• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Gods Hate Us

Ruslan, Baril, and Lou:

Igor plods silently over to the object and, without any sounds of strain beyond a bit of scratching noisees, he easily lifts the circular object off of the ground to reveal a ladder that travels down a half-meter wide hole. Though the bottom is dark, you can hear the sounds of water...or at least liquid. Thick liquid.

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Toryn, Pabsit, and Oskar:

The door looks to be of a very strong iron, though there are a couple marks near the edge that could be from a blade. There aren't any other distinct markings of any kind on the door, and from the look of things there isn't even a lock.


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Baril goes after Igor, when he's certain the path is clear and looks down to the hole (he has Goggles of Night, 60 ft Darkvision). Can he see the bottom? If not, he starts climbing down carefully (Cloak of Arachnida, Spider Climb). "I'm going to take a quick look, what's down there," he says to Lou and Ruslan.
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Taking a quick moment to see if htey were being watched, Pabsit steps back from the door and looks to the dwarves. You both arrre strrongerrr than I. Forrrce it open and I will coverrr you with my Sender. And he takes and notches an arrrrow , waiting expectantly for one or both of them to start work so he can take aim at whatever might be behind the portal.

Ruslan, Baril, and Lou:

You can see the bottom vaguely, though even with the ability to see in the darkness its sketchy. The sounds of thick liquid are accented by a slightly moving ground a good distance down. Igor doesn't acknowledge Ruslan's words in any way other than starting the climb down an old, wooden ladder that's on one wall of the tunnel going down.

It reaches the bottom in more of a squish than a splash, and the white skull can be seen looking back and forth for a moment before looking back up to Baril. Down a moment later, Baril finds himself in knee-deep sludge. Its probably good that you can only see the liquid in a black and white, as it feels as unpleasant as it probably looks in colour.

The ceiling is about seven feet high, and there's a good ten feet on your left and right before rounded, stone walls take over. The tunnel goes both ahead of you and behind you. Ahead, you can see a T-shaped junction about sixty feet ahead(at least, its at the edge of your vision). Behind, there is a T-junction at about half that distance...though there are no lights anywhere. And other than the sound of the liquid that's at your knees moving, you hear nothing else beyond your own breathing echoing around quietly.

Toryn, Pabsit, and Oskar:

The Dwarf, Toryn, nods strongly at Pabsit's words. He doesn't actually say anything, but steps over to the door, stretches a little before cracking his fingers, then takes hold of the metal bars that are on the door. Without even calling on assistance from his protector, Toryn pulls hard.

There is a sudden, loud crack and the lock on the door snaps off. The door swings outward and open, revealing a small entrance hallway. At the end of it you can all see a nicely decorated room with a large table and chairs. From where you stand, you see no signs of recent habitation.

Voidrunner's Codex

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