• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home


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Thinking: Not a single weapon, nothing. My rifle has been stashed somewhere as has private mourisette's. These defences are never going to hold, they don't look like soldiers and their weapon's are just as likely to backfire as they are to fire. Damn it Ghost, think, you're about to enter a shitstorm and you have no way to defend yourself. Maybe if I can find another route out of...

His thoughts broken as he picks up on the aura, he turn's his head towards to alien and watches. Stunned to silence.

Thinking: That's interesting, I wonder what our friend is doing over there. Apart from the obvious.

He stops in place, standing perfectly still,

Thinking: Do I tell our captors about it, or do I let him loose. It's killed one of it's kind, so it might do so again, but with strength like that these others won't be able to stop him without taking casualties, and they'll be defending on two fronts.

A voice chides from the back of his mind,

And we both know in melee combat you'll be slaughtered. You couldn't even take down a raw recruit with your skills.

It chuckles away, as Ghost tries to push it from his thoughts. He moves towards Ray..

Have you noticed private? Seems our fellow prisoner is breaking free of his cage. I've never seen strength like it, even captain Bauhdric would struggle with such a feat, I'm sure he'd be able to do it but not as swiftly as that.

Ghost places a hand on Ray's chest before he reacts to the news, whilst holding him there...

Before you act though consider the options. We can inform the leader of this group and they'll split their defences in order to re-capture the prisoner, if it did indeed kill one of them. This will split their forces, because that thing has unworldly strength. This will serve two purposes, the creature will probably kill more of it's kind with this new power before making a break for it, and the frontlines will be weakened giving the toasters easy access to all this biological matter, including us and you're little alien friend that you grabbed. Another possibility is the alien flees, or heads towards wherever the weapons are kept, in which case we follow, arm ourselves and help defend these aliens. It may also join the attack and fight the toasters, not wanting to be harvested itself, giving us quite a powerful ally. I'm not your captain, I'm captain of Sierra. I will not stop you from acting, but I suggest we watch the prisoner to see how it acts, if it turns and moves aggressively towards the aliens we inform their leader. That is my plan, if you don't follow it the consequences will be on your head private.

Ghost then removes his hands and moves towards the barricade that's being set up, paying no attention to the chaos that's surrounding him. He climbs to a vantage point, atop the barricade and watches the entrance and the hallway beyond that is being protected. The voice in his head breaks through again..

You're a fool Ghost, you're going to get yourself killed. And for what? A bunch of strange creatures that beat you, restrained you, took away your pride and joy, allowed reaper to escape and then threw you into a cell like a common thief. What a waste.

A secondary voice spoke too, one that Ghost recognised.

That's exactly what I'm going to do.

Keeping a cautionary eye on the alien breaking loose, he watched the corridor carefully, allowing his eyes to adjust to the bleakness that lay beyond, trying to pick out any movement.

OOC: Well that was longer then I anticipated ^^
Perception: 6-5 = 1DoS
Unseen sense: 8-8 = Flat pass
Sarah's perception: 9-5 = 4DoS
Sarah will also cast alert, but I can't remember the roll for it XD
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Arthur Campbell

First Post
There's nothing but dead aliens and deactivated defences in that bunker, you could potentially re-activate them but I'm not sure what that would accomplish. The toasters we found inside have been dealt with.

I'm guessing our next course of action should be to somehow locate our errant compatriots. I'm assuming they haven't responded on their communicators?.

Arthur activated his communicator and tried to speak to Ghost and Ray,Private Morissette, captain Ghost do you copy?

OOC: Assuming they can't and don't respond

He turned to Bauhdric

Orders captain?

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
As J.D. enters the room, he see's the rather convincing figure of a star-seeker scout sitting in place looking like he just got hit by a grenade.
'Well that explains the explosion I heard'
Quickly analyzing the situation and all he knows of this captive, he walks over to the suit as if to help him to his feet.
'Are you all-right friend? you appear to be in a pretty bad shape there, here let me help you.'
as he reaches the prostrate figure J.D. quickly rips away the sidearm. A split second later, 'Carl' gets thrown away and stuck to the wall, near the ceiling, where a strategically placed gravity well holds him.
'I'm sorry about that slight deception, but I can't let you have any freedom of movement at the moment. Would you mind telling me who you are, and how you came to be impersonating one of my squad?'

Ray Ray

First Post
"Ey... You're not my captain no. But when you talk sense Ghost, I'm more liable to listen, ey? I'll stay close and watch it. Since you're not my captain and all, I'll choose the code words, so the code word to scream is 'Chocolate Donuts' if you need my help, cap'n. Good luck." He winked, turning back to the escaping caged alien, watching him with a not so keen, but at least willing eye.

Bauhdric listens to what's going on. Mysteries and espionage where not his strongpoint, but he believed he had heard enough to make an informed decision.

We need to do everything in our power to save Brother-captain Ghost, and and the good private Mourissette. Is there any way we could potentially follow them to wherever they have wandered? I assure you, if they are cut off, there is no barrier that I cannot destroy; the irresistible force of my perfect musculature will make short work of locked doors and rubble. If this is not an option, then reactivating the defence systems may prove a helpful move; provided we can get this system to distinguish between Human and automaton. One presumes the defence systems aren't just for the bunker, and will activate systems throughout the complex."

Mikhail Zhukov

First Post
Mikhail finally eased up.

Definitely Echo. Don't think anyone could copy that level of .....

Also what makes you think that if the defense systems can in fact tell the difference between robots and us they won't shoot us anyway? Don't forget we didn't build them. Besides we need to sweep the rest of the facility first.

Arthur Campbell

First Post
The only part of the defences that might be of use would be the cameras. It would be a risk to re-activate them, but I'll do my best to do so if you wish. In terms of finishing the sweep we still have some sort of prison block and a boarded up building to investigate.
Though I must ask private zhukov what is the rest of your squad doing? I would suggest that we act with all our personnel however depleted they might be.
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Blanchot coughs, feeling rather annoyed by the gravity well holding him in place. The questions inside of him were building up and he wasn't getting any answers to any of them. One minute, he's being praised for his fighting techniques and the next he's currently in this mess that he never asked to be in.

'Casse-toi, like a common prisoner of war.'
he murmured, mostly to himself before he figures he should... at least attempt to answer the question. 'My name is Nicholas Blanchot, though please, my last name will do monsieur. A man named Magi Hisin requested my assistance in his research into combat techniques. I enter the lab and after that, lights out.'

This story sounded really fishy even to Blanchot's own ears, but it was the truth.


The alien that came with you collapses on the ground and calls out in a shrill clicking voice, similar to that of a dolphin. It looks at you all, it seems to be thinking. It then makes a chirp similar to the inflection to when the groups have been agreeing on something or affirming something.

OOC: Where will the group go? The conversation between Tsuba and Blanchot has happened. What will you guys do now?


The corridor leading into the place is still silent, it almost seems like no-one is coming. In the confusion the alien in front of you manages to breakout of his cage. Ghost can see the aura around the alien die down to nothing. The alien makes a gruff sound at the pair of onlookers and starts to run away from the place they're in. It reaches a wall where it places it's claws on it for a bit before fastening it's claws into a bit of metal. It pulls off a panel off the wall and runs inside. Not caring for sealing it up again.

As the cage alien runs away the alarm ceases, all the other aliens that were pointing down the corridor start making chattering noises. There seems to be some bewilderment at the predicament, something is wrong but the group of aliens don't know what it is.


First Post
Thinking: That was a little anti-climactic

He steps down off the barricade and crosses over to where the cards are on the table. Picking them up he moves towards the leader of the aliens and points towards the cage where the alien just escaped. After which he draws his attention to the ground and places out the following cards. A claw pointing at himself, a pair of eyes, a picture of an alien (gesturing towards the now empty cage) and then he takes multiple cards that all depict energy and surrounds the alien card with them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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