Sheyla Bladesong, Elven Cleric of Corellon Larethian
Character archived by Knightfall
[SBLOCK=Sheyla Bladesong]
Sheyla Bladesong
female Silver Elf, 7th-level Cleric of Corellon Larethian (21,350 XP; 11.08.2009; Beach Spiders)
Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (39 hp) (
Rolls 2nd-7th)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 20[21] (+4 Dex, +6 armor, [+1 shield]), touch 14, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+9
Attack: MW Cold Iron Longsword +11 melee (1d8+4/19-20) or Darkwood Composite Longbow (+4 Str) +10 ranged (1d8+4/x3)
Full Attack: MW Cold Iron Longsword +11 melee (1d8+4/19-20) or Darkwood Composite Longbow (+4 Str) +10 ranged (1d8+4/x3)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Spells, Turn Undead 4/day
Special Qualities: Elf Traits, Chaotic Good Aura, Chaotic Good Spells, Spontaneous Casting of Cure Spells
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +10 (+2 vs. Enchantments)
Abilities: Str 16(18), Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 18(20), Cha 12
Skills: Heal +10(5), Knowledge (religion) +6(5), Listen +12(5cc), Spot +12(5cc); * Armor Check Penalty 0
Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Elf Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency (except Tower Shield), Weapon Focus (Longsword), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Power Attack
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sheyla stands 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 112 pounds. She is 127 years old. Her long, silverblonde hair is worn open, a few strands of hair framing the fine-featured face with emerald eyes. Her slender figure is dressed in comfortable green clothes, on top of which she wears her finely crafted chain shirt. The holy symbol of Corellon Larethian is attached to a simple silver chain around her neck. Along with her small backpack and a grey-green cloak, she wears two crossed sheathes on her back, holding her longswords. Her darkwood longbow is slung over her shoulder and a quiver with arrows is hanging from her weapon belt. A buckler is sometimes strapped to her left arm, on which she also wears a silver bracelet, which is covered in flames, that apparantly do not burn her, shedding light equivalent to that of a torch.
Sheyla speaks Common, Elven and Celestial.
Spells: As 7th-level cleric
Domains: Elf, War
Spells per Day: (6/6+1/4+1/3+1/2+1; save DC 15 + spell level):
0 -
Detect Magic (3),
Resistance (2);
1st -
Bless (2),
Divine Favor,
Shield of Faith (2),
Magic Weapon (D);
2nd -
Hold Person,
Remove Paralysis,
Spiritual Weapon (2),
Cat's Grace (D);
3rd -
Invisibility Purge,
Magic Circle against Evil,
Protection from Energy,
Magic Vestment (D);
4th - 1 slot free,
Divine Power,
Divine Power (D).
Equipment: MW Cold Iron Longsword, Silver Longsword, Darkwood Composite Longbow (+4 Str), Cold Iron Arrows (40),
+2 Mithril Shirt, MW Buckler,
Heward's Handy Haversack, Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Belt Pouch, Waterskin, Everburning Silver Bracelet (10 gp), Silver Holy Symbol of Corellon Larethian, Holy Water (3), Diamond Dust (500 gp), Silver Dust (25 gp),
Belt of Strength +2,
Periapt of Wisdom +2,
Pearl of Power (1st),
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges); 28 gp, 4-7 sp, 0 cp.
Background: Hailing from the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves in the northern parts of the
Great Forest of Harqual in the Northern Heartlands, Sheyla grew up in peace, learning the arts of swordplay and archery. But peace never endures, and her homelands were constantly threatened by attacks of humanoid warbands. When Sheyla was considered mature, she became a cleric of Corellon Larethian, to be able to help and protect her kin. The ideals he stands for, have long been her own as well, so it was just a natural progression.
[SBLOCK=Silver Elves]
Silver Elf Society
The silver elves of the Great Forest have one of the oldest kingdoms in existence on Harqual. The Kingdom of the Silver Leaves has existed since before the rise of the Empire of Swords. Being the oldest existing kingdom on the continent allows silver elves to have a unique perspective on the events of the last few thousand years. While even the oldest of the silver elves alive today was born several hundred years after the end of the Divinity War, the race as a whole understands where humanity has been. The elves worry that humanities natural tendencies too destroy themselves could plunge the continent into endless war again. They work towards teaching humans to work together or at least behave diplomatically to each other, whenever they can.
Silver elves are the most commonly encountered elves on the continent of Harqual, which is surprising considering the insular nature of most of their people. In truth, most of the silver elves encountered in human lands have chosen to live beyond the bounds of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves. These elves aren't necessarily outcasts from the kingdom but in most cases they have shed the traditions of their people completely and behave more 'human' then elven. The Kingdom of the Silver Leaves will allow any silver elf to return to the elven way of life, as long as the elf wanting to come home wasn't cast out of the kingdom.
The greatest city of the silver elves is simply known as Silverleaf. Most humans refer to silver elves as being from the city-state of Silverleaf in the Great Forest, to those from other lands. In truth, their are as many as six other great elven cities around the shores of Lake Silverleaf, it's just that most humans have never heard of them. The Kingdom of the Silver Leaves is an enigmatic place full of strange wonders, beautiful glades and cultivated gardens. The first five miles around Lake Silverleaf in any direction is considered lived in and tamed by elven standards. Most humans don't notice that much of a difference until they come within a mile of the lake. Silver elves are extremely protective of their lands even going so far as to place powerful magical wards close to the lake and lesser wards the further one gets away from the city of Silverleaf. Humans that blatantly destroy nature in the Great Forest usually find themselves escorted out of the forest by a patrol of very well armed elven rangers.
Silver elves tend to be very chaotic in their youth but then migrate towards neutrality, as they get older. This change takes place over long periods of time and the most venerable of the continent's silver elves are true neutral in alignment. Silver elves are one of the only races as a whole that believe completely in the tenets of the Balance. They often ally themselves with the druids of the Daghdha and the Majestic Dragons of Harqual. Syliphiinax, The Majestic Green, lives within the boundary of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves and is one of their greatest allies. Many silver elves belong to an order of knights, sponsored by these Dragons of the Balance, called the Knights Majestic.[/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=What Sheyla knows about the World]You have traveled a lot through the eastern lands of Harqual duirng your adventuring career. You known the Great Forest of your homeland well and have many friends and family members still living there. The leader of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves is an elf man named Menkhar Silversun, the High One of Silverleaf. He has lead your people since the time of the Ogre Wars. He is renown as a hero to your people.
You have visited the elves living in the Duchy of Minar to the northwest of the Strandlands. They were welcoming to you and your companions but they seemed a little strange to you. Many of them live more like humans than elves. Many of them are exiles of the Knotwood, which has fallen to hordes of demons and blood elves.
You have also heard of the rise of great religious leader in the lands west of where you are know, pst the Thunder Mountains. He is said to be the chose of his god, the North God known as Jalivier.
You know their is a land of semi-civilized barbarians just north of the Strandlands and have heard rumors of city-states to the south. You quickly learned that the Thunder Mountains are filled with mountain orcs and worse. You've even fought some of them.[/SBLOCK][/SBLOCK]