Against the Giants 5e PBP (Full)

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I welcome thoughts on how to proceed: I think either (a) a radical re-envisioning with monk levels or (b) new character are preferable to (c) continuing with legacy species and subclass, and I think the Colonel is at a nice end. But I'd like to keep playing.

It's your call. I truly enjoyed Hoss, but if you want to try some of the sweet new bells and whistles in 5e24, I am not going to stop you.

I mean, you're not trying to pull a bard switcheroo on me?

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The closest way I can do that in 2024 that I can see is with an Elements Monk 3 (5?) -- that gives lightning and pusing -- and perhaps Light Cleric 6 (8). That would allow lightning pushes, and he could become human or goliath without loss of identity.
Update: this is absolutely the worst build imaginable. So many otiose features.

I am happy to continue playing the Colonel, but there are two major obstacles to updating him to 2024: he is (1) an Air Genasi (2) Tempest Cleric. Both species and subclass haven't been updated, and so while could use the old ones, that doesn't fully enter the spirit of updating to 2024.

Colonel was conceived as a melee cleric without any weapons. The closest way I can do that in 2024 that I can see is with an Elements Monk 3 (5?) -- that gives lightning and pusing -- and perhaps Light Cleric 6 (8). That would allow lightning pushes, and he could become human or goliath without loss of identity. Element Monk 11 work smoother and lets him fly, and I could give him an Acolyte background -- but that means losing all the cleric spells. Certainly some of the definitive moments in my nind hae been the casting of Banishment, which Monk 11 wouldn't allow. I could convince myself he's the same guy with either of these.

The alternative would be for the Old Man to retire, which I am fully prepared for. He was given the commission to supervise Donnell, and that's been done. He could leave the earth elemental necklace with someone and ride off into the sunset. The build challenge was completed and was fun, but I'm not wedded to seeing it forward.

I've got lots of 2024 characters I'd like to play, and some of them don't even involve illusion spells, rogue levels, or both (though so many do...) . I am happy to consider an alternative character coming in "fresh", to allow the Colonel to ride off into NPCdom. It could be a Cleric/Druid/Ranger if we felt we wanted a healer, or something else.

I welcome thoughts on how to proceed: I think either (a) a radical re-envisioning with monk levels or (b) new character are preferable to (c) continuing with legacy species and subclass, and I think the Colonel is at a nice end. But I'd like to keep playing.
I like the colonel. He kind of felt like the glue of the party. I’m not sure how you’d pull it off mechanically, though.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Both Air Genasi and Tempest Cleric haven't been updated...
I know I could use the old species and subclasses, but that doesn't feel like I'm embracing the spirit of '24.

I expect the block is with me. No trouble, just reconciliation.

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