The Hunt for the Blue Palace (Yoon Suin/Troika!)


Before the others turned in, Dubi Gan told them, (drawing it on the ground with a stick), "I think it will be best if we continue diagonally to the North-East corner, then follow the Creek west. If we reach the jungle without spotting the Blue Palace, we will cross diagonally again, this time heading South-East."

He drew an X on his crude dirt-map with the top bars attached along the creek.

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Subötaï does a quick check of the area, poking any pile of wood he finds with his sword before joining the others. He looks for a corner and doffs the most unconformable parts of his armor before laying.

But as he sees Miu near the fire, he tries to cheer him up with a "To be honest, who wants to pay for a vision of his doomed fate coming from a baby face?" Then he starts inspecting the pieces, cursing when he finds acid marks.

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Dusty Dragon
1: Everyone who hasn't eaten a provision must eat one before bedtime (so keep tract), it's not healthy to not eat at all

2: The following will happen during the third watch, but for simplicity's sake and also because you retired early, everyone has had the healing mentioned above (ie you've had your long rest already)


Dusty Dragon
It is dark, and Pinpehlu is keeping watch, a small fire going. The place is... oppressive. You are use to the heat, but you can't say you are comfortable. There are more bugs, more frogs croaking in the distance, more... life. Your fire illuminates your small clearing/square, but beyond that is darkness.

You see eyes... between the trees. Someone is watching you. Someone with warty skin and a long, hooked nose, wearing a reddish-brown cloak. She - you get the impression it's a she, you are not sure - realized that she has been spotted, and she quickly but quietly retreats, heading due west. @JustinCase , what do you do?


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Pinpehlu sits quietly, feeling ill at ease. He is used to early mornings, before the sun comes up, before most people are awake, but that is in the city and this place is.. different. Intense. Oppressive. And it's not the bugs or the sounds of nature all around, although the porter is sometimes startled by another such noise. No, there seems to be something else afoot.

And then the eyes.

For what seems like an eternity, Pinpehlu can't breath. Staring at the eyes, other details appear; a large hook nose, skin that is marred with warts, a cloak in earthen colors...

Must be a witch, Pinpehlu thinks to himself, and just as he fears that she has put a spell on him, she vanishes and the porter can breath again.

"Subotai," he whispers, poking his friend with his foot, "I think I saw a witch! She was watching us. What should we do? Do you think she blames us for the golem?"

Pinpehlu whispers several more of his fears, hoping that the lawyer can decide on the appropriate action.

OOC: Not going off to chase a hag alone, no sir! :)

Btw, Pinpehlu must've eaten a provision. He needs his energy. So that brings him to Provisions: 5/6


While Dubi Gan was on watch, he realised that he was hungry and opened his bag trying to remember what he had packed for food. There he found that his mother had replaced the dry rice-cakes he had packed with a half-dozen baked rolls stuffed with meat and cheese. He happily ate one, but he wondered if the delicious smell had been attracting all these ferocious animals. He double-wrapped them in his extra blanket before putting them back, hoping that it would mask the smell. Maybe they'd have less trouble in the morning.

Then he woke Frog Froth and tucked himself into his rucksack. The hard ground was the most uncomfortable he had ever been in his life and he wondered how he would ever sleep. But the exertions of the day quickly caught up to him, and he was out before long at all.


I ate one ration before bed and another when I wake up. I am used to eating well. My turn at watch went uneventfully and I will wake in the morning once somebody attempts to prod me. If i hear the story of the witch We shall still head west, this witch will have to be something we keep an eye out for. I Turn one eyestalk to look behind me for a brief moment.


Dusty Dragon
The party awoke early, somewhat well rested despite the ordeals of yesterday. The smell of sweet vinegar was fading but still slightly noticeable. Somewhat spooked by Pinpehlu's encounter, they pressed on north east.

I will need an awareness check to see if you don't get turned around :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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