TSR TSR3 is no longer the original TSR

After weeks of claims that TSR3 was the original TSR resurrected, that they started the hobby, and that they created Gen Con (a convention which started in 1968, five years before even the original TSR was created), TSR3 has now altered its stance. Now it is no longer the old TSR. The new company states "... we are not the old TSR in any way. We are a new entity." TSR3 has deleted many earlier...

After weeks of claims that TSR3 was the original TSR resurrected, that they started the hobby, and that they created Gen Con (a convention which started in 1968, five years before even the original TSR was created), TSR3 has now altered its stance. Now it is no longer the old TSR. The new company states "... we are not the old TSR in any way. We are a new entity." TSR3 has deleted many earlier tweets.

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Gen Con was started by Gary Gygax and later acquired by TSR. Not sure if this was through the popularity of D&D in 1976 or to bring both under one entity for something like taxes. I know that I never heard of it as something not primarily D&D, at least in the 80s when I started playing.

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