• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Undiscovered Frontier (Finished!)

Deuce Traveler

The door to this cache seems to close and lock. The door unlocks in the same manner from the inside as it does the outside, engraved pattern and all. You have a strong feeling that the enemy does not know of this cache and that you are safe here. Arkos expends twelve of the charges from the wand of cure light wounds that Sarpot had practices with in order to raise everyone's hit points up to full. The wand is put back into storage, but has 28 charges left. You enjoy a decent rest, sleep and washing up, and though some of you are better equipped, all of you still wear bloodied and torn clothing from the remnants of the battlefield.

OOC: If there are no other actions to be taken or equipment to be grabbed, we can move on to your infiltration of the Wailing Caves.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Whatever, I can stand the first watch, I'm not that tired. Besides many of you need to recharge yer spells and whatnots. I don't need to. Not that the giant boulder won't stop anything, but just in case.-" Sarpot says, sitting on a stool next to the entrance. "Now go to sleep, damn ye." the hobgoblin added with a guttural snort.

OOC: Deceive item, the warlock ability only gives Sarpot a +4 on use magic skill


Queen of Everything
OOC: Lealani replaces her backpack with a new one and takes a bed roll and a fresh waterskin. She also gets a nicer dagger and takes 2 belts of shield, 4 wands of magic missile, 2 wands of Melf's acid arrow and a stave of fireballs.

edit: will anyone else be taking the other stave of fireballs?

"I have been considering leaving some of this behind, in case someone else should be in need of it. However, I fear we are all that remains and we should take all we can. It is obvious, even with the little information we have, that we are the last hope."
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"We can leave some behind, but might as well take all we think we will need" adds Nerin.
Nerin takes a breastplate, new backpack and bedroll, 3 waterskins, several days worth of food, 2 healer's kits,4 wands of cure light wounds, 4 sunrods, a mw sword, a mw longbow, a quiver with 20 arrows, 2 mw daggers


OOC: I still need an answer on whether any of the items (particularly the backpack & quarterstaff since those are the only size restricted items Arkos can use) are small.


Arkos takes a pack and cinches down the straps until he thinks that it might work for him. Still he frowns at it not entirely pleased as he fills it with alchemical items and food and water.

"You'd think, if I were a god, I could make myself bigger so that some of this stuff might be more useful to me."

[sblock=Actions/OOC]Arkos takes: backpack, 2 each of the alchemical items & kits (healer's kit, sunrod, thunderstone, tanglefoot bag, smoke stick), bedroll, 2 wand CLW, all 20 pebbles of CSW & all 5 pebbles of Remove Disease (though these can be split up amongst all of us if someone else wants to carry some). He'll fill the remaining space with food and water as long as it doesn't go over his carrying capacity.
Swift --
Standard --
Free --
Move --
[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Arkos Stoneborn
Initiative: +1
AC: 12 (11 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
AC: (Predator) 16 (15 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
AC: (Aerial) 14 (13 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
HP: 47 Current: 35
Fort: +7 Reflex: +2 Reflex: (Aerial) +4 Will: +8
Speed: 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Speed: (Predator) 50 ft.
Speed: (Aerial) fly 40 ft. (good)

Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect:

Spear +8 (1d6+7 /crit. x3)
Sling +4 (1d3 /crit. x2)
Bite (Predator) +12 (1d4+8 /crit. x2; as magic)
Talon (Aerial) +11 (1d4+7 /crit. x2; as magic)
Breath Weapon (1d8; bludgeoning; Ref 15 for half dmg.)
2 Tentacles (while in Predator) +10 (1d8+7) 10 ft. reach

Spells Prepared:
Spell Save: 14 +SL
3rd level: 2; cure moderate wounds, evard's menacing tentacles (PHB2)
2nd level: 3; barkskin, bull's strength, resist energy
1st level: 4; cure light wounds, faerie fire, goodberry, produce flame
orisons: 5; create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, light, purify food & drink[/sblock]


Arkos takes a pack and cinches down the straps until he thinks that it might work for him. Still he frowns at it not entirely pleased as he fills it with alchemical items and food and water.

"You'd think, if I were a god, I could make myself bigger so that some of this stuff might be more useful to me."

"Perhaps we inhabit different forms that we did previously"
ruminates Nerin thinking specifically of the music box.

Deuce Traveler

Lealani is able to use the items she grabs without practice, as she seems to have some innate mental proficiency. Same with Nerin and Arkos with the items they collect. After a bit more of rest the party is fully healed heads out of the cache. Nothing seems to have changed, nor does there seem to be any sign of danger. Before the party can step outside a sudden scream is heard from the direction of the Wailing Caves that causes the party to step back inside the safety of the rooms. A blonde-headed, golden-skinned and muscular man standing on top of some flying golden platform shoots out of the mouth of the caves and into the mists in the direction that you had previously travelled. He is followed by three robed women, also standing on their own small flying platforms, though in colors that match their hair and robes of red, blue and green. Shortly after they disappear the noise from their platforms also fade away. It seems as if you were not detected.

From the base of the Caves you see that the lowest entrance to the caves is the mouth that the man and three women had just come from. It takes you only a few short minutes to reach the opening, and you can see that the other caves seem to all connect further down into a larger cavern. The cavern is about fifteen feet wide and curves slightly upward and to the left.

OOC: Who is taking the lead? Any other preparations? Please make sure you pick which spells you prepared before you set out on your character sheets.


Nerin turns to his companions "It seems there are even more players than we suspected. But someone screamed and we must find out who." says the tall warrior as he turns and leaps down to enter the cave.

Voidrunner's Codex

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