[v.3.5] Campaign Guide: Heroes of Carnell PbP Game!


World of Kulan DM
18. Secrets of the Wasting Shores
Originally (est. 660 to 700 years old [pre-100s]); repaired/rewritten sections (269 years old)
Associated Skills: Knowledge (Geography); Knowledge (History); Knowledge (Nature); Knowledge (Religion); Survival
Kulan Sub-Skills: Knowledge (Geography [Strandlands]); Knowledge (Undead)
Condition: Well used; repaired; missing sections rewritten/revised by Stratesus
Content: A detailed account for surviving the coastal desert regions of the Strandlands known as the Wasting Shores with significant emphasis on the coastline near both Hart Island and Radosal Island. There are chapters on the Dryrot Shublands, Eldermounts, and the Thunderback Badlands, but the book’s most detailed chapters are for the Wasting Shores from the Heltian Cliffs in the south to the Elderspire in the north. The book includes a detailed chapter (rewritten/revised by Stratesus) on the coastal desert north of the Elderspire known as the Grave Shores with an overview of the evils of the Wicked Hills and the Shrine of Utter Evil.
Pages: 300
Type: Tome
Extras?: Many hand-written notations by various members of the Boots that are either in the margins of the book or inserted as loose, stitched-together additions. There is a nice leather bookmark stamped with the Boots symbol in the centre of the book when it is first opened.
DM’s Note: The original author of this book was a mysterious nonhuman ranger named Chizoba who was born in an ancient town known as Aeneira. This town was located on the other side of the Thunder Mountains. Stratesus noted in his revised section that the town either no longer existed in his time or was renamed to something else and the original name was lost to history. The Hermit suspected than Aeneira might have been another name for Mor’s End, however.
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Authors: Originally (Chizoba); repaired/rewritten (Stratesus the Hermit)
Language: Old Norrish
Date Written: Originally (unknown); repaired/rewritten sections by Stratesus (last noted date: 480 N.C.)
Est. Value: 4,450 gp (at least)
Origin: Aeneira (ancient town)
Publicly Published?: Unknown
Rarity: Unique

I will add a more detailed post about this book once I'm through all of The Twenty. Now, I must go back to bed. :sleep:
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World of Kulan DM
19. Terrors of the Karmine Sea
521 years old
Associated Skills: Knowledge (Arcana); Knowledge (Geography); Knowledge (Nature); Profession (Sailor)
Kulan Sub-Skills: Knowledge (Geography [Karmine Sea])
Condition: Fair
Content: An in depth look at the dangerous creatures that are known to haunt the islands and waterways of the Karmine Sea, as told by the rellastan sailor named Focenza. He was known to be an adventurer and a privateer, although later printings after his death in 258 N.C. called into question his profession and noted that he was more likely to have been a pirate. Regardless of his origins, Focenza travelled extensively through the Karmine Sea. His books details monsters found both beneath the waves and on the sea’s various islands. The book’s highlights are two chapters detailing the dangerous creatures of the islands of Frey and Thyer.
Pages: 162
Type: Hardback
Extras?: A list of seafaring enemies (mostly pirate names) can be found in the back of the book.
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Author: Focenza (a rellastan)
Language: Rellastan and Suar
Date Written: 238 N.C.
Est. Value: 705 gp
Origin: City-state of Sequin
Publicly Published?: Yes (multiple printings)
Rarity: Uncommon (Far South); Rare (north of the Great Expanse)


World of Kulan DM
20. Weather Patterns of the Eastern Cliffs
574 years old
Associated Skills: Knowledge (Nature); Knowledge (Geography)
Kulan Sub-Skills: Knowledge (Geography [Strandlands])
Condition: Good
Content: For generations, this book has been the definitive guide to understanding the complex weather patterns that exist along the coast of the Strandlands. The book focuses on the Sunswept Cliffs and The Widowcliffs, as well as the cliff faces of the Hazepoint Peninsula, which is often shrouded in deep fog. There is short chapter about the more southerly Heltian Cliffs. The book details how the Karmine Sea creates powerful storms that often lash Hazepoint but rarely sweep south into The Wasting Shores. The books author, Alioth Sunseeker, warns that region’s coastal deserts can be extremely dangerous with intense heatwaves at night and bone-chilling cold at night.
Pages: 315
Type: Softbound
Extras?: A map of the coastal cliffs is found secreted in the binding. The map notes several hidden treasure caches that are scattered all along the eastern cliffs of the Strandlands.
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Author: Alioth Sunseeker
Language: Old Norrish
Date Written: 185 N.C.
Est. Value: 1,240 gp (value with map 1,860 gp)
Origin: Strandlands
Publicly Published?: Yes (three different printings)
Rarity: Uncommon; rare (with map)


World of Kulan DM
Detailed Description of "Secrets of the Wasting Shores"
The book starts with the author’s short introduction of himself and his origins in Aeneira. He came to live in the Strandlands at an early age. He was an adventurer and avid explorer. He loved the coastal deserts of the Strandlands, so he made the region his home later in life.

The first chapter of the of the book gives an overview of the Strandlands and its unique wildness. The lands are considered to be highly diverse with both mundane and monstrous life. Most of the Strandlands deserts are considered temperate in climate. However, the coastal desert known as the Graven Wastes(1) and the wild shrublands known as The Wrathful Territory are (somewhat) subtropical due to the hotter weather patterns that are formed over the southerly half of the Karmine Sea.

The second chapter is specific to the Wasting Shores from the edge of the Eldermounts in the north to the Heltian Cliffs in the south, as well as both Hart Island and Radosal Island. The author goes into great detail about the coastal desert’s flora and fauna, as well as hidden caves along the shoreline and old ruins that exist in the Wasting Shores that date from before 0 N.C.(2) The largest of these is a rumoured lost city that once sat in the centre of the desert roughly 30 miles from the shoreline. The author notes that these ruins are close to the Town of Laphas. (Stratesus’ notes in the margin that Laphas is ruined in his time; the victim of some sort of plague.)

Chizoba also mentions an ancient ruin of unknown origin that exists near a wanderer’s camp(3) near where the Wasting Shores end and the Thunderback Badlands begin. The author believed the ruins were over a thousand years old, but Stratesus scoffed at such an idea. The Hermit dated the Wandering Ruin as being closer to 200 N.C., but he does note that ruins are quite mysterious. The ruins seem to shift location in the rocky wastes – never appearing in the same place twice. Stratesus and the other Boots considered the Wandering Ruin to be extremely dangerous.

The next three chapters detail the Dryrot Shrublands, the Eldermounts, and the Thunderback Badlands southwest of Wasting Shores. Chizoba only gives and overview of the Dryrot Shrublands, but The Hermit has filled the chapter’s margins with tons of notations about the shrublands and the Windless Mountains northwest of the Dryrot. Chizoba considered the interior regions to be less than remarkable, but Stratesus praised their hidden diversity, especially regarding monstrous vermin and secretive monstrous humanoids. Chizoba was more impressed with both the Eldermounts and the Thunderback Badlands. He praised the mineral wealth of the Eldermounts, and the ranger had hoped to lay claim to the Elderspire in the future(4). The Eldermounts are filled with dwarven mining camps and there is a shrine dedicated to Davek(5) that sits in a cacti grove just west of the mountain range’s surrounding hills. This shrine existed in Stratesus’ time as well. Chizoba praised the incredible diversity of the Thunderback Badlands and attributed the regions incredible natural wonders to the protection of the Majestic Blue Dragon of the Thunder Lands, which the badlands are named after. He makes note of the ruins known as Filthil; the primary stain of evil in the region. The ranger also makes note of a strange structure known as the Twisting Tower(6), which might have been the home of a mage at one point. He mentions a 100-ft. tall stone statue of a warrior that sits on a high hill just west of the badlands.

The next chapter is a catchall for the more southerly deserts and wastelands of the region. This includes the coastal deserts near the southern mountain range known as the Spraymounts. These deserts have various names including the Desert by Blackwater, the Firewind Hills, and the Spraying Wastes. The chapter also includes overviews of both the Graven Wastes and the Wrathful Territory. Chizoba considers the former to be less diverse than the northern coastal deserts (and too hot for his liking) and the latter to be a frightening place filled with ghosts and ghouls. The ranger makes note of a strange towering spire known as the Jarmjiran Tower, which sits in a small isolated desert in the northwestern part of the territory.

The last chapter is about the Grave Wastes and was completely written by Stratesus and put into the end of the book when it is was repaired and bound into The Hermit’s revised tome. Chizoba barely mentions the haunted desert and avoided it nearly completely. It frightened him more than the Wrathful Territory. Stratesus noted that the original author had good reason to be afraid of the desert. It is a harsh desert that tends to get hotter than it should. It is filled with some of the most dangerous creatures found in the Strandlands coastal deserts, including not only strange (and often huge) monstrous vermin and oversized dire animals, but also hidden aberrations, isolationist monstrous humanoids, and vicious undead.

He goes into great detail about the coastal desert, but doesn’t mention the ruined Temple of Bogphin. (He only wrote about the temple in his personal journal.) He writes with great fondness of the cacti valley, which he calls the Thornscrub and its many unique, and often bizarre, creatures that defy explanation. One such creature he calls a Byraiol that is half animal, half plant. He considers it to be a unique creature found only in the Thornscrub. He also discovered a wondrous hot spring in the heart of the cacti forest with incredible healing properties. He named it after his goddess.

He notes an old stone structure that he calls Ralix’s Cross. Evil denizens of the Grave Wastes often use it to punish their enemies. He discovered a massive oasis on top of a large plateau, which is used by all the peoples of the desert. It is considered to be sacred ground and a neutral site for resolving disputes. Most call it the Grand Oasis. There are dozens of other oases scattered throughout the Grave Wastes, but most of them are contested and several of them are polluted by evil that never seems to fade.

Stratesus notes that desert is home to a wide variety of humanoids and their, often, monstrous rivals. Almost all of these peoples are isolationist and don’t consider themselves to be part of the Strandlands. The bulk of the humanoids live by the shore and survive by fishing and digging for water. The monstrous humanoids tend to wander the desert in small bands; they survive by raiding each other and the humanoids of the coast. The most dangerous monstrous humanoids of the desert are dune hags.

The most common creatures of the Grave Shores include bugbears, camels, crucians, diprotodons, dire jackals, dire wolves & dire pumas, ghouls, giant banded lizards, humans (bandits or fishers), monstrous vermin (especially giant ant lions), sand hunters, scorpion & spider swarms, and tumbling mounds. The more dangerous creatures of the coastal desert include death scarab swarms, dune hags, dunewinders, forlorn husks, ghasts, ironthorns, wasteland trolls, and at least one gargantuan thunderbird.

Stratesus includes a special section at the end of the last chapter about the Wicked Hills. He goes into great detail about how the hills exist behind a magical barrier known as Angrboda’s Crossing, which is an area roughly 8 miles in diameter. It is possible to cross this barrier without difficulty, but once on the other side, travellers have moved into a unique demiplane that exists beyond the natural world. Light is muted in the demiplane and undead are a real menace to the living(7). The sky is always overcast.

At the centre of the demiplane are the Wicked Hills themselves, which are surrounded by blighted marshlands, twisted forests, and deadly undying mountain peaks. These lands are considered cursed and travelling through them is extremely hazardous. Encounters with undead and other evil creatures are frequent and often frightening. While in the hills themselves, there is always a constant sense of being watched.

In the centre of the Wicked Hills is the Shrine of Utter Evil. Stratesus writes that the shrine is considered sacred to numerous dark gods including not only Angrboda, but also the Interloper god known as Kovzeasz, as well as at least three other deities known as Rune, Vokaron, and Zenar(8). The followers of Malotoch had only recently become enamoured with the shrine in his time period. He and the other leaders of the Boots debated for many years regarding trying to destroy the shrine and/or severe the demiplane’s connection to the Material Plane. In the end, they did not consider it worth the risk. They worried the dark gods would seek vengeance against not only them, but also all of the Thunder Lands. It was not a war they believed they could win, especially with the ogre scions and their allies making war across most of the continent.

DM’s Note: I could write more but it is 3 a.m. I must stop now and go to sleep.
  1. The Graven Wastes should not be confused with the Grave Shores. The former is south of the City of Blackwater while the latter is north of The Eldermounts near the Sunswept Cliffs. The Graven Wastes are often referred to as the Windcarved Coast. The coastal desert is considered to be separate from the Strandlands in the current year.
  2. Unlike our real world accounting of time where there is no Year 0, the Land of Harqual’s New Calendar does have a 0 N.C.
  3. This camp is known as the Encampment of the Desert Sun in the current year. It is a major stopping over point between the Elderspire in the north and the City of Helt in the south. (It is closer to Helt.)
  4. While it is uncertain who built the Elderspire, it is generally accepted that the tower is quite ancient. It has existed since before 0 N.C. and could be ancient. However, the structure has been damaged, ruined, and rebuilt (as well as bought and sold) so many times that the current Elderspire barely resembles the Elderspire that Chizoba describes. Stratesus notes that the Elderspire is hotly contested in his time with major skirmishes being fought over it. In the current day, the tower belongs to the ruling senate of the Strandlands. It is manned constantly during the Spring and Summer months, but it is boarded up during the Fall and Winter (with only a handful of soldiers to keep it out of the hands of brigands).
  5. Davek is my newly created homebrewed replacement for Dumathoin. The shrine is noted on the Crow God Overview map as the Shrine of Dumathoin.
  6. Thunderback does not like adventurers going near the tower without his permission. Stratesus noted this in his time.
  7. All undead, even mindless undead, have +2 turning resistance in the demiplane. Light sources (even magical ones) only provide dim illumination up half their normal radius.
  8. Kovzeasz is my homebrewed replacement for the v.3.5 deity Konkresh. Rune, Vokaron, and Zenar are my homebrewed replacements for Mulketh, Tharizdun, and Balador.
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World of Kulan DM
@JustinCase, here are some base stats for a Dire Monitor Lizard.

CR 3
TN Large Animal (dire)
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Listen +4, Spot +4

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14
hp 33 (3HD)
Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +4

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 30 ft.
Melee bite +10 (2d6+13)
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +2; Grp +15

Abilities Str 29, Dex 15, Con 23, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Feats Alertness, Great Fortitude
Skills Climb +10, Escape Artist +2, Hide +3, Intimidate -4, Jump +13, Listen +4, Move Silently +7, Search -5, Sense Motive +1, Spot +4, Swim +18

Skills A monitor lizard has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Monitor lizards have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. *In forested or overgrown areas, the Hide bonus improves to +8.
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World of Kulan DM
Maps of the Grave Shores
This first map shows the area that surrounds the ruined Temple of Bogphin. Besides the temple, the PCs have been to both the Dead Oasis and the Horse Oasis. Caerth saw the other Unknown Oasis from the air in dire owl form.

The temple sits on a large weathered mound that is not a natural formation. It may have been formed by the temple's original builders, or might even predate the temple's original construction.

Area Around the Ruined Temple.jpg

Beyond the Ruined Temple
This map shows almost all of the Thornscrub and the entire demiplane that is the region where the Wicked Hills are located. The Shrine of Utter Evil sits at the pocket plane. The dotted red line shows Angrboda's Crossing. Note that the crossing is actually circular. The circle's edge intersects the hexes outer corners.

The map notes several places mentioned in the book "Secrets of the Wasting Shores" including the hot spring/geyser named after The Hermit's unnamed goddess, Ralix's Cross, the Grand Oasis, and the Wicked Hills themselves. There is also a second Unknown Oasis noted on the map.

Beyond the Temple of Bogphin.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
New deity for @Aust Thale's PC...

Drace's Daughter, The Entertainer, The Honoured Soul, Lady of Blades

Galdius (or rose petals)
Home Plane: Elysian Fields
Godly Realm: Wanders
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Combat, duelling, festivals and other public entertainment, honour, sacrifice
Worshippers: Bards, Charans, fighters, goodhearted orcs & half-orcs, gladiators, performers, rockwood gnomes, sentinels, siarrans, soldiers, the vonakyndra
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, (N)
Domains: Community, Good, Luck, War
Favoured Weapon: Short Sword (gladius)

Cynra is an Interloper demigoddess who was a half-orc gladiator during her mortal life. She gained her immortality from the deity known as Drace, and she is sometimes called Drace's Daughter. She is a Goddess of Combat and Duelling, and is worshipped by many types of warriors, especially gladiators. Her faith is very strong among the people of the Chara Coast.

The Honoured Soul is a favourite deity among goodhearted orcs with Agrestic orcs and The Warsworn being some of her most devout followers in her role of as a Goddess of Honour and Sacrifice. A number of Triumvirate orcs of the City-state of Khester have begun to worship her, as well, since their arrival in the Lands of Harqual.

Cynra is also known as The Entertainer, and she has many followers who are bards, performers, and other types of entertainers. She is a goddess of Festivals and many consider her to be the patron of the Rosalia, or Festival of Roses. Her clerics often organize public spectacles, which are always fun, but also safe, events.

The Lady of Blades has many followers among nonhumans, as well, including not only orcs and half-orcs, but also the rockwood gnomes of the Far South, the forest giants known as the vonakyndra, and the mysterious people known as siarrans. The siarrans refer to the goddess as Azarae Whiteblood and believe she is an ancient goddess from another world who was reborn on Kulan.
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