The Shackled City - Golarion Prelude


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Nia's eyes narrowed for a moment at Marcus' tone of voice. The words of Kilsasha came back to her. A Stranger is more dangerous wielding soft words than hard steel. What did he want with her? Why was he trying to make her trust him?

Then she almost laughed out loud at herself, for the basket she had half-woven herself into. Here she stood, waiting for someone to show courtesy. When someone did, she immediately doubted his intention. Stranger or no, to be cruel to him reflected poorly on her, no one else.

"Nia Sky-Eyes," she replied, then nodded. "Your courtesy is appreciated. Unexpected, but appreciated."

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Walking Dad

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"Everyting you had when I found you, you still have," Nia said dismissively. "I am no teef."
Wilbur looks around finally seeing his backpack. One of the patrons must have removed it as they laid him on the table.
"Never wanted to say that. I don't know you yet... right?"

"So, what exactly are you up to, mister stars-and-destiny?"
"I'm no fortune teller or stargazer... the alignment of the stars just mark certain times, not showing the destiny. The future is sometimes revealed to me by ... powers that have dominion over time and space. But this visions and dreams are neither easy to understand nor pleasant. I would share my connection with you, but it tends to... confuse people to see it.
What I know for sure is that I have to reach Cauldron, soon."

Marcus places a gentle hand on the man's shoulder, trying to help keep him still. "Easy, friend, take it easy. You're still some distance from Cauldron and trying to go right now will just kill you. Here, drink, eat a bit, regain your strength. I'll talk with our caravan master, see if maybe we can get you a spot traveling with us, so you don't die on your little journey. Alright?"
"Alright and very much appreciated. A caravan will bring me fater and safer to my destination than mere walking."

"Nia Sky-Eyes,"
"Thank you very much for you help. May your inevitable end be a pleasant one.
My name is Wilbur."

He says the last sentence louder to the behalf of the others around him.

Wilbur 2
Wilbur Warrington

I assume no one speaks Aklo. May I change the curse to Tongues? Babbling madman is a very good fit ;)


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A troop of several adolescent Hillfolk girls led by a rather stren looking middle-aged Hillfolk woman then emerged from the kitchens and began passing out bowls of hearty fish stew to the inn’s guests. The stew was obviously the cuttings and bits to ugly to serve on their own, but it had a heady aroma that promised a full, satisfied belly. The barkeep motioned for one to be brought to the near delerious man on the floor.

All offers of coin are charmingly waved off by the barkeep.


“My friends, I would not be able to uphold my reputation of being the most hospitable inn keeper in the bushlands if I did not offer at least some form of nourishment to my visitors. Anyone that crosses my threshold is welcome to one bowl of stew, all the water he can drink, and a safe place to sleep within my walls. My name is Orin. I’m afraid I can offer little in the way of medical supplies, but If there is anything I can do for your friend there, let me know.”

The aging Chelaxian grinned, showing several gold teeth, as he mopped his balding scalp with a colorful scarf. His clothing was simple, in the colonial style, but he wore several pieces of rather expensive jewelry, perhaps a testement to running the only protected road house between the bustling cities of Sasserine and Cauldron.

As the girls passed out the bowls of stew, they also left small placards listing the inns services and charges. The older woman barked orders to the young girls and quickly sheparded them back into the kitchen as soon as they emptied their trays of stew. Her black hair was braided into tight cornrows and pulled back into a pony tail. As she left the common room, her eyes stared over long at Nai.

Caravan master Adofo pushed the stew aside and ordered a small feast off the placard, as did several of the more richly appointed caravaners. Stewards and merchants unable to afford an entourages gobbled their stew, then walked into the early evening air to see to the lodging of the pack beasts and stowing of their cargo for the night.

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Val sits at the table with in the Lucky Monkey with the others from his group; as they laugh and carry on, his mood is unusually thoughtful. What an odd crew we make, but we complement each other well both in skills and personality. Each other, and likely no others . . . As he ponders the implications of their unlikely bonding, his long, tapered fingers absently stroke the colorful markings on his face. Present since his birth, the markings were typically mistaken by other for tattoos; however, they were a part of him, a legacy of his birth. His golden eyes shift from Xyn's horns to Caytis' coal black scales, then to Marcus' perfectly ordinary human features. Some of the differences that set us apart are not so apparent as others, but still tell.

Suddenly aware of his strange mood, Val's handsome features rearrange themselves into his more usual amused grin; he runs fingers through his shaggy black mane, pulling the hair from his face just as the door flies open to reveal a savagely decked out native woman and her ailing charge.

He watches the scene play out as his friends take their own approaches to the newcomer - or not, in Xyn's case - and waits to see what happens.

When the stew and water comes, he eats with the gusto of a man who lives as though any meal may be his last, eagerly cleaning every last bit from the bowl and spoon.


First Post
"I saved your life," Nia informs Wilbur, "but you do not know me. De ting dat watches you owes me now. You tell it so. De ants be gnawing your bones if I'd not carried you in."

Nia seems to relax a bit at Orin's hospitality, and her glare loses its accusing edge. Even so, her posture and demeanor are still very much those of a person in a situation that could turn dangerous at any moment. She asks for roast pork, a fried banana, and a clean bed...a combination she pays one gold coin for. Despite her primitive origins, there's nothing exotic about the coin...gained through trade perhaps. Or maybe found on the bodies of explorers before they were devoured!

Fangor the Fierce

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Svexyn chuckles at the words of the wild girl and turns to Val. "Ants don't gnaw on bones, but she already knows that. And that guy, something's weird about what he's talking about. Either way, looks like we will have company on the road back. I'm heading outside, the freedom suits me more..."

He finishes his stew, not caring to spend more than he should on anything else. His funds were going to be saved for taking care of his mother. Knowing his heritage was one that others stayed clear of, he doesn't care to be gawked at any longer, as he exits the building and looks for a place to rest for the night.
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Walking Dad

First Post

"I saved your life," Nia informs Wilbur, "but you do not know me. De ting dat watches you owes me now. You tell it so. De ants be gnawing your bones if I'd not carried you in."


"Be careful which ones attention you wish for..."
Wilbur says cautiously, happily taking the provided food and lodging.

Wilbur 2
Wilbur Warrington

I assume no one speaks Aklo. May I change the curse to Tongues? Babbling madman is a very good fit ;)


Perception is only +1 (no racial bonus bonus, no ranks). As I said, skills are unfinished and I have currently Internet troubles. Sorry.


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