D&D 5E UA Travelers of the Multiverse survey is live! Update: it’s offline now.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Except that was already being printed when this UA came out. It was supposed to be a Xmas release, but was delayed by the shipping apocalypse. If these were intended for that book, we’d have seen them 6 months ago.
In addition to thst, it seems to be all reprints or rewrites, no new content.

Another thing to consider is, what else needs to be tested for this product? Most books have a couple of subclasses. Do the spaceship combat rules need testing?

For Tasha's, the 1st UA relating to it was about a year before printing, the last about a month.

If I had to hazard a guess I would say Spelljammer will be Q3 2022, but there really isn't enough data to make that more than a guess.


Book-Friend, he/him
Another thing to consider is, what else needs to be tested for this product? Most books have a couple of subclasses. Do the spaceship combat rules need testing?

For Tasha's, the 1st UA relating to it was about a year before printing, the last about a month.

If I had to hazard a guess I would say Spelljammer will be Q3 2022, but there really isn't enough data to make that more than a guess.
I mean, they already have robust vehicle rules at hand, just add a few spacey-wacey bits to Ghosts of Saltmarsh base and good to go. For Subclasses...they might not have any this go around, might just reprint some from. Xanathar's or Tasha's, or might go the direction of Wildemount and just include options vital to the Setting without testing. Q2 still feels likely, but we will see.

I mean, they already have robust vehicle rules at hand, just add a few spacey-wacey bits to Ghosts of Saltmarsh base and good to go.
They aren't that robust - in particular, they lack rules for a "ship scale grid". They work okay theatre of the mind, one ship v one ship, but they fall down as soon as you have multiple manoeuvring ships.

Voidrunner's Codex

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