The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Thomas Shey

I hear that. I have blocked more folks for just their demeaner and broken record posting than folks who are offensive or violate board rules.

It is to be noted that particular person got escorted out the door at one point, so obviously I wasn't the only one that perceived them that way.

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I hear that. I have blocked more folks for just their demeaner and broken record posting than folks who are offensive or violate board rules.
The problem for me is that some frustrating repetitive posters, or more obvious trolls routinely start threads that occasionally do result in content I want to read, even if I'm rushing past their posts.

Thomas Shey

The problem for me is that some frustrating repetitive posters, or more obvious trolls routinely start threads that occasionally do result in content I want to read, even if I'm rushing past their posts.

I wasn't under the impression that blocking the thread-starter automatically blocked your seeing the thread (though I can see it making the start of the thread pretty confusing...)


I wasn't under the impression that blocking the thread-starter automatically blocked your seeing the thread (though I can see it making the start of the thread pretty confusing...)
Unless I'm missing a setting, it definitely does. I have lost access to threads I was trying to respond to after ignoring the thread starter.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I wasn't under the impression that blocking the thread-starter automatically blocked your seeing the thread (though I can see it making the start of the thread pretty confusing...)

It does.

If someone blocks you, can see the thread starter, but not subsequent posts by them.
If you block that person, you can't see anything they've posted, including thread starters.

This came up recently because @FitzTheRuke recently "at'd" me in a thread, but it had been started by someone I had blocked. I briefly unblocked them because the thread topic looked like something I wanted to comment in ... but quickly saw exactly why I blocked that person in the first place.

ETA- if you're curious, if someone "at's" you from a thread started by a person you've blocked, you get the notification, but if you try to go there from the notification, you get the "Oops" message.

Thomas Shey

Ah. I know you can get what I call the "blank page" phenomenon (a thread shows X pages, but when you click on the last one its not there, because someone who's blocked against you is the only poster as of yet). I wasn't aware it made a whole thread disappear when the OP is blocked. That might explain a couple cryptic references I'd seen in the past, now (people mentioning what seemed like they were likely currently hot threads regarding topics a skim of the newer posts didn't seem to show anything that could fit).

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