second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
I have copy/pasted from my old account and am posting it here
per fb msg, xp to 34,040
per fb msg, xp to 34,040
Taking over Voda Vosa's character - and willing to turn it back over to him when he returns
hit points: 100
Damage taken:
A life of fight is what Quinn has always desired. Luckily he was born in the city of Gladiators! The northern cities provide a good training ground for the young warrior, and he soon grew in strength and renown, as many of the coliseums in the city payed him good money to fight the slave gladiators, in a commemorative fight, freedom against slavery. Of course Quinn always won the fights he was in, his employees made sure of it. After some years of competitions and just a few defeats, Quinn decided that the petty gladiators of his home city won't offer him any more challenge. He knew their tactics, and as far as he was concerned they were no dign opponents for him.Code:Name: Quinn Inagui Class: Fighter Race: Human Size: Medium Gender: Male Alignment: Neutral Level: 8 XP: 34,040 next level: 36,000 Str: 18 +4 (15+1+2I) BAB: +8/+3 Grapple: +11/+6 Dmg Red: 0 Dex: 14 +2 (14) Init: +2 [dex +2] Con: 16 +3 (16) HP: 100 (8*(1d10+3)) [1d10+3 [con]/ lvl] Int: 13 +1 (13) Speed: 30' Spell Res: 0 Wis: 14 +2 (13) +2 will Spell Save: +0 Cha: 12 +1 (12) ACP: -4 Spell Fail: 0% level 4 adjustment: con level 8 adjustment: str hp roll 6+3[con] Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total Armor: 10 +5 +0 +2 +0 +0 +2 19 [20 with dodge] Touch: 13 [14 with dodge] Flatfooted: 17 Base Mod Misc Total (Misc = cloak) Fort: 5 +3 +1 +9 Ref: 2 +2 +1 +5 Will: 2 +1 +1 +4 Weapon Attack Damage Critical +1 MW Spiked Chain +15/+10 2d4+7 x2 Signature magic item: won it at his last gladiatorial fight Net +6/+1 - - Special: rng touch att; entangle; range inc : 10 ft lacking exotic weapon proficiency for this so att at -4 Longsword, mwk +13/+8 1d8+4 19-20/x2 Longbow +1 +11/+8 1d8+5 x3 range inc: 110 ft (Mighty +4 composite) Languages: Common, Dwarven. Abilities: Human: [LIST] [*]Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. [*]Human base land speed is 30 feet. [*]1 extra feat at 1st level. [*]4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. [*]Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). [/LIST] See the Speak Language skill. * Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass human takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count. Feats: H) Exotic weapon prof. (Spiked chain) F1) Combat expertise: with penalty on att, get bonus on ac to max of -5/+5 F2) Improved trip: trip without an AOO and +4 to str check on trip attempts F4) Mobility: +4 to ac on AOO C1) Dodge: +1 to ac vs designated opponent C3) Weapon focus (spiked chain): +1 attack C6) Spring attack: move both before and after action, max speed of limit. no AOO F6) Weapon specialization: Spiked Chain; +2 to damage F8) Whirlwind Attack: full round att to attack all within reach. later C9) F10) F12) C12) F14) C15) 4 [human] +[2[base]+1[int]*4]+[7*3[class] +7 [race]= 12 + 21 + 7= 44 skill points Skills Ranks Mod Misc Total Climb 8 +4 +12 Jump 10 +4 +14 Ride 7 +4 +11 Swim 8 +4 +12 intimidate 11 +1 +12 Equipment: Breastplate +2 4250 Gp 30 lb Chain spiked MW +1 320 Gp 10 lb [bonus item] Gloves of Ogre power 4000 Gp 4 lb Cloak of Resistance +1 1000 Gp 1 lb Net 20 Gp 6 lb Long sword, mwk 315 Gp 4 lb Potion of Cure light wounds x5 250 Gp Composite Longbow (Str +4) +1 2500 Gp 3 lb Arrows x 60 3 Gp 9 lb Quiver Quiver elehonna 1800 Gp 2 lb heward's haversack 2000 Gp 5 lb boots of the winterlands 2500 Gp 1 lb Bed roll 1 Sp 5 lb Flint and steel 1 Gp Iron pot 5 Sp 10 lb 10 days of trail ration 5 Gp 10 lb Waterskin 1 Gp 4 lb cash spent: 18805 + 7.6 gp Money: start at 19000 gp: 37.4
So he picked up all his prizes, won over many battles in the dusty arenas and crowded coliseums, and started a journey. A lone wanderer looking for a worthy opponent.
That seemed like a good idea first. At least before he stood up against monsters way too powerful to be defeated by his skills alone.
Life taught Quinn the hard way, that he should not be so arrogant.
Beaten, thirsty and hungry, he arrived to the Strandlands. Maybe these lands would offer him better chances.
You grew up in the City-state of Sulinon, also known as the City of Coliseums. you father had been a slave-gladitior of some renown while your mother had been a highborn lady who bought, bed, and eventually freed your father. He took his freedom and left Sulinon soon after your birth. Your mother, dishonored, took her own life.
You were raised a bastard child in the care of the city until you were old enough to earn your way in the city's arenas. You have your father's skill and your mother's agility and rose to fame in the city. However, you needed more than just the crowd's roars for blood in your life, so you took to the road to seek adventure and fame elsewhere.
The road was difficult and full of monsters and bandits. You quickly learned that the world outside the arena is a even more dangerous place. You've visited the other Chara Cities -- enslaved Sange, rotted Favir, and Apollo's sacred Hellekan. You've explored the streets of Deepwater and walked the edge of the desert known as the Great Expanse. You know of Tyr and its coliseum and have shaken in fear at the sight of the Infernal spires and domes of the City-state of Flamerule.
But now, now you come to the Freeholds of the Strand, the Strandlands, and you have gained new friends/allies in your search for your next challenge. They are still new to you; although, they seem to know each other. You haven't yet decided whether or not you can trust these people with your entire story but you have com to trust them in a fight. Halmar in particular.
There seems to be good people here in the Strandlands but there are also monsters in the wilderness and orcs in the mountains, nearby. Perhaps here, in this land of warriors, you will find your place in the world or perhaps it will only be the next stop on the road.
Anything is possible.
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Wondrous Items ::
Wondrous Items ::
special information:
Current HP: 100/100