Kulan: Aerie of the Crow God PbP Restart: Recruitment now closed!


Heh. For me, it's not only 3.5 books, but also d20/OGL books. (I'm not big into Pathfinder, but I do have some of the books.)

BTW, is your character male or female?

Male. Guess that might be important to add to his sheet huh? I've been steady adding to the post on the previous page. Got a little more gear to buy and spells to pick now that I know I need a specialty and thus fewer schools to choose from. Trying to decide about a familiar too.

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World of Kulan DM
Male. Guess that might be important to add to his sheet huh? I've been steady adding to the post on the previous page. Got a little more gear to buy and spells to pick now that I know I need a specialty and thus fewer schools to choose from. Trying to decide about a familiar too.
Once you're done, please post the final character in the RG thread. I have moderator privilages in the World of Kulan forum, so if I want to add informational tidbits for the world for your PC, I can do it there instead of having to post it somewhere else and hope you see it.

Tailspinner has posted his character on the thread -- a female hutaakan rogue. So, the group is now set...

Blackrat - Male elf, Bard 7 | Lorien Mornyano
Voda Vosa - Male human, Fighter 7 | Quinn Inagui
JustinCase - Male half-orc, Druid 7 | Caerth Heart-of-Oak
Scotley - Male gray/silver elf hybrid, Wizard 4 / Elf Paragon 3 | Minvelepharadan 'Phar' Tamlyranth
Tailspinner - Female hutaakan, Rogue 7 | Aureus Canis


Moved my draft over to the RG, but he's not quite finished. Most of the mechanical stuff is there. My dog ate my character sheet. :blush:

Actually, she came down with an ear infection. Spent all afternoon and $235 at the vet. I'm beat but will try to finish up first thing in the morning. She forgets she's a 77 pound full grown Boxer and thinks she''s a lap dog puppy when she doesn't feel well.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I saw info on rolling abilities and I gather we are to be 7th level. Does that mean 19,000 gp for equipment?

I tend to not pull punches when danger looms so good ability scores are a must for my campaigns. Your Pcs starting equipment should match whatever is the DMG. I'm assuming that's where you got 19,000 gp.

I might have given bonus equipment when the game started, but I can't remember. I'll take a look through the threads to refresh my memory.

I just looked through my character and noticed that I had wisely written down the equipment costs. As did most others in the old group. 19000 seems to be correct, though I also have a mention of "heirloom" next to Lorien's +1 longsword and its cost is not counted to the total... So I guess you might have gifted us with a minor magic item as bonus. +1 worth or similar...

EDIT: Seems Dogmoon also marked down his heirloom item which is a Stone of Alarm.
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Guest 11456

From the "Original PbP Campaign Group Discussion" here:

Starting Wealth: 19,000 gp
In addition, each character gains one signature magical item. This item should be a family heirloom or, at least, have a backstory.
The magic item's maximum value should be no more than 3,000 gp. (You don't get the extra gold if it costs less than that.)
You also have the option of foregoing the extra magical item in order to select an extra bonus feat from the PHB, instead.


World of Kulan DM
I just looked through my character and noticed that I had wisely written down the equipment costs. As did most others in the old group. 19000 seems to be correct, though I also have a mention of "heirloom" next to Lorien's +1 longsword and its cost is not counted to the total... So I guess you might have gifted us with a minor magic item as bonus. +1 worth or similar...

EDIT: Seems Dogmoon also marked down his heirloom item which is a Stone of Alarm.
Ah ha!

I knew there was something else I'd given. Thanks for reminding me of that, Blackrat. :)

From the "Original PbP Campaign Group Discussion" here:

Starting Wealth: 19,000 gp
In addition, each character gains one signature magical item. This item should be a family heirloom or, at least, have a backstory.
The magic item's maximum value should be no more than 3,000 gp. (You don't get the extra gold if it costs less than that.)
You also have the option of foregoing the extra magical item in order to select an extra bonus feat from the PHB, instead.
Thanks for re-posting that here, Tailspinner.

You, [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION], and [MENTION=11520]Scotley[/MENTION] need to decide whether or not you want the heirloom or the extra bonus feat from the PHB.


I opted to go with an evoker for the fun of it. I realize it isn't the most optimal choice in 3.5, but with such a high INT I should have enough extra spells to do some battle field control and party buffing. Any requests for buffs? Was planning to take haste.

Also, any objection to my buying a few scrolls so I can add a few extra spells to my book?


World of Kulan DM
I opted to go with an evoker for the fun of it. I realize it isn't the most optimal choice in 3.5, but with such a high INT I should have enough extra spells to do some battle field control and party buffing. Any requests for buffs? Was planning to take haste.

Also, any objection to my buying a few scrolls so I can add a few extra spells to my book?
As long as you've got the coin for it. You'd have bought the scrolls elesewhere. There isn't a place in Carnell to buy magic. It's too small.

Voidrunner's Codex

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