D&D 5E UA Travelers of the Multiverse survey is live! Update: it’s offline now.

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Li Shenron

I wish they gave a bit more time for people to actually use the UA before gathering feedback. I had to answer that I haven’t play tested any of the options, though I would like to have done, there just hasn’t been an opportunity.
Indeed. Surveys (as well as reviews) after reading without playing aren't really worth. Or rather, they are useful for selling but not for buying.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
What’s been usual for May?
So, given the timing, I'm wondering if we'll see this in a May product? Or more towards autumn?

Last October we got the dragon subclasses, and the October before that was a bunch of new subclasses (which were for Tasha's). If the pattern holds, these are meant for a Autumn/Winter 2022 release.

Last October we got the dragon subclasses, and the October before that was a bunch of new subclasses (which were for Tasha's). If the pattern holds, these are meant for a Autumn/Winter 2022 release.
If that timeframe holds, then I can't really think of any UA we've seen that could apply to a June/July book. The last confirmed release we know about is Netherdeep in March. There's a big gap between then and a potential October release.

Either the midyear book(/s) are adventures etc which don't really require UA, or else they've decided to forgo UA completely for those books (like they did for a lot of the Tasha's material).
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Book-Friend, he/him
What’s been usual for May?

Since we have an adventure for March, May would likely be a setting or rules expansion. But I guess what I was asking would be how the timing works from previous UAs and surveys...

Last October we got the dragon subclasses, and the October before that was a bunch of new subclasses (which were for Tasha's). If the pattern holds, these are meant for a Autumn/Winter 2022 release.

If that timeframe holds, then I can't really think of any UA we've seen that could apply to a June/July book. The last confirmed release we know about is Netherdeep in March. There's a big gap between then and a potential October release.

Either the midyear book(/s) are adventures etc which don't really require UA, or else they've decided to forgo UA completely for those books (like they did for a lot of the Tasha's material).
So, time of year seems less important than amount of months in lead-up between UA and final product. And yeah, most early year releases have not had UA material in them, the exceptions being Ghosts of Saltmarsh (UA on November 12 in 2018, published May 21 in 2019, six months), Theros (Subclasses in UA on September 18 in 2019, book originally intended for June 2 in 2020 and thus released digitally, nine months), and Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft (US for Subclasses came on August 5 in 2020 for the May 18 2021 release 9 months later, whereas the UA for Lineages was on January 26 in 2021, 4 months before release).

But we also need to consider the type of material being tested. The Ravenloft Classes were tested 9 months prior to release, but the Lineages were 4 months. Similarly, with Fizban's we saw the Subclass UA on October 26 2020 precisely one year before release on October 26 202, but the draconic races UA was on April 14th, 6 months before the final release. We have seen Race UA as shortly as two months before release (Ravnica in 2018), and as far out as 16 months (Eberron, July 2018 to the final book in Noivember 2019 though Eberron is probably a major outlier). A May release for these Races seems highly reasonable, all things considered: the interesting thing i that there has been no corresponding Subclasses, which usually have a longer lead time.


Book-Friend, he/him
Another data point: Races of the Feywild was put out on March 11 for a September & Novembwr release this year for both a 6 month and 8 mo th lead time (Strixhaven was supposed.to come out this year, and at least one reviewer has a physical copy so it exists).

If the Hobgoblin comes in the new compilation Multiverse book, that would be 10 months, and if the Kobold does that would be 9 months turnaround.

Voidrunner's Codex

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