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The Long Journey Home

Arthur Campbell

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Arthur nodded and deployed Kaboom onto his shoulder as he fell into step behind his captain. As they advanced forward he kept his wits about him with kaboom's assistance trying to spot any potential hazards or traps that may lie in such a fortified position, it would be strange if such a building had no defences. He also tried to ascertain just how tough this structure was.

OOC: Check for traps! and can I figure out how tough this building is? I also might be slow posting over the next week or so, though I'll do my best not to be.
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J. D. Tsuba

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OOC: Well thats science all the way then! (with specialty i get advantage)
Signal processing
Science: 3,4,6 - total 10 vs TN 5 - 5 degrees success

Looking around nonchalantly
Perception: 6,3 - total 9 vs TN 5 - 4 degrees success


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Rey surveyed the scene "I would suggest taking the satellite building quickly, I mean it could have communication logs or data storage that might give us some more information before proceeding, regardless my Dearest Brother should be fine covering us from any threats outside, as to the problem of linguistics I may be able to help Aleksandra" she heads towards the other linguist, sharing a communication link as she starts to discuss her theories about decrypting the communication "Mr Campbell if you brought some advanced scanning eqipment we may be able to probe the structures before we enter, I could synch up our displays to allow any team you breach with to see what you see"

Nodded to Miss Mourisette, a smile on his lips.

"Indeed, and Sierra squad should be more than able to deal with the Satellite building on their own. If that's not the case, we can break off and support them. However, I am intrigued by this bunker. You build great monoliths of steel and concrete like this for one reason only; to protect something. I want to know what it protects, and what from. Still, Arthur, that's a good point; if you could give us a reading it would be much obliged."

OOC: I am correct that our plan is storm two buildings at a time, right? Or are all six of us going man-mode on the satellite building ;D

Aleksandra saluted, "Sir, yes sir." She said readily accepting the field promotion.

Aleksandra collaborated with the other linguistic specialist, making sure to keep the conversation to the point and brief. After getting their ideas in place she reckoned they could have a go at deciphering the signal.

OOC: If I remember correctly the plan was for me to make the roll and you to assist, Rey. If so my roll is a 7 againt a 7, so flat pass. Should probably spend some destiny on that dunno what we have available for it. But I'll spend one to get a degree of success taking me to 14 destiny.

Pending the results of the diagnostic she said "So our targets are the bunker and what appears to be the comms building. If that is the case and you sir are to stay here with the gunnery Private as rearguards then that makes two groups of three, one to scout the comms room and one to scout/assault the bunker.

I'll happily lead the comms group and If Captain Bauhdric wishes to lead the bunker group then I believe we have headings. All that is left is for people to decide on their grouping. If there are no qualms with inter-squad operations then I would suggest the groups as such: Myself, Private Tsuba and Private Rey, to the comms, Captain Bauhdric, Private Campbell and Private Zhukov on the bunker. That leaves the other Private Morisette and Captain Ghost on watch."


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Rey nodded towards her russian comrade, in between trying to decipher the dialect "That sounds suitable, the two of us will be needed for deciphering, however what happens if the machinery is damaged, I don't believe any of the three of us have engineering experience, unless Dr Tsuba has some?" she paused "If It is all the same to you I might suggest bringing Private Zhukov with us for repairs as necessary"

OOC: Sure you can have an asist from me

Mikhail Zhukov

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Mikhail returned to the group with a small box sitting on his shoulder.

Alexandra and Mr. Bauhdric can always have a duel for the honor of having my company. he said putting his right hand over his heart Although I am sure a specialist of Mr. Tsubas caliber will have no trouble with basic repairs.
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Arthur Campbell

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As the group discussed further Arthur nodded at Rey and started fiddling with his equipment. Setting his ultrasound scanner to go off at regular intervals and doing his best to sync his observational equipment with whoever was in his team.

Tsuba starts to decode the signal and can break it down though he still has no idea what it means. All he knows is there is a set of presumably numbers in the code by the pattern of speech and a message with it. Tsuba at least can write down the sounds he's hearing for later use or decryption. Handing them over to Aleksandra who is helping decipher the message, now with it in parts it is easier to formulate. Since this is the only time Aleksandra has heard this language it is hard to know what the words exactly mean but from the stresses in tone and the like it is talking about a location, the danger and what caused it. The stress on the tone also suggests that the person who made this signal was not in any immediate danger as his voice is not rushed, segmented or worried.

OOC: I will warn you, mixing the teams will put you at a disadvantage. It will not make things impossible but it will make it harder, I can't tell you why without spoiling things but just a heads up.
[MENTION=32797]Arthur[/MENTION]: Roll perception
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J. D. Tsuba

First Post
OOC: Awesome. Happy with that result. just wondering what happened to my perception on local area with ghost.

J.D. hands the partially decrypted data over to the linguists, having fulfilled his role in the process.
'I'm sure I can manage any tech we find there, broken or not. I would be of most use I believe in the satellite room anway. Thankyou mr zhukov for your vote of confidence, I shall no doubt live up to your expectations of me. '

Voidrunner's Codex

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