The Road to Discovery


Gamer Extraordinaire
Nalvis allows his body to rest, but with the speed of his recovery he can hardly complain. He marvels at the Way abilities that can heal wounds so quickly.

Mekric and Abrine talk with Quill about Way abilities and their shared experience over using them.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Moving On

Nalvis allows his body to rest, but with the speed of his recovery he can hardly complain. He marvels at the Way abilities that can heal wounds so quickly.

Mekric and Abrine talk with Quill about Way abilities and their shared experience over using them.
Quill, who was quiet and reserved at first, no longer shows any reservations toward her new found friends. Though she is still quiet and matter-of-fact when she speaks, she gladly discusses the gift they all seem to possess of sensing and manipulating the very fabric of life, or so it seems.

Moving On:

Crossing a small stream, the friends continue to follow the topographical line between the elevated land and the marsh, keeping a sharp eye for danger, perhaps even more than before with the two hostile encounters. After three more days heading westward, the elevation to the north becomes less steep and more indicative of hill country rather than mountain.

The journey brings two more altercations with hunting spiders, which seem to be a prevalent predator in the area, but much more one-sided encounters favoring the friends. The second day into the hill country, the group happens upon a pod of the largest beetles they have ever seen, about the size of a man's head. Though the beetles immediately take hostile action, they are easily deterred showing no real interest in true aggression.

On the 6th day of travel, a lizard about the size of a person is sunning itself directly in the path the group is following. When it is noticed, about 5 paces ahead, it opens and eye for a few seconds and then closes it, showing no incentive to move from its location.
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 6
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Muddle Leaves: 2 measures: Muddle x2[/sblock]
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Gamer Extraordinaire
When the party spots the lizard Nalvis thumbs the head of his stone axe, wondering if his weapon could even penetrate the hide of such a creature.

Mekric looks around, to make sure that this is not some kind of trap as with the spiders. She looks for any place that might hide ambushers, and says to the group, "I do not see why we should not just continue on and let his lizard enjoy his sun."

Arbrine says, "If this thing attacks us, I'm going to use cold against it, since it likes heat so much."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
A Sunning Lizard

When the party spots the lizard Nalvis thumbs the head of his stone axe, wondering if his weapon could even penetrate the hide of such a creature.

Mekric looks around, to make sure that this is not some kind of trap as with the spiders. She looks for any place that might hide ambushers, and says to the group, "I do not see why we should not just continue on and let his lizard enjoy his sun."

Arbrine says, "If this thing attacks us, I'm going to use cold against it, since it likes heat so much."
Seeing Nalvis thumb his axes edge, Vik puts on a thick grin and says quietly, "If I can harpoon that big thing in the head, I will bet we could make some fine bracers or leggings out of that hide."

Veera knocks an arrows and replies to Mekric. "That thing is blocking the path. Stepping over it would obviously prove foolish. We will have to wade into the marsh or climb around the rocks to avoid it."

Quill offers, "I have never eaten lizard. I wonder if it tastes anything like fish. So are we going to avoid it or engage it?"
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 6
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Muddle Leaves: 2 measures: Muddle x2[/sblock]


Gamer Extraordinaire
With a glance down at his shabby, hand made clothes, Nalvis returns Vik's grin and says, "Very well. Let us add one lizard to our tally of wins."
OOC: roll: 96/ 84

Mekric shrugs and turns to Arbrine. "I'll assist you with cold attacks. I don't think my stick will do much against that thing."
OOC: roll: 88

With an excited smile Arbrine bounces on her toes, ready to fight.
OOC: roll: 50


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Sunning Lizard

OOC: roll: 96/ 84

OOC: roll: 88

OOC: roll: 50
OOC: Reaction Time: Readiness (combat) + Impetus (commercial) + clarity (collegiate) + d100
Nalvis: 20 + 15 + 13 + 96 = 144
Mekric: 12 + 20 + 17 + 88 = 127
Arbrine: 17 + 13 + 19 + 50 = 100
Rekyavik: 19 + 14 + 14 + 66 = 113
Renyaveer: 16 + 22 + 13 + 74 = 125
Quill: 13 + 15 + 21 + 63 = 112
Lizard: 31 + 18 + 0 + 53 = 112

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 6
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Muddle Leaves: 2 measures: Muddle x2[/sblock]
GM: Nalvis reacts first. It is much better on me and more efficient to handle each of your characters one at a time, that way I do not have to do so many calculations on one post, which slows me down. I think we could also generate more story, even in a single campaign, for taking each character separately allows for more interaction between them.

It will take Nalvis 3 seconds to reach the lizard.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Sunning Lizard, Nalvis

OOC: Reaction Time: Readiness (combat) + Impetus (commercial) + clarity (collegiate) + d100
Nalvis: 20 + 15 + 13 + 96 = 144
Mekric: 12 + 20 + 17 + 88 = 127
Arbrine: 17 + 13 + 19 + 50 = 100
Rekyavik: 19 + 14 + 14 + 66 = 113
Renyaveer: 16 + 22 + 13 + 74 = 125
Quill: 13 + 15 + 21 + 63 = 112
Lizard: 31 + 18 + 0 + 53 = 112

Nalvis intends to charge at the lizard and hit it over the head with his axe.
OOC: roll: 96, 84
Nalvis charges forward with all his speed and might at the seemingly slumbering lizard. Just before Nalvis reaches the point where he would bring down his axe, the lizard whips its head and upper body around with a speed that clearly belies its size. The beast seems a mix of coloration from sandy-brown to rock-gray, with its midsection vertically banded by several black stripes. Upon observation, were the lizard lying in the grass, the stripes would actually help conceal it from easy view.
OOC: Speed of Attack: Readiness - Hindrance
Nalvis: 144 - 30(clothing) - 300(movement/axe) = -186
Lizard: 112 - 50(movement) = 72

OOC: Physical Assault: Attack (combat) + Precision (commercial) + fury (collegiate) + d100
Nalvis: 20 + 15 + 14 + 96 + 84(luck) = 229
Lizard: 34 + 18 + 0 + 86 = 138

Physical Defense: Defend (combat) + Preservation (commercial) + konokoro (collegiate) + shield + d100
Nalvis: 19 + 15 + 13 + 96 + 84(luck) = 227
Lizard: 31 + 18 + 0 + 86 = 135
Damage: 229 - 135 = 94% * 14 = 13 - 5 (deflect) = 8
Body: 10 - 8 = 2: injured

GM: With an extreme bounty of luck, Nalvis blocks the raking forearm of the lizard, preventing any harm to himself and then spins the axe head around to cause significant injury to the beast, who lets out an horrific piercing scream.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 6
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Muddle Leaves: 2 measures: Muddle x2[/sblock]
OOC: Mekric will act next. It will take her 3 seconds to physically reach the lizard.


Gamer Extraordinaire
As soon as Nalvis charges, Mekric leaps after him. Her mind cringes as she approaches the huge lizard, but supporting her brother is more important than her disgust over the creature. She intends to touch the lizard and use Way to Cool it.
OOC: roll: 50

OOC: so anytime I roll under 50 i'm just gonna post 50 instead of rerolling because what's a roleplaying game without punitive rolls? If there's good luck, there's gotta be bad luck too. In other words if I post 50 that's the same as 1 in D&D. Thoughts?
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Lizard, Mekric

OOC: Reaction Time: Readiness (combat) + Impetus (commercial) + clarity (collegiate) + d100
Nalvis: 144 - 30(clothing) - 300(movement/axe) = -186
Mekric: 127
Arbrine: 100
Rekyavik: 113
Renyaveer: 125
Quill: 112 - 50(movement) = 72
Lizard: 31 + 18 + 0 + 53 = 112

As soon as Nalvis charges, Mekric leaps after him. Her mind cringes as she approaches the huge lizard, but supporting her brother is more important than her disgust over the creature. She intends to touch the lizard and use Way to Cool it.
OOC: roll: 50
Since the lizard makes a fairly decent target, Veera decides to go ahead and see if she can put an arrow in it. Vik takes two steps to his left, moving more toward the marsh, to get a clear line of sight to launch his harpoon.
OOC: Speed of Attack: Readiness - Hindrance
Mekric: 127 - 60(clothing) - 300(movement/way) = -233
Lizard: 72 - 50(movement) - 80(injured) = -62
Renyaveer: 125 - 48 - 200(bow) = -123
Rekyavik: 113 - 30(clothing) - 200(movement/launch) = -117

OOC: Paranormal Assault: (Effectiveness - Resistance)% * Damage
Mekric: 34(cool) + 50(d100) = 84
Lizard: 34(conditioning) * 2(cold-blooded) = 68 + 24(d100) = 92

Physical Assault: attack(combat) + precision(commercial) + fury(collegiate) + d100
Lizard: 34 + 18 + 0 + 24 = 76

Physical Defense: defend(combat) + preservation(commercial) + konokoro(collegiate) + d100
Mekric: 12 + 20 + 16 + 50 = 98

Projectile Assault: Launch(combat) + Precision(commercial) + clarity(collegiate) + d100
Renyaveer: 16 + 22 + 13 + 08 = doesn't matter
Rekyavik: 19 + 14 + 14 + 47 = 94 + 50(short range) = 144

Projectile Avoidance: Preservation(commercial) + Konokoro(collegiate) + d100
Lizard: 18 + 0 + 49 = 67
Damage: 144 - 67 = 77% * 15 = 12 - 5(deflect) = 7
Body: 2 - 7 = -5: incapacitated

GM: The injured lizards tries its best to engage Mekric as she rushes in, but his efforts are in vain as she easily avoids his assault, making physical contact with her hands as she does. Her desire to draw heat away from the creature seems to have no effect.

Renyaveer's arrow shanks when released and tumbles off away to the right, ruined.

Rekyavik takes 2 strides to his left and launches his harpoon while on the run. The mammoth spear flies true, piercing the lizard in the gut just in front of the rear leg, incapacitating it after the combined damage with the axe swing of Nalvis. The lizard takes about two more breaths and then ceases to move all together.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
flint arrows: 5
bone arrows: 10
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Muddle Leaves: 2 measures: Muddle x2[/sblock]
OOC: I had developed the Mulligan system to encourage new players and had gotten in a habit of using it. Since we are fully testing the functionality of the system, and you do not need such encouragement, we will take the rolls as they fall. 90% or higher is lucky and conveys a second roll. 09% or lower is unlucky and things may break or backfire, as seems appropriate to the given situation.
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