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The Sunken Temple

Walking Dad

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The robed creature starts with a long answer:

"Oh, they did. Or at least their ancestors. Fifty years ago, a group of five knights of noble houses descended into this temple, the Temple of Blood, and slew the cultists in mighty combat. As the last cultist fell, bathed in red, he swore that the knights’ blood would betray them and they and this precious city would fall.

I discovered the temple beneath the city, sealed for five decades. I learned the tale of the blood cultists and the knights, and my way became clear.

Blood holds supernatural power, you must know, but that only the Blooded Goddess knows what these secrets are. I'm sure that when that cultist swore that the knights' blood would betray them, he was referring to the knights' descendants.
And I was right: the knights now all have granddaughters in their early twenties. These five women are the key to my plan. I will use the power of the ancient temple to bring the cultists' curse upon them, using their bloodline to send the dark magic through their families. When that happens… I think I have told you already to much!"

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First Post
The robed creature starts with a long answer:

"Oh, they did. Or at least their ancestors. Fifty years ago, a group of five knights of noble houses descended into this temple, the Temple of Blood, and slew the cultists in mighty combat. As the last cultist fell, bathed in red, he swore that the knights’ blood would betray them and they and this precious city would fall.

I discovered the temple beneath the city, sealed for five decades. I learned the tale of the blood cultists and the knights, and my way became clear.

Blood holds supernatural power, you must know, but that only the Blooded Goddess knows what these secrets are. I'm sure that when that cultist swore that the knights' blood would betray them, he was referring to the knights' descendants.
And I was right: the knights now all have granddaughters in their early twenties. These five women are the key to my plan. I will use the power of the ancient temple to bring the cultists' curse upon them, using their bloodline to send the dark magic through their families. When that happens… I think I have told you already to much!"


Realizing too late for what was about to come, Aradra draws his bow and takes aim.


First Post
Chaucer watches as the guard he focused on slumped onto the floor in slumber. The thrill of success and the taste of the magic coursing through him was equally exhilarating, however, his attention quickly shifted from his euphoria to the robed figure. It had worked! Kilkin had entranced him!

As he listened to the creatures story, his blood began to boil. Aradra yell brings him out of his raging emotions, and as if a cork was pulled from his lungs, Chaucer lets out a scream of You COWARD!!!!!! lets his bow drop side steps into the room while pulling his longsword from its scabbard. Once in his hands, and funnels his anger and emotion into the sword as he swings at the robed figure.

Swift Action - Arcane Strike
Move Action - 5 foot step while drawing sword
Standard Action - Attack[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC] I am making two assumptions here. 1 - that my character is currently occupying W-30 on the map. If that is the case I am 5-foot stepping to V-30 while drawing my longsword. If however, I am V-29, then I will simply draw my weapon and attack from my position. 2 - this probably isn't considered a surprise round, so I assume that we are using normal action rules. I will roll initiative, to hit, and damage, and you take what you need to.

Edit - Wow... all that to completely fail on my attack roll. I hate you dice roller, oh yes I do![/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Both Aradra and Chaucer are stopped by an invisible wall, separating the room from the tunnels.

"Do you like it?" The creature holds its horrible hands toward the invisible wall. "Not entirely my doing. You can thank the Blooded Goddess for it. This is her temple, and as far as she’s concerned I am her devoted follower. A lie, of course — I serve another master. But the temple doesn’t know that. Clever, eh?" He taps his head. "But now I have to continue my work. Do what you want. You cannot stop me!"


First Post
OOC: I have a question. Where is Brenic? on the map it says he is in front of the door. Is that correct or are the icons mixed up? I'm just checking. And i have a rules question too, if Brenic grapples, can he still attack the following rounds while maintaining the hold? If so what rolls and checks are needed? Sorry for the questions, I am new to pathfinder and trying to work out the transition from 3.5 lol.

(If Brenic is by the door) Brenic looks at the magical barrier with disgust and takes a step back and runs into it at full speed trying to break it down with his shoulder. Lets see what this barrier of yours can stand. Brenic says with a smile as he charges toward the door.

(If Brenic is in the back) Brenic will look for some way to disable to barrier.(taking 10 on a search.)


First Post
"Dammit, dammit, dammit! Come out you rotten bag of scabs!"

Kilkin gets an idea, desperate perhaps, but hopefully not completely idiotic. He resumes his chanting while looking at the frogmen, somehow locking eyes with them both at the same time. His chanting evolves into the rasping from before mixed with a strange quacking melody. If anyone succumbs to his spell he will try to get them to open the barrier.

[sblock=Actions]Casting hypnotism again, targeting the frogmen as well as the robed man and trying to get them to open the barrier. Still DC 15 will save. It's up to you to interpret whether they are in combat or not, but if they are they get +2 on their saves.[/sblock]
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Chaucer moves to sidestep and slams into an invisible wall. Shaken, he tries to move around the wall a few more times but to no avail. Forcing his emotions down, he sheathes his sword, picks up his bow, and looks around. Quickly closing his eyes, he releases small bits of that arcane power he tasted earlier. Hoping to find something that can help.

[sblock=Actions]It doesn't seem like we are doing round by round at this point, but if we are:
round 1 - Detect Magic
round 2 - Read Magic on the runes painted onto the girls.

I don't know if a knowledge check is like other skill checks that take standard actions, if not then I would love to take a Knowledge History check that I will roll.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]I hate this dice roller... can I just upload youtube video's of myself rolling for this stuff. LOL, I feel like I would have better success, ahh well.[/sblock]
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First Post
GM: General description:

Standing near the stone slab is a humanoid shape cloaked in a dark gray robe of rags. The robe's hood casts the creature’s face into shadow. A rusty, spiked mace hangs from its rope belt. The figure holds a golden bowl in one hand, and with the other it draws a symbol in glistening red liquid upon the woman’s chest. At first glance you think the figure wears dark gloves, but a second look reveals that the 'gloves' are in fact composed of living vermin: Small beetles, spiders, and centipedes crawl about, revealing occasional patches of pale skin.
The robed figure chants something in a raspy whisper as it works.

[sblock=GM]Comparing the runes of the last girl with the rest of them, how far along is the drawn rune? My next action will need to know this. Can do perception if needed[/sblock]

Aradra stands for a moment, as though thinking fast. It might work, but he would have to act fast...

Moving into view of the clocked man, he stares at the liquid bowl...

Walking Dad

First Post
The creature ignores you attempt to control it's mind (can give a rules explanation if needed) and the amphibian affected seem unable to affect the wall and just stares at him, fascinated.

Chaucer is a bit shocked... first his magic reveals the barrier to be a wall of force. Then as he looks back at his companions, he notice that the way back is blocked with a similar wall, that must been raised mere moments ago.

He isn't surprised that Brenic's muscles are no match for it.

Aradra tries to discern the remaining time from the drawn symbols, but they seem all different. Maybe if someone with more arcane knowledge would help him to guess the next symbol...


First Post
The creature ignores you attempt to control it's mind (can give a rules explanation if needed) and the amphibian affected seem unable to affect the wall and just stares at him, fascinated.

Chaucer is a bit shocked... first his magic reveals the barrier to be a wall of force. Then as he looks back at his companions, he notice that the way back is blocked with a similar wall, that must been raised mere moments ago.

Aradra tries to discern the remaining time from the drawn symbols, but they seem all different. Maybe if someone with more arcane knowledge would help him to guess the next symbol...
[sblock=GM]Dont think anyone knows Arcana stuff...But, it dont matter. As this is an unusual method of using Create Water, which I only get once per day, I can roll a ranged attack roll. [/sblock]

Aradra fears that his idea may not work, as the symbols confuse him. With no training in the Arcane, he cannot identify what is going on.

This wall, however does not stop magic, as Aradra notices more amphibians memorized by Kilkin's magic. However, as the robed creature moves to finish, Aradra decides to go for it.

Pushing back Brenic with a small shove, and place his hand mere inches from the wall. Aradra chants:

"Natural enemy of mine, be purified by the waters of nature. You are an abomination here, and I will prevent your success!"

And nature responds. A ball of water, directly above the bowl of red liquid, starts forming. With a downward swing of his hand, the water falls, to wash clean the liquid from the bowl

Voidrunner's Codex

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