The Hunt for the Blue Palace (Yoon Suin/Troika!)


"Or God's fire... That will do." said Subötaî, getting up.

"We are officially in a holly quest now, I suppose."
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Pinpehlu sits back up, eyes wide. His mouth is open, but no words come out; the porter is awestruck.

He watches Frog Froth with plain admiration.


I bury the blades in the enemy holding it down while I kneel in prayer to the sacred bull...

OOC looking at this it would be super cool if in the course of a long campaign the Templar slowly gained swords of different colors and types from critical hits against enemies
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Ghostly Tuft
With a morbid curiosity, Miu steps forward towards the headless creature, wishing to inspect it.
"There are signs of this creature being human... But what was responsible for this ungodly transformation?"


Ghostly Tuft
At this point both the scholar and the mystic can ask a question and do a luck check to see if they know the answer.

Luck: 2D6 = [4, 6] = 10
My current luck is 6...

Miu stands above the headless body, wondering what could have done such a thing. He fears that it's a warning. He meditates on the thought, desperate to find an answer, but he's overwhelmed with an unknown spiritual energy. Alas he cannot decipher its meaning.
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Dusty Dragon
Miu, all you can get from this place is a sense of loss and grief, it hides everything else.

The being's body is now a blurry outline, within a few more minutes it will be gone.

There are side buildings around this garden, and 3 skeletons. (as in bodies, not undeads)


Ghostly Tuft
OOC: A few questions...
What type of buildings are surrounding the garden? Are they large structures?
Also, where are these skeletons located in relation to our group?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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