The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Tension, apprension, and dissension have begun
So, this made me wonder about other things we take for granted.

A readability checker that uses various formulas judged your post* as being a 10th grade reading level. Is writing at too high a reading level, especially on a sight with folks from different nations, almost gatekeeping of a sort?

* Well, two copies of it to get to the minimum number of words.
I gotta admit, I'm curious about the how and the why. Alas, I figure most of those readability checker things are at best reluctant to explain themselves.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
So, this made me wonder about other things we take for granted.

A readability checker that uses various formulas judged your post* as being a 10th grade reading level. Is writing at too high a reading level, especially on a sight with folks from different nations, almost gatekeeping of a sort?

......uh .........


I think at this point I should bow out. Clearly everyone is all-in on the anchovy pizza, and I'm abstaining.



......uh .........


I think at this point I should bow out. Clearly everyone is all-in on the anchovy pizza, and I'm abstaining.


I don't picture changing my writing style on here even if so... (although I do find myself editing to simpler structures when writing to non-native English speakers in other countries when i ask for genealogy help).

Is Anchovy better or worse than Tuna?

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Is Anchovy better or worse than Tuna?

Worse (generally) because of the quality of the anchovies used here for mass-market pizza; it ends up combining the worst of "salty" and "fishy."

Whereas if you get tuna on pizza it's generally from a place that is trying to make good food, and while it might not be good pizza (per se), it will probably taste pretty good.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Worse (generally) because of the quality of the anchovies used here for mass-market pizza; it ends up combining the worst of "salty" and "fishy."

I've heard that the anchovies here in the USA are the worst possible version available. Apparently the anchovies you can get in Europe (Italy especially) are a completely different, and superior, dish.

EDIT: Or was that sardines? Now I'm not sure.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
You can get good ones in the U.S., but like a lot of things American is usually awful.

I was just in Italy. The difference in quality in the basic food was just ... unreal. Just basic things like strawberries at the supermarket. The ones I got burst with flavor and sweetness I had forgotten that berries had.

It's crazy, how badly we've screwed up our food.

I have a confession as well.

I have never played D&D. Or any TTRPG.

I was hired two years ago to join this site as part of an astroturfing effort to drum up support for the greatest Candian band ever. Nickelback.

Wait, did I say Canadian? I meant the greatest BAND IN ALL OF HISTORY, FOREVER. It took me two years of lengthy posts about some place named Greyhawk and/or pineapples on pizza to build my "street cred," but I've finally gone full Nickelback.

So this is how you remind me??

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