TSR TSR3.5 Voluntarily Dismisses Lawsuit

A lawsuit filed by TSR3 against D&D owners Wizards of the Coast a few days ago was voluntarily dismissed.

A lawsuit filed by TSR3 against D&D owners Wizards of the Coast a few days ago was voluntarily dismissed.

Screen Shot 2021-12-11 at 3.17.46 PM.png

Dismissal without prejudice means that the suit can be filed again. The suit lasted two days from the 7th to the 9th of December. The IndieGoGo fundraiser to fund it is still running.

At first glance, the below document is dated 21st October so it’s reasonable to assume that it is not related to the recent filing; however, apparently that date is incorrect. The correct date is in the footer, and this is indeed the dismissal of the recent filing and can be found on PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records).


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From the document as it appears in the OP:

View attachment 148180

In UK date format, that would be 12th September 2021, which is how I originally read it. In US format it would be 9th December, but that's after the date of dismissal.

EDIT: Or maybe the date of 21st October is when the original claim was submitted, and the date in the footer is when this dismissal was submitted, which would make way more sense.
No the October 21st is just the wrong date.

12/09/21 is American format for December 9, 2021.

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My guess is the date is misformatted in the filing due to some form of auto-complete and a template. American dating format is MM/DD/YY and that's the format used for legal documents, so the date it was filed according to PACER is 12/9/21 or December 9, 2021. However, if the template missed the first part and only saw 9/21, it would fill that as "October 21". If the template was also programmed to automatically fill the current year when it doesn't find a year attached, that would render the date as "October 21, 2021". Other explanations don't really make sense because if it used non-American formatting of DD/MM/YY, that would render it was September 12, 2021.

Anyone who has ever had to deal with an Excel document probably understands how easily this sort of thing can happen, especially when you're filing court documents at 8 PM.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Sadly, it's not actually illegal to donate to your own campaign, even if you do it under various dumb names. You can donate to your own campaign as much as you like. It's other people donating to you where the rules apply.
Nationwide, sure. But in a House Race in North Carolina there are limits. $5,100 per single contributor. Dude used a fake name, Lavasa, to give himself $5,200.

Which is fraud, even if personal contributions to one's own campaign have higher, or no, limits.

The point isn't "He's put in more money than he's allowed to put in". It's "He knew there were individual contribution limits so tried to skirt those laws by creating several really pathetic fake names to try and donate more cash."

The intent is what matters. And his intent is to skirt the law and try to get away with it, but, like... really -really- incompetently.


Dusty Dragon
Nationwide, sure. But in a House Race in North Carolina there are limits. $5,100 per single contributor. Dude used a fake name, Lavasa, to give himself $5,200.

Which is fraud, even if personal contributions to one's own campaign have higher, or no, limits.

The point isn't "He's put in more money than he's allowed to put in". It's "He knew there were individual contribution limits so tried to skirt those laws by creating several really pathetic fake names to try and donate more cash."

The intent is what matters. And his intent is to skirt the law and try to get away with it, but, like... really -really- incompetently.
Apparently all it would take for an investigation is for someone from NC to launch a complaint...


I apologise but for my own muddled mind, how is "12/07/21" parsed as 12th September? Not trying to be cute here, I live in Sweden and our date formats are YEAR-MONTH-DAY, so I get really confused with other formats.

In the US, in the civilian sector that is usually December 7th 2021 (or 1921 if it is a very old document). The USA and maybe Canada and Mexico are the only countries that use this format AFAIK.

The U.S. military often uses the format used by the rest of the world, but it is rare in the civilian parts of the US.

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