sorely missing from the XPH that I'd like to see played. I'll talk with Dark Jackalope about it, but I'm already picking up the PHBII. In any case, we could use a dedicated healer, so my advice to you is to work on your character's history now and worry about the source of his powers later on.
Well, I'll going with a Cleric of the Path of Light then. The origin of his "powers" will be somewhat important to his background, so I need to those nailed down. I'll post a character background soon.


Ringmereth said:
Of course, not all backgrounds can mesh easily together, and if giving two characters a history would require twisting backgrounds in odd directions, there's no need to force it.

Consider that nobody knows which characters will make the final party, as well. I'd hate for someone to work alongside a prospective player working out a great background and finding they (edit: or I!) didn't make the cut.

I'm looking over the submissions and scanning my books. I hope to have a basic concept up tonight or tomorrow. :)
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First Post
Here's my submission: Faer "the Cloak" Ennenn

Stats (I'd prefer that only the DM see this)
[sblock]Name: Faer “the Cloak” Ennenn

“Who says a Gnome can’t put up a fight? Just remember, my sword arm is level with your crotch.”

Class: Fighter 4
Race: Gnome
Hit Dice 4d10+12 (44)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 18 (10 Base + 4 Armor + 3 Dexterity + 2 Shield +1 Dodge)
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Grapple: +1
Attacks: Swordcatcher +7 (1d4+4/19-20/x2/slashing) or Light Crossbow (1d6/19-20/x2/80 ft.)
Full Attack: Swordcatcher +7 (1d4+4/19-20/x2/slashing) or Light Crossbow (1d6/19-20/x2/80 ft.)
Face/Reach: 5x5/5 ft.
Special Qualities: Gnome Traits (Exceptions: Proficiency with Hooked Hammer switched with Swordcatcher)
Special Attacks:
Saves: Fortitude +7, Reflex +4, Will +1
Abilities: Strength 13, Dexterity 16, Constitution 16, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 10, Charisma 11
Skills: Climb 7, Intimidate 7, Jump 7, Swim 7
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Disarm, Weapon Focus: Gnome Swordcatcher, Weapon Specialization: Gnome Swordcatcher
Languages: Common, Gnome, Dwarven, Goblin
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: None
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Height: 3’5”
Weight: 45 lbs.

Inventory: 308 gold
+1 Gnome Swordcatcher (1318)
+1 Chain Shirt (1200)
+1 Gnome Battle Cloak (1005)
Light Crossbow (18)
20 Crossbow Bolts (2)
Backpack (2)
- Sunrod x5 (10)
- Crowbar (2)
- Silk Rope (50 ft; 10)
- Grappling Hook (1)
Belt Pouch x2 (2)
- Cure Light Wounds Potion x3 (100)
- Oil of Grease x3 (100)

[sblock]Appearance: Faer stands tall, his thin and wiry frame appearing deceptively fragile. Dull sky blue eyes shift about uncomfortably, highlighting his high cheekbones and his scruffy silver hair and the small beard at his chin. Down the left side of his face are two shoulder length locks of hair which curl up near the end. Wrapped around his shoulders and draped over his right arm is a cloak of midnight blue velvet, the inner weavings of it strung with miniscule wires which reinforce the lining. The hem of the article of clothing is heavy, as chain-woven links of metal run through it. Knee-high boots of soft brown leather (in which two Gnome-sized daggers are tucked into) cover the gnome’s feet and gray leggings cover the lower half of his body, while a shirt of finely woven chain and a dark blue tunic cover his upper. At his hip is buckled a heavy pronged sword, a rare weapon to be seen at all today.[/sblock]

Background: Public Version
[sblock]House Kundarak, the bearers of the Dragonmark of Warding, has small use for skilled warriors. One of their few warriors was Faer “Cloak” Ennenn, a Gnomish swordsman of small regard. Faer, as a young man, left his home in Reven to become a soldier, much to the shame of his parents. The stereotypical Gnome outlook on warfare is that it is a complete and utter waste of time.

“Waste it may be, but it’s also necessary.” Faer said as he stormed out, his bags packed and slung over his shoulder. As he learned his craft of the blade from the dwarven warriors of Zalanberg, Faer grumbled to himself quietly and bitterly. “I’ll show them. I’ll show them all.”

Eventually, Faer found himself in Trolanport, the capital of Zilargo. He searched for a job, mercenary work, bounty hunting, anything would suffice as long as it put some coin in his pocket. House Kundarak found a small use for him, guarding their various storehouses and safes. After several months working as a sword for them, Faer was assigned to a very special task.

House Kundarak was sending a messenger, a man named Jorn along with an important message, to the city of Skairn, far away in the Lhazaar Principalities. Faer and several other adventurers were sent with him to keep him safe. After many weeks of traveling together, Faer became something of a friend to the men, boon companions of the road. Arriving at Skairn, Faer, Jorn and their companions made haste to a small building on the edge of the town. There, Jorn pulled a small scroll case from his bag and placed it onto the doorstep.

“Well, friend, it’s been good.” Jorn spoke slowly to his small companion. “I’m sorry to have to do this to you.”

“Why, what do you mean?” Faer asked.

Jorn calmly reached into has bag once more and pulled out an envelope and handed it to Faer. “Read it.”

Faer quietly opened the parchment, his eyes never breaking contact with the man that he called friend.

For the eyes of Mr. Faer Ennenn,

Mr. Ennenn, House Kundarak thanks you for your invaluable service for us. However, we regret to inform you that due to unfortunate circumstances we are forced to terminate your employment to us. We apologize for any problems that this may cause.

Destus Corrn,
House Kundarak

Throwing the letter down, Faer walked away from his former friend in a glowering rage. Once they thought he was out of earshot, Faer could hear his former companions laughing at him…

Two weeks later, on the morning of Sol, Faer found himself sitting on the docks of the Tantamar Ferry, holding a recruitment letter firmly in his hand.[/sblock]

[sblock]House Kundarak, the bearers of the Dragonmark of Warding, has small use for skilled warriors. One of their few warriors was Faer “Cloak” Ennenn, a Gnomish swordsman of small regard. Faer, as a young man, left his home in Reven to become a soldier, much to the shame of his parents. The stereotypical Gnome outlook on warfare is that it is a complete and utter waste of time.

“Waste it may be, but it’s also necessary.” Faer said as he stormed out, his bags packed and slung over his shoulder. As he learned his craft of the blade from the dwarven warriors of Zalanberg, Faer grumbled to himself quietly and bitterly. “I’ll show them. I’ll show them all.”

Eventually, Faer found himself in Trolanport, the capital of Zilargo. He searched for a job, mercenary work, bounty hunting, anything would suffice as long as it put some coin in his pocket. House Kundarak found a small use for him, guarding their various storehouses and safes. After several months working as a sword for them, Faer was assigned to a very special task.

House Kundarak was sending a messenger, a man named Jorn along with an important message, to the city of Skairn, far away in the Lhazaar Principalities. Faer and several other adventurers were sent with him to keep him safe. After many weeks of traveling together, Faer became something of a friend to the men, boon companions of the road. Arriving at Skairn, Faer, Jorn and their companions made haste to a small building on the edge of the town. There, Jorn pulled a small scroll case from his bag and placed it onto the doorstep.

“Well, friend, it’s been good.” Jorn spoke slowly to his small companion. “I’m sorry to have to do this to you.”

“Why, what do you mean?” Faer asked.

Jorn calmly reached into has bag once more and pulled out an envelope and handed it to Faer. “Read it.”

Faer quietly opened the parchment, his eyes never breaking contact with the man that he called friend.

For the eyes of Mr. Faer Ennenn,

Mr. Ennenn, House Kundarak thanks you for your invaluable service for us. However, we regret to inform you that due to unfortunate circumstances we are forced to terminate your employment to us. We apologize for any problems that this may cause.

Destus Corrn,
House Kundarak

Throwing the letter down, Faer walked away from his former friend in a glowering rage. Once they thought he was out of earshot, Faer could hear his former companions laughing at him…

The next day, Jorn found himself on the pier of Skairn waiting for his ferry. The night was eerily silent, the only sound was the echoing footsteps of a small figure walking down the street. Jorn turned to see a cloaked figure, his hood up, but Jorn could tell who it was. That sword at his waste, the silver lock of hair running down from his head, that dark blue cloak, it gave it all away.

“Faer, what’re you doing here? I’m sorry about you being fired, but you have to understand it wasn’t my fault. It’s just business, I suppose. You’re a gnome, you should know better than most.” Jorn nervously said, his fingers uneasily twitching and fidgeting at his sleeves.

The cloaked gnome took several slow, lingering steps towards the man, the quiet hissing sound of a sword being drawn caused his eyes to open wide as a flash of steel drew a spurt of crimson across his throat. With a stumble, Jorn fell to the ground, clutching his neck which was bleeding profusely.

Leaning in low, Faer whispered into the fallen man’s ear. “It’s just business.” Whatever life left within Jorn’s vein’s went icy, never in his life had he ever heard anything so cold, so full of malice and spite. He never felt anything so cold as the gnome dragging him by the foot to the edge of the pier and carefully kicking him into the murky water. He never felt anything again as a sword blade stabbed and slashed into the water, ending whatever life he had left in him.

Walking away from his grisly murder, Faer muttered to himself. “I’m not done yet…” That night, every single one of the Cloak's former companions was slain.

Two weeks later, on the morning of Sol, Faer found himself sitting on the docks of the Tantamar Ferry, holding a recruitment letter firmly in his hand.


Isida Kep'Tukari

I have made additions to Morika's background, talking about her druidic faith and beliefs. Also made minor changes to her character sheet, swapping the Extra Shifter Trait feat for Shifter Ferocity.


Here's my concept. I decided to go with a cleric/wizard from Thrane, a true believer in the Silver Flame who recently had to make a choice to leave her home after a falling out with her father and the Church. I'll get some basic stats up, but I don't think it will be a tricky build. I'm leaning toward ranks in Knowledge (various), Diplomacy, and Spellcraft, a spell list biased toward utility rather than flashy effects, a hawk as familiar, and funds spent on simple items and a bag o' scrolls. I have an illustration that will work perfectly that I'll edit in tomorrow.

Glasia Domarus
Cloistered Cleric 1/Wizard 3

Time to go.

The young woman steps up to the small stair that leads into the cabin of the lightning rail. It was a step she had taken many times before, but this time the journey was different. This time the trip would not end in Sigilstar or even Aruldusk, but would continue far from her homeland, deep into the Lhazaar Principalities to the city of Tantamar, bound for Port Verge. It will be the farthest I’ve been from home, she mused as she entered the well-appointed cabin.

Anyone who looked at her eyes could see she was nervous if they could peer beneath the hood she wore. The traveler’s cloak and gleaming symbol of the Silver Flame she wore about her neck, the only item visible aside from the thick woolen mantle, made it clear that she was seeking privacy, and the reserved and restrained people of Thrane were happy to respect her wishes. She carried a birdcage, carefully covered with silk to shut out the world, from which emitted soft clacking noises then and again. Hushing the inhabitant gently, she sat down in the thick cushions, her head low.

What am I doing? She clenched her jaw. For Hariel.


Background: Glasia Domarus was the eldest daughter of Bishop Domarus, a popular priest of the Silver Flame with a reputation for administration and faith that was sure to earn him an honored position in the Council. Under constant scrutiny, she grew up even more religious than the average Thrane, the tenants of the faith forever etched into her mind. She studied at the finest schools Flamekeep had to offer. Success at courses in Theology and History came naturally to the bright youth, but what truly got her mind and heart racing was Wizardry. A visiting professor from Sigilstar instilled a love of the art of wizardry and an open mind in her being, and she took to the study of spellcraft with a passion. She served her father willingly once her studies were complete, helping him with practical and mystical knowledge as he slowly built up the support he would need for the transition to Cardinal. The future seemed bright and the road ahead as clear as day.

Until the morning of Sul, the third week of Dravago, one month ago. Glasia’s beloved younger sister, Hariel, awoke in a fever. She spoke in a strange language unlike anything Glasia had ever heard. Even her magic could not decipher its meaning. Her father’s young assistant, a crooked man named Suthat who was rumored to be watching over her father for the council, recognized it instantly. Demon, he called her. Unclean, he said. Tainted, he hissed. Calling on a exorcist to clean her of the possession proved unsuccessful. Her father, fearing the stain on his reputation, ordered her locked away in a small monastery leagues from the city, where sisters of the Church kept her locked under constant guard, refusing all visitation.

Certain that Suthat and some high-ranking member of the Council was behind the events, carefully constructed to test her father’s dedication to the reputation of the Cardinals, Glasia began to seek out her own cure. Her father was furious, disowning her and refusing to speak with his eldest again. After weeks of searching, exhausting all the favors she had accumulated over the years, Glasia found one man who could return her sister to normality. Decanar Versius is an unconventional man with unconventional desires. He demanded a magical tome in return for his services, unique and unseen except in the most complete collection in Flamekeep, known as Flavin’s Compendium. The owner has placed an enormous price on the book of over 50,000 gold, a sum more than ten times what Glasia could possibly earn in years of work as a simple scribe or translator. Even serving as a pet wizard to a rich employer wouldn’t raise the funds.

Glasia doesn’t know how the enigmatic Elinvath Sargessean became aware of her name or her desire for gold, but she sees the trip to Lhazaar as the only way to save her sister from a fate worse than death. Desperate for both the gold and a feeling of accomplishing something to help her dear Hariel, she leaves the comfort of her bright apartment in Flamekeep and joins five other heroes from all around Khorvaire with only one thing in common; a letter.

Personality: Glasia is young and new to the world outside Thrane. She can seem confused and bewildered by the behavior of those around her at times, but she learns quickly. She is unfailingly polite and reserved, soft-spoken and dedicated. Her faith is still strong despite the way the Church and her father have let her down, and she tries her best to live by the tenants of the Silver Flame even though she left direct service as a cleric years ago. She knows in her heart that one day she will have to choose between doing what the Church sees as proper and what she needs to do to save her sister. The decision won’t be hard to make; Hariel comes first.

Name: Glasia Domarus
Class: Cloistered Cleric 1/Wizard 3
Race: Human
Hit Dice: 1d6+3d4, 15 HP
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: (10)
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Grapple: +1
Attacks: Dagger +1 (1d4, 19-20 x2, 10 range)
Full Attack: Dagger +1 (1d4, 19-20 x2, 10 range)
Face/Reach: 5x5/5ft
Special Qualities: Human Traits
Special Attacks: None
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +7
Abilities: Strength 10, Dexterity 11, Constitution 10, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 14, Charisma 14
Skills: 65 skill points (44+7+7+7)
Feats and Class Abilities: * (starting feat), *(human bonus feat), Scribe Scroll (Wizard bonues feat), *(3rd level feat), Lore (as Bardic Knowledge at level 1)
Action Points:
Languages: Common
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Silver Flame
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 130 lbs

Wizard Spells Known:
Spell Slots: Cleric 3 0 level, 2+1 domain 1st level, Wizard 4 0 level, 3 1st level, 2 2nd level
Domains: Knowledge, Exorcism, Protection
Spells Memorized:

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First Post
Thoughts So Far

After much reading, here's a summary of my thoughts on your applications thus far:

In order of appearance:

Bront: While I enjoyed reading both your original character concepts, I definitely agree with Ringmereth that Carver is a sound choice. In regards to trap-springing vs. your other options as an artificer, I think you should steer clear of the more rogue-traits, and focus on crafting. (I think it goes better with Carver's character anyhow.)

Velmont: Our application process is designed to be a test of writing and roleplaying skill, and Isida's Morika is competing with your character for almost the same role. Personally, I'm much more inclined to take Morika. Ringmereth recommended patching up your background, but I think a better tactic would be to develop another character that fills a different niche.

Deuce: After sorting out the overlap situation a bit, I think Doral is our best candidate so far for the "rogue-esque" position, though in close competetion with stonegod's Vhir. I'd recommend making him both skilled at trap-springing and stealth. While I'm not familiar with beguilers, I'll have Ringmereth explain them to me when he gets his hands on the PHBII. However, I would recommend you write up a bit more background well before the decisions are made; yours is a bit short.

Shayuri: I like the idea of a warmage, but we've been getting a lot of spellcasters applying, and should warn you that this makes it all the more difficult for any of them to get in. My advice to you is to elaborate on your background more as well, and be sure to make Trebuchet a unique role amongst the various spellcasters.

stonegod: Both your submissions are excellent. Personally, I'm already quite fond of Vhir, but as with Shayuri, I have to warn you that we have far more spellcatsers than is healthy at the moment. This gives Jhen a better chance for admittance, though he too would be competing both with the other melee and rogue-esque submissions. At any rate, Ringmereth will consider both your characters, so you hardly need choose one. The only advice I can think to give is to maybe give a little more depth, especially in regards to motivation, to Jhen's background, beyond just the fight-club rising-star backstory.

MadMaxim: Sorry for the confusion regarding what books we're accpeting classes out of, but I think your cleric will have good potential. I await your character bio.

Isida: I'm very impressed with all your work thus far, especially with your creative reply to Elinvath's letter. (Which, I noticed, set a sort of precedent for mentioning the letter in future people's backstories.) There is a surplus of applying spellcasters, however, I think that if you allow Morika to fill more of a melee role than a spellcaster role, her chances are good. And, judging by your complete bio, she's doing just fine.

Random Encounter: I second what Ringmereth says, and caution you that a diplomat/negotioator and a spellcaster (even if it's a psionic telepath) will face a lot of competetion with other applicants. If you'd like some advice on what kind of characters would currently stand a better chance, I'd suggest something melee or ranged, but be sure to make your character unique and out-standing as well as niche-fitting.

Ferrix: Indeed, you have nearly five days still to submit a character, and refrom and perfect. I'd recommend reading through the other submissions and replies to get a feel for the group, and also what we're looking for in the ways of applications.

Bobitron: Though there is an excess of spellcasters, I really like Glasia's character. Quick work indeed. The only thing I'd request from you at this point is some clarification of her intended goals. You mention Glasia's need to raise money to exorcize her sister, but I'm wonder what also became of her desire to find out who is responsible, and whatever justice Glasia plans to/would like to enact. A little clarification, plus perhaps finishing off her stats, and you have a soild entry.

James: Just as I said to Ferrix, you still have plenty of time to apply, and before doing so I'd recommend "reading around" a bit.

wikka: You're going to have to explain these swordcatchers to me a bit, or mayhaps I'll have Ringmereth do so. Other than that, a melee fighter stands a fair enough chance of making the party, though I'd recommend throwing a few more quirks in so he isn't just a 'pure-and-simple' hack'n'slash. I'd like to see a bit more about his personality, too, to compliment his backstory.

James Heard

Dragen Kessler

History: The village that Dragen Kessler was born in stood above the chilly, high banked shores of the Mror River in Karrnath. The village was never particularly pleasant or fruitful, being a mere jut of land and an inn beside a poorly kept ferry, but it was home. The village suffered greatly during the War as regular visits from the Royal Swords conscripted the young people of the village for service in the army. Most never returned.

Even when Dragen was a boy, the empty houses and fields stood as a testament to the lasting effects of the war. Dragen however, was taken by in by it all. When the soldiers would come marching into town he would dream of following them off to war, and following the Red Wolf of Karrnath into battle. Once he was old enough, he fled in the night without so much as a whispered goodbye to his mother to join himself.

Military life however, wasn't exactly as Dragen expected. While Dragen could salute and march with the best of them, it was plain to see by the time he reached the middle of his training that he would never be a proper soldier. Instead, he was sent off to one of the units that supplied and tended to mustering out of frontline soldiers. At first this was merely a clerical position in Korth, but his keen intellect soon granted him training in more complicated duties and sent him off to a unit that tended the sick and wounded.

While certainly closer to the glorious battles that Dragen imagined in his youth, he soon found out that nothing at all seemed to stop the constant hemorrhage of broken and battered men that stumbled into or who were carried into his tents. As the war for Dragen moved along, he saw more and more of his countrymen dying of things much worse than simple things like spear points and more often than not succumbing to cholera and lack of food. For years Dragen served his country nursing a sickness in himself that mirrored his country, until finally one day he just walked away.

Given how tumultuous the times were, it was no wonder that no one came looking for Dragen. He begged for food in the larger cities, or made some simple coin performing midwife duties for young women whose lovers were serving in the military. Mostly he just tried to rescue his own wounded soul, trying to shut out the whispers of the dead and dying that haunted him at night.

Then the Day of Mourning happened, and like many of his countrymen Dragen watched a nation die in an instant across the river from the streets of Karrlakton. It was the last straw, as Dragen emptied his stomach into an alleyway and began fleeing the horrors of war in earnest.

That was four years ago, and Dragen hasn't truly stopped running. As he made his way across rural Karnnath he ventured toward the village where he grew up, only to find empty ruined house after house with no sign of survivors. Most of the real valuables had apparently been taken by scavengers, but in the clutter of his childhood home he was able to find the locket of his father that his mother always wore. That and the bright red tattoo of the Wolf of Karnnath on his chest he had done when he enlisted are virtually the only reminders of his past that Dragen tolerates.

In the Lhazaar Provinces, Dragen found a place suitable for his temperament - where few people asked questions about things that don't concern them and where even the large evils and concerns of those around him seemed tolerable by their smaller scale. Peace for Dragen came at a cost though. Too often he found his nights eased by the sweet bliss of strong drink, and recently the former soldier has come to understand that he's likely merely exchanged one horror in his past for a slower, more insidious one in his future.

Appearance: Dragen would likely be unremarkable to almost anyone except for his gaunt, haunted eyes. His dark hair is dusted with premature gray flecks like his grizzled-looking five o'clock shadow, and he's definitely lost hair and often shows off a slight sunburn at the nearly naked top of his head. His craggy features never smile more than the wry twist of his lips that follows his gallows humor. His clothing is mostly unwashed linens with many mends and stains, and across his chest is an enormous tattoo of a red wolf.

Personality: Dragen is a broken man already resigned to his fate, trying to cling to the ideals that once offered him some sort of solace while hiding from the demons of his past. He's often sullen and sarcastic, or defeatist, and yet he has a strange tenacity for life. Sometimes he's merely the shadow of his former self, but part of him knows that this is almost literally the end of the line for him. While not exactly comforting, the notion brings a certain sort of dark joy to his wounded heart. Dragen doesn't really care if he lives or dies anymore, and that's about the nicest thought he's had in a long while.

Role: Dragen is a cleric, and a good archer thanks to his zen archery feats and war domain. Unfortunately, Dragen is a poor melee fighter thanks to his Noncombatant flaw and inferior Strength and Constititution scores. Stat block unfinished.

Name: Dragen Kessler
Class: Cleric 4
Race: Human
Hit Dice: 4d8 , 26 HP
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft
Armor Class: 12 (10 +2 Dex)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Grapple: +3
Attacks: +1 melee, +8 ranged Longbow
Face/Reach: 5x5/5ft
Special Qualities: Human Traits, Cleric Domains (Celerity, War)
Special Attacks: Turn Undead
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +8
Abilities: Strength 10, Dexterity 14, Constitution 10, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 18, Charisma 10
Skills: Concentration +7 (7 ranks), Heal +11 (7 ranks), Knowledge (religion) +11 (7 ranks), Spellcraft +9 (7 ranks), Spot + 7 (3.5 ranks)
Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (Longbow), Weapon Focus (Longbow), Noncombatant, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Zen Archery
Action Points: 7
Languages: Common, Elven, Orc
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: None
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150 lbs

Cleric Spells Per Day: 5/3+1/2+1

Traveler's Outfit
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