TSR TSR3 is no longer the original TSR

After weeks of claims that TSR3 was the original TSR resurrected, that they started the hobby, and that they created Gen Con (a convention which started in 1968, five years before even the original TSR was created), TSR3 has now altered its stance. Now it is no longer the old TSR. The new company states "... we are not the old TSR in any way. We are a new entity." TSR3 has deleted many earlier...

After weeks of claims that TSR3 was the original TSR resurrected, that they started the hobby, and that they created Gen Con (a convention which started in 1968, five years before even the original TSR was created), TSR3 has now altered its stance. Now it is no longer the old TSR. The new company states "... we are not the old TSR in any way. We are a new entity." TSR3 has deleted many earlier tweets.

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Podcast host, 6-edition DM, and guy with a pulse.
But But they have a great range of um a ah there we go dice and t-shirts and um stuff um how about a theme park and a $1000 game sessions and um stuff.
Maybe LaNasa could start more grits rasslin' matches at the Hobby Shop for money. I don't know who would be the target demographic for that but at least it's something he has experience in. :p


What a huge lost opportunity here. There is a pretty big market they could have cashed in on. Just run the hobby shop, and put out adventures that they played via DTRPG or DMsGuild and they could have made quite a bit money based on TSR logo and Gygax name (as far as quite a bit of money goes in the RPG market). But no. They had to go ahead and do this. What a waste.


No rule is inviolate

Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what TSR3 is all about.

Lights, please. For behold, I bring unto you attention seeking behavior, which shall be visible to all people except tweets that are deleted. For unto you is born this day a company not getting any publicity or attention, which is TSR3. And this shall be a sign unto you: say incendiary things online to get noticed. And suddenly there was with the forum a multitude of voices talking about a company they'd never heard about.

That's what TSR3 is all about, Charlie Brown.

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