The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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#1 Enworld Jerk™
Just in case anybody was wondering, a heavy toll was paid for my tuna sandwich pizza.

I have strayed from the path and was burned by the light.

Found Footage Pain GIF by Eternal Family

so, i priced some of the mats,i'll need and bought the pants and goggles and the shirt. Someone who makes costumes reached out to and after telling the person my budget and the time frame, they said it would be roughly 1000 for them to make it. So, that was a no go for me lol. My brother has a 3d printer and said his MIGHT be able to print some of the parts of the costume, but I'm also going to check on a local business that has a 3d printer and see how much it cost with them. If it's not doable, I'll end up making it out of either ENA foam or ENA clay that hardens. I just need to figure out if it is boots she has on or what. Also, you would think it would easy to find wrist-length fingerless dark red leather or fake leather gloves, you'd be wrong lol


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