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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The only problem with the deluge of Savage Tide pbp posts to come will be betting on the right horse -- i.e. the game that'll actually get beyond the first two encounters. ;)

I'm definitely going to jump in on one of those when the time comes, along with running Legend of the Ripper in Ptolus this August.

I don't have time to start a new pbp at the moment (although it looks like two of the three I'm in are either dead or dying), but I think the DCC adventures will likely make all the old school folks happy, and they can be as roleplay heavy or roleplay light as the group wants them to be. For a quickie modules, the Dragonfiend Pact is terrific.

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First Post
Question said:
Crypt of the devil lich sounds interesting.....any more info on it?

I started a thread over in General Discussion that asked for opinions/experiences about the DCC line, and the Crypt of the Devil Lich is one of those mentioned.

Click here to check it out.

The Goodman Games website also is a good source for more info.
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Dog Moon

Question said:
Crypt of the devil lich sounds very interesting. Can we have crpyt of the demon lich though?

Naw, Crypt of the 'Loth Lich would be better. 'Loths are cooler than Demons or Devils. ;)


First Post
Hehehe, having read the titles and levels...the Crypt of the Devil Lich does indeed look good!

Thanks for the link to the thread too, by the way.


First Post
Hmm, well, there seems to be a growing consensus that several of you would like to try to survive the Crypt of the Devil Lich.

I will investigate this module specifically, and see if it lends itself well to running here as a PbP game. If I think it looks good, you'll see a recruitment thread here soon. :D



First Post
Well, having looked over The Crypt of the Devil Lich, I've made a few observations.

First, this module is designed specifically to be a deadly meat-grinder in the spirit of Tomb of Horrors. In fact, it's designed as a bit of an homage to that classic, as I understand it. Surviving until the dungeon's conclusion would be a very impressive feat. Characterization and storyline advancement will take a backseat. This will clearly not be to everyone's tastes, so be advised up front.

Second, the adventure is written with the intent that it be used as a tournament module, including the use of pregenerated characters, and a scoring system based on how well the party fares. If I were to run this module, I'd probably like to stick to that format, as the pregens seem to be well-designed for the dangers at hand. The inablilty to create your own character might also be a significant turn-off for some.

So, knowing these things, are people still interested in this? Without the need to evaluate character submissions, I'd probably draw my initial players from this thread, selecting those who have expressed interest in the DCC thus far.

Comments welcome...

Voidrunner's Codex

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