The Hunt for the Blue Palace (Yoon Suin/Troika!)


Dusty Dragon
The creature's carapace turns away Dubi Gan's blow, but Pinpelhu and Subotai manage to connect, although perhaps not as well as they wished. Pinpelhu gouges the thing somewhat, while Subotai's mighty blow, which could have cleaved a man in half, is partially turned away, although the beast lets loose a mighty shriek as the sword still inflicts significant damage.

Pinpelhu damage adjusted for armor: 2
Subotai's damage adjusted for armor: 8
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Ghostly Tuft
I'm giving @tuffghost12 a chance to reply. The vinegaroon is looking in bad shape, Subotai's blow was telling, even though it was partially turned by its carapace.

Miu sees an opportunity to strike the creature while it’s distracted fighting the others. He quickly removes his shield, lifts his staff with both hands, and stomps it down on a soft spot in the insect’s body.
OOC: Opposed
_: 2D6+5 = [1, 5]+5 = 11
_: 1D6 = [1] = 1
(that's 2 damage with my staff)


Dusty Dragon
Miu sees an opportunity to strike the creature while it’s distracted fighting the others. He quickly removes his shield, lifts his staff with both hands, and stomps it down on a soft spot in the insect’s body.
OOC: Opposed
_: 2D6+5 = [1, 5]+5 = 11
_: 1D6 = [1] = 1
(that's 2 damage with my staff)

OOC: good roleplay, but I don't think that the staff requires 2 hands to use.

Vinegaroon defence vs Miu: 2D6+7 = [5, 1]+7 = 13
1D6 = [6] = 6

OOC: Good roleplay, but you don't need 2 hands to use a staff. As this is not a tie, and not in your favor, that shield would really make a difference here, so I'm going to allow you to retroactively change that (not fair to punish you in a new system IMO)

Miu rushes in, only to be almost impaled by the beast's pincer! You take 6 points of damage. (or 8, if you really do want to not have used the shield)



Dusty Dragon

The Vinegaroon, very hurt and surrounded by foes, lashes out with his tail - the bulb at the end pulses and sprays a liquid that burns the skin! The scent of vinegar becomes overwhelming.

Everyone give me a luck test.


Dusty Dragon
Surprised the beast isn’t running for it
<=11: 2D6 = [2, 1] = 3
And with the success is my luck down another point?

Yes. Luck does "heal" with rests however.

edit: As far as your first comment, that's quite reasonable (there are no "attacks of opportunity" in Troika!) but from it's perspective it's surrounded by people so it feels it can't run, so instead it's using this tactic.
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