D&D 5E The Official Poll! What THREE things do you like most about D&D 5th Edition?

What do you like most about D&D 5th Edition? (Choose up to 3!)

  • Advantage/disadvantage

    Votes: 391 45.9%
  • Art direction/production values

    Votes: 68 8.0%
  • Backgrounds

    Votes: 145 17.0%
  • Bounded accuracy

    Votes: 307 36.0%
  • Concentration

    Votes: 58 6.8%
  • Inspiration mechanic

    Votes: 40 4.7%
  • Legendary creature mechanic

    Votes: 62 7.3%
  • Magic items not required/no "Christmas tree"

    Votes: 195 22.9%
  • Magic system

    Votes: 64 7.5%
  • Old-school "feel"

    Votes: 221 25.9%
  • Proficiency bonus

    Votes: 75 8.8%
  • Published adventures

    Votes: 12 1.4%
  • Rate of release/number of books

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Rulings not rules/DM empowerment

    Votes: 223 26.2%
  • Simplicity/light rules

    Votes: 309 36.3%
  • Speed of play

    Votes: 189 22.2%
  • I like nothing about D&D 5th Edition

    Votes: 17 2.0%


First Post
Well, as of now, I see that all 3 votes from me come in the highest.
I like the advantage/disadvantage system best.

Advantage/disadvantage roll, best invention since... "fill in the blank"

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First Post
It's like in PF (which is still a great system btw, not knocking as I play both) I have to think, "Ok so if I want to end up with whatever, Greater TWF, at X level I need to take TWF at level 1 and that would let me take Combat Expertise at 3 and then I can take blah at 5 etc etc etc"

In 5e, I just roll up a character and play. I don't need to plan anything. Hell I don't even NEED feats later on.

I'm the same way, in that I like both games and play both games. Because it is great to be able to create a character in 10 minutes, but I also enjoy the minutia of working out those feat trees and other picky details that the Pathfinder haters hate. Playing both gives me the best of both worlds.


Follower of the Way
Not really sure what to make of Advantage being so popular, considering that I utterly loathe it. Simplifying bonuses? Great idea! Making the biggest bonus also the first bonus AND the circumstantial bonus? Not so great.

aramis erak

Bounded Accuracy, Rate of release/number of books, Simplicity/light rules
I like knowing that I can save up for the next book, and that I won't be confronting "splat of the month"
Between the lighter rules and bounded accuracy, especially the emphasis on stats, it creates a feel closer to old school warhammer... Which I've generally preferred over AD&D, anyway, back in the day.


First Post
I included the art direction as one of my choices because I absolutely love how inclusive it is. Women wear practical armor, and people of color stand alongside traditional (for D&D) Euro/Caucasian-looking characters as brothers and sisters in heroism!

Voted art direction for the same reason...and also because I think it's the best-looking edition they've ever put out.

Other than that, voted simplicity & proficiency. In retrospect, the latter is really part of the former, so I should've given that third vote to my next favorite bit, backgrounds.

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