Kulan: Aerie of the Crow God PbP Restart: Recruitment now closed!

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World of Kulan DM
Hmm, that's an interesting choice. Hutaakans, like the Kha, are newcomers to the world, so they only come from one place on the continent. However, I could see an outcast that chose to explore a brand new world leaving his/her isolationist people behind. Perhaps the PC traveled into the elven lands and befriended a certain hybrid elf.



the magical equivalent to the number zero
All of the options are pretty interesting. So the main issue wil be: shall i focus on the thieving or on the healing?

Will the birdman be a rogue? If so, i think i'll go for the halforc druid. I like a challenge. :)


Hmm, that's an interesting choice. Hutaakans, like the Kha, are newcomers to the world, so they only come from one place on the continent. However, I could see an outcast that chose to explore a brand new world leaving his/her isolationist people behind. Perhaps the PC traveled into the elven lands and befriended a certain hybrid elf.


works for me.


World of Kulan DM
Damn, it took me time to find the description for the Hutaakans :D They sound really cool.
In D&D canon, Hutaakans are a Mystara race. I've adapted the race for use with Kulan. The race doesn't have a direct connection to the Known World setting in this cosmology.

Tailspinner's hutakkan PC will have to deal with some racial biases about his character. People might confuse the character with a gnoll, which could be a problerm. Scotley's elf would likely have to vouch for the character everywhere they go, if Tailspinner chooses to build that connection into the character. Regardless, the character will make many NPCs uncomfortable, at the very least. Harqual does have a lot of racial variety, so in cosmopolitan cities (like Yuln) a hutaakan would be more accepted once it is proven that he/she is not a gnoll. :)

This is important because gnolls are a major threat in the Eastern Shores (north of where your PCs are) and somewhat in the Thunder Lands. As one travels south, racial prejudices lessen.


World of Kulan DM
All of the options are pretty interesting. So the main issue wil be: shall i focus on the thieving or on the healing?

Will the birdman be a rogue? If so, i think i'll go for the halforc druid. I like a challenge. :)
I think the half-orc druid is a good option. I say go for it!


World of Kulan DM

If you choose to play a Hutaakan cleric, note that I've added files detailing clerical domains and domain spells to the World of Kulan campaign group. Below is the gaming information for the patron deity of the Hutaakans.

Lord of the Hutaakans, God of Crafts

Symbol: A jackal’s head
Home Plane: Mechanus
Godly Realm: None (wanders)
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Portfolio: Hutaakans, crafting, magic
Worshipers: Hutaakans
Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, LE
Domains: Craft, Knowledge, Law, Magic
Favored Weapon: Light mace (or khopesh)

Vaflar is a mysterious jackal-headed Maran god who created the Hutaakans.
I haven't created any more than that for the deity, but it is based on the patron Immortal of the Hutaakans, Pflarr, as per the Mystara setting. However, that Immortal is only for inspiration. I want Vaflar to be more unique to my cosmology.

Voidrunner's Codex

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