Kulan: Aerie of the Crow God PbP Restart: Recruitment now closed!


World of Kulan DM
I have been looking over the races for something exotic. What about an Aarakocra?
That race is a little too exotic for the campaign region. Aarakocra are rarely found in the northern lands. I do have a unique birdfolk race for Harqual that are native to the Thunder Lands region. They are called the Kha and are listed under my Avian Races. If you want to play birdfolk race, I suggest that one. The race doesn't have a Level Adjustment due to its restrictions on classes and its limited fly speed and maneuverability. Kha make great rogues, Dexterity-based fighters, rangers & druids, and, rarely, monks.

If you want to play something more exotic, the race should have a Lvl. Adj. of +1 at most.
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World of Kulan DM
Here is a more detailed look (on The Piazza) at the campaign region where the adventure is set: Thunder Lands (Thunder Mountains Region). I haven't finished detailing all aspects of the map, but it shows the major settlements and kingdoms near the Strandlands.

A closeup view of the map has been posted to the first post of the OOC thread.
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Gray/Silver Elf Hybrid Wizard 4 Paragon 3

Minvelepharadan 'Phar' Tamlyranth

Str: 11 (13 base -2 race)
Dex: 16 (14 base -2 race)
Con: 12 (14 base -2 race)
Int: 24 (17 base +2 race +1 4th level +2 Paragon 3 +2 Magic)
Wis: 12
Cha: 12
HP: 4d4+3d8+7
BAB: +4
FORT: +3
WIll: +6
AC: 21 touch 14, flatfooted 16

Gender: Male
Hair: Pale golden worn long and held back with a simple silver headband.
Eyes: Violet

[sblock=Gray/Silver Elf Hybrid]
•+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength.
•Medium: As Medium creatures, elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
•Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
•Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
•Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
•Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.
•+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
•Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
•Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass elf’s wizard class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.


Wizards are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes with a wizard’s movements, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.
Spells: A wizard casts arcane spells which are drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. A wizard must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time.
Bonus Languages:A wizard may substitute Draconic for one of the bonus languages available to the character because of her race.
Familiar: A wizard can obtain a familiar in exactly the same manner as a sorcerer can.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a wizard gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, a wizard gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, she can choose a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, or Spell Mastery. The wizard must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums.


[sblock=Elf Paragon]
Elf paragons are proficient with all simple weapons, rapiers, longswords, shortbows, and longbows. Elf paragons are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Wizard level +2

Elfsight (Ex) An elf paragon has exceptional visual acuity. Her racial bonus on Search and Spot checks increases to +4. In addition, an elf paragon's low-light vision increases in range, allowing her to see three times as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination.

Resist Enchantments (Ex) An elf paragon's racial bonus on saves against enchantment spells or effects increases by 2.

Weapon Focus (Ex) At 2nd level, an elf paragon gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat. This feat must apply to either the rapier, longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow, composite shortbow, or composite longbow.

Ability Boost (Ex) At 3rd level, an elf paragon's Intelligence score increases by 2 points.


Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus)
Summon Familiar (wizard bonus0
Weapon Focus (elf paragon bonus)
Point Blank Shot 1st Level
Precise Shot 3rd Level
Practiced Spellcaster (complete wizard p.82) 6th Level
(5th Level Wizard Bonus pending)
(9th Level pending)

Languages: Common, Elven, Centaur, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan
Concentration 10+1Con
Decipher Script 2+7Int
Diplomacy 5+1Cha+2Syn
Hide 5+3Dex
Knowledge Arcana 10+7Int
Knowledge Architecture and Engineering 5+7Int
Knowledge Dungeoneering 1+7Int
Knowledge Geography 1+7Int
Knowledge History 1+7Int
Knowledge Local 1+7Int
Knowledge Nature 1+7Int
Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 5+7Int
Knowledge Religion 1+7Int
Knowledge The Planes 1+7Int
Listen 1+1Wis+2Race
Move Silently 5+3Dex
Ride* 1+3Dex
Search* 2+1Wis +4Race+2Syn(secret doors and hidden compartments)
Spellcraft 7+7Int+2Syn
Spot 5+1Wis+4Race
Survival 2+1Wis
Swim 2

*Cross class

4, 3, 3, 2

Spell Book All Cantrips
1st (12)
2nd (4)
3rd (4)

+2 Headband of Intellect 4000 gp
+1 Feycraft Mithral Thistledown Suit Chain Shirt 2850 gp 11.2# APC: 0 Max Dex: +7 Arcane spell failure: 0%
+1 Feycraft Darkwood Buckler 1714 gp 5# ACP: 0 Arcane spell failure: 0%
+1 Ring of Protection 2000 gp
MW Longsword 315 gp 4#
+1 Longbow 2375 gp 3#
-20 arrows 1 gp 3#
Dagger 2 gp 1#
Travelers Outfit 0 gp 0#
Spell Component Pouch 5 gp 2#
Handy Haversack 2000 gp 5#
-2 Spell books of dragon hide with vellum pages in slipcovers 540 gp

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I assume the "grays" have a distinctive appearance, at least to the eyes of other elves? So Lorien would recognise one, even if he haven't seen one before. Again, just thinking ahead about reactions on meeting the new characters :D I would assume somewhat disbelieved amazement towards such an elf.


World of Kulan DM
I assume the "grays" have a distinctive appearance, at least to the eyes of other elves? So Lorien would recognise one, even if he haven't seen one before. Again, just thinking ahead about reactions on meeting the new characters :D I would assume somewhat disbelieved amazement towards such an elf.
Definitely. Lorien would know what a gray elf looks like. Scotley's PC might appear unique enough due to his hybrid nature. I would think it would be quite the experience for Lorien. As a bard, Lorien would know numerous legends, songs, and stories about gray elves.


World of Kulan DM
How about a Kitt Scout?
Kitts would definitely be found in the region.

The race's LA (+3) is higher than I'd like for the campaign, and I've only had one other player try the race (the game lasted only a few game sessions). With only 4 levels, your PC will be at some risk. (It would be like a playtest.) I'm up for you trying out the race, as long as no one else minds.

Of course, I've yet to have a player choose to play a Kha either, but if the race was to play more powerful, I could always give it a Lvl. Adj. bump.

I'm less inclined to decrease a homebrewed race's LA. But that's just me. :D

Any other race/class ideas?


Guest 11456

I must have missed the level adjustment. How about a Kha Favored Soul or Cleric.


World of Kulan DM
I must have missed the level adjustment. How about a Kha Favored Soul or Cleric.
The racial traits for the Kha specifically state that the Kha cannot become clerics, and I would put favored souls in that same vein since the Kha cannot be sorcerers (due to spontaneous casting). The Kha also cannot take levels in Bard, Hexblade, Knight, Paladin, or any other type of holy warrior class. A Kha character can attain only 5th-level as a Ranger, Druid, or Wizard.

Any class similar to one of the classes listed above falls into the same category. Wilderness Rogues and Scouts, for example, would be equivalent to Rogues (no level restriction) and Rangers. My homebrewed Elementalist class would be equivalent to the Wizard.

The base classes without any level restrictions (besides the Rogue and Wilderness Rogue) are as follows: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Scout, Swashbuckler, and Trader (homebrewed class).

Note that the only real restriction on multclassing is based on alignment.
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