• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home

Mikhail Zhukov

First Post
1) Hunt down hangar person.
2)Ask Karen about anything interesting she has done in terms of VI on board she is wiling to share.
3)Ask Sarah about her sister.
4)Ask Helm about probability of a ceasefire between us and the toasters.
5):):):):)ing cocktail eye beams!

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Arthur Campbell

First Post
OOC: In terms of second round of down time Arthur will just do more of what he's already done.
In terms of the prank war with Meia he'll now basically start showing off with either ridiculously precise explosions or ridiculously over the top ones. Some of these will also grant Meia an opportunity to disarm before they go off though they won't be easy.

OOC: you can ask Rey as many questions as you want (Up to say 5) and she will answer honest, then she would ask you questions in turn (that I hope you don't lie about).

OOC: This sounds fun so Arthur's five questions to Rey will be as follows:
1) Why does she like alpacas so much?
2) Whereabouts in Canada are you from?
3) Is there any easy way to tell you and your sibling apart?
4) What does she think of the wanderers cuisine?
5) How long will it be before our captain tries to make us do his training regimen and how do we avoid that?
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Hans is a relatively loud and pushy man. He bosses around his staff quite a lot but tries to get them to work hard, you are pretty sure that might be his way of pushing his team. Hans is tells you that he always wanted to get closer to more stars than just the Sun. He thought this his best opportunity, Hans has also worked on many more projects than just astronomy as he enjoys having more cash than stargazing jobs could afford. He's worked in Paksis research facilities though on the more biological aspect of the research.

Tami is a little aloof at times when you talk to her, she seems to want to talk about work first before herself. After a little while she opens up though you find out she does have a few hobbies outside of work, namely basketball and chess (you also find out pretty much everything in her NPC profile entry). She also would like to know a bit more about yourself and wonders why you fight, yet choose to do it by non-violent means. She says she read the battle reports.

Kalina is a medicinal expert. She is charged with manufacturing new medications at the Medbays request if supplies get low. She is also responsible for trying to deliver analogue medications with different substances if required. Kalina is quite serious about her job though is a bit cynical about making too many friends at this point. She is happy to talk to you and is very friendly though she is worried that if she befriends you too much you'll end up dying due to your job and that would make her sad. She says it won't be the first time either.


Rey surveys the Wanderer with her tactical skills and finds that the rough make up of Starseeker is 10% melee specialist, 50% mid range, 10% Vehicle drivers, 20% Long range, 10% Heavy weapons. All the Vehicles are in working order after a little bit of repairing from the fight.

Tami discusses the possibility of using the Paksis as a weapon, she says it is possible though is unstable. The reason the cores were made is because using them as a vessel was simpler and tended not to damage the wielder. She says it is entirely possible for the Wanderer to be that vessel and using Bart to control it though lots of changes will need to be undertaken before the Wanderer can use it like that. She asks you look out for materials to make fiberglass or tubing as to spread Paksis it is similar to piping though far thinner.


1) The hanger bay overseer is a man named Manabe, a Japanese engineer. He isn't surprised Sarah is now sending him her friends, he wonders what else the crazy girl is up to. He has a repair bot called DANDY who is used for the hanger bay almost exclusively.

One thing she is willing to share is that she has created a VI called CYRUS that acts as her personal carrier pigeon, with encrypted data, messages and code. Cyrus however is one of her prototypes and isn't fully build up yet. Cyrus main purpose at the moment is to help Okado keep things out of the hands of civilians.

3) Sarah describes her sister Catherine as a stick in the mud soldier who would never tell her much about her job. Though would always help her with her advancements and future, Sarah says that Catherine used to get annoyed that Sarah could perfect ideas that she could not. Sarah shows Mikhail a medal that Catherine owned, it is kind of battered, probably quite old at this point. Sarah keeps it instead of photos to remind her of her sister.

He can not promise any ceasefire as their aim is to harvest the likes on board the ship though is willing to try to open communication.



Meia disarms a couple of your traps though some she comes up with other ways to shield herself from the blast as she knows she can't stop them.

OOC: You can do round robin questions in ooc boxes as the story progresses, consider it having happened in the downtime and we will continue the story in IC.

Meeting room

Naomi is waiting for Ghost in the room and sends him a report to his communicator.

"In brief the water planet has signs of life beneath it's icy crust, they do seem intelligent but primitive. The droid picked up hunting parties of creatures armed with projectile weapons catching something else presumably for food. Photos are not accurate enough to depict how exactly.

The Pangaea planet is oddly empty for a planet that size. There have been building sited on the planetside however. Quite well designed ones made of concrete and metal though nothing on the EM spectra is being picked up from the planet.

The small radio planet has several small outposts by the reports. However it seems the radio waves are playing a singular message over and over again, we aren't sure what that message is as we don't know the language. We have a recording of it, we suspect it might be a distress beacon but appearances can be deceiving. We aren't ruling anything out yet."

There is someone else in the room that Naomi will introduce shortly.

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
OOC: Oooh, oooh, I want a go!

1) Do you know much about planetary entry trajectories and atmospheric braking?
If no to the one, J.D. moves on. If Yes
2) What are your credentials?
3) Would you like to get together sometime and discuss theories?
4) Do you think despair at our current predicament (lost in space) will overrun the crew and we will turn into a ghost ship
5) Do you like ghost ships?


First Post
OOC: Oooh, oooh, I want a go!

1) Do you know much about planetary entry trajectories and atmospheric braking?
If no to the one, J.D. moves on. If Yes
2) What are your credentials?
3) Would you like to get together sometime and discuss theories?
4) Do you think despair at our current predicament (lost in space) will overrun the crew and we will turn into a ghost ship
5) Do you like ghost ships?

OOC: Just to check if She answers no to the first one you will not ask any others or just skip the second?

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
To Tami-
J.D conveys his entire educational background at some length before getting round to why he fights -
'I fight this way to make a difference. my mother was a pacifist, and held in great esteem among the first world nations until the Gothenburg meteor disaster in 2160. She taught me the values of pacifism, and instilled in me the idea that no man has the right to decide another mans fate. My father however was a military man, and he always disagreed with my mother, saying if you did nothing in a conflict, then you could not resolve it, the best action in a war is to fight fiercely and win quickly.
I happen to agree with both of them, that is why I fight the way I do. I mean to assist those fighting here for our survival rather than waiting in the wings, and I intend to do so while honouring their right to live. The quicker a war is won, the less blood lost. As for my particular style of manipulation, I was in shock after the disaster that killed my parents, and went into astrophysics and engineering to try and help avoid further meteor disasters. The thing is we cannot do anything significant too impending mass extinction comets, because they simply have too much momentum, that is why I am up here on the ship, I want to find better ways of manipulating celestial bodies, be it through paksis or finding an alien race capable of such manipulation. I want to stop random acts of god from destroying innocent lives on earth.'

To Kalina-
'But surely the time spent together in happiness is worth the risk, even if you know your loved one is going to die, I would not stop loving them in fear of the hurt to come, we must treasure those around us while they are still there, not shiver in fear that they may one day go'
J.D continue to talk to her and spends time with her, trying to slowly draw her out of her shell.


First Post
OOC: Consider the questions to rey OOC then seeing as that's the round robin way of doing this ^^. Also the question to Dr Serano which could turn into a full blown convo depending on what he says, will that also be answered OOC?

Nodding his head whilst he takes in the information

Seems we keep getting hit with more questions then answers at this point. The decision has been made the planetside team will be heading for the radio planet. Though with it being in an alien language information will be a little more difficult to ascertain but not impossible. We came to the conclusion that information is our most valued commodity at the minute, seeing as currently resources are reasonably high.

Taking a look at the person behind Naomi

So who do we have here then? The name's Ghost, Captain of Sierra Squad.

He waits as the new person introduces themselves.


First Post
OOC: :To Arthur:
1) They are so cute and fluffy and adorable and don't you just want to hug them I mean come on so fluffy and sweet and.... (You can imagine the rest)
2) Fort McMurray Just north of Edmonton
3) She points to her plait "They are on different sides for each of us, see it is really easy"
4) Passable, she is used to ship cuisine so not so bad
5) Distract him by talking about his muscles or point out that his will carry us to victory while we need more mental stimulation:

For Arthur:
1) Why Bomb Disposal
2) What do you do for fun?
3) Why space?
4) What do you think of her?
5) Would you like an alpaca with a fuse? Wouldn't it be the cutest

To lovely Mr Tsuba:
1&2) Her minor was in physics and applied mathematics, while not focused on atmospheric re-entry she should be able to do the calculations
3) I would be flattered to spend some time with you Mr Tsuba, but I am just a simple soldier girl, I think you might be talking over my head
4) I think you watch a little too much science fiction
5) Could be interesting, no?

Questions to Tsuba will be coming after work

Ray Ray

First Post
OOC: Ray probably spent most of his time shootin' guns down at the training facilities and bothering Bart up on the bridge. I'd rather continue wooing every female specimen on the ship in a non-downtime manner so we'll just say hes playing hard to get for now. He would have probably reported the whole comunicationless ship dubacle to those he met on the bridge earlier, though in a slightly more heroic manner than 'I went out, I set up my gun...then I came back in' lol. If anyone has any questions to throw at me feel free... Though honestly, Rey could probably answer most of them!

Sorry it took me a while, my final project enjoys getting in the way of everything >>

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