4. Deserts of the Strand
Age: Unknown (but likely from the time of the founding of the city of Ariag [now, Stonn City])
Associated Skills: Knowledge (Geography)
— Kulan Sub-Skill: Knowledge (Geography [Strandlands])
Condition: Fair
Content: An overview the various deserts and wastelands that exist in the Strandlands, before the region was officially known as the Strandlands. (It used to be called just The Strand.) Chapters on Crossbone Shores (and Burnt Island), the Deserthaze, Thunderback Badlands, the Wasting Shores, and the Wrathful Territory. Also has chapters on the southern wastelands known as Graven Wastes and Axehead Chaparral, which are not considered to be part of the Strandlands in current year.
Pages: 95
Type: Softbound
Extras?: No
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Author: Unknown
Language: Ariagian and Old Norrish
Date Written: Unknown
Est. Value: 54 gp, 5 sp
Origin: The Jagged Peninsula
Publicly Published?: Unknown
Rarity: Unknown