D&D 5E Vecna Adventure Next Year and Obilesks *SPOILERS*


Speculation Specialist Wizard
So what I'm looking at from that passage specifically is:

"A mysterious group called the Weavers created the obelisks to undo great calamities - often hurling a region or an entire world back in time before the calamity occurred..."


"No one knows anything about the Weavers because the evil wizard Vecna stole the secrets of the obelisks and used them to erase the know of the Weavers from existence."

The most obvious mea ing of this text to.me is that Vecna hijacked the time travel Obelisks (which as we know from Icewind Dale, still work), and went backwards in time and committed cosmic genocide against tje Weavers so that they wouldn't be a threat to him or ever learn what knowledge he gained from them. Hence, the D&D world as it exists as of the Ahaytered Obelisk is the result of Verna manipulating the timelime for.hisnown purposes. Which I have zero doubt we shall hear more of soon.

It brings to my mind the events of the Last Great Time War in Doctor Who, which set up the soft reboot of modern Doctor Who:

Ahhh, I see where I misread!

My brain skipped the words "used them" in the "used them to erase the knowledge of the Weavers." In my head, I read it as "he stole the secrets of the obelisks and erased the knowledge..." so that lead let me to believe there was a passage explaining Vecna creating this multiverse somewhere.

My thought process still holds strong that Vecna is the reason for the different editions because each one is a parallel multiverse with it's own differences.

Ah hell...what if the spell weavers are from the first world and because the OG Vecna stole the secrets of the obelisks and erased their knowledge, maybe even from the living spell weavers themselves, they couldn't use the obelisks to reverse the disaster that happened to the First World?

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Book-Friend, he/him
Ahhh, I see where I misread!

My brain skipped the words "used them" in the "used them to erase the knowledge of the Weavers." In my head, I read it as "he stole the secrets of the obelisks and erased the knowledge..." so that lead let me to believe there was a passage explaining Vecna creating this multiverse somewhere.

My thought process still holds strong that Vecna is the reason for the different editions because each one is a parallel multiverse with it's own differences.

Ah hell...what if the spell weavers are from the first world and because the OG Vecna stole the secrets of the obelisks and erased their knowledge, maybe even from the living spell weavers themselves, they couldn't use the obelisks to reverse the disaster that happened to the First World?
To be fair, it is pretty euphemistic: I didn't get "cosmic genocide" when I read that bit in Icewind Dale three hears ago, but then we didn't know a multiversal Vecna campaign was coming at thst time. But it seems to me the most clear read is he traveled back in time and made sure his enemies were never even born. Which is insane and risky, but Vecna is not the poster boy for psychological integration and balanced decision making.
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Speculation Specialist Wizard
To ne fair, it is pretty euphemistic: I didn't get "cosmic genocide" when I read that bit in Icewind Dale three hears ago, but then we didn't know a miktiversal Vecna campaign was coming at thst time. But it seems to me the most clear read is he traveled back in time and made sure his enemies were never even norm. Which is insane and risky, but Vecna is not the poster boy for psychological integration and balanced decision making.
It's a possibility! Though I do think there are some still around. I may be imagining it, but I think he has some that are followers or they taught him things. I'm iffy on that, but if anything, I think some are still around because they might be the key to stopping him in the adventure.


The EN World kitten
Requiring players to read dozens of books to be informed about a metagame is rude.
Is it though? Because that strikes me as being roughly equivalent to telling someone interested in Ahsoka that, in order to understand the full scope of what's happening, they need to have seen the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, the Clone Wars series, the Rebels series, and The Mandalorian.


Book-Friend, he/him
It's a possibility! Though I do think there are some still around. I may be imagining it, but I think he has some that are followers or they taught him things. I'm iffy on that, but if anything, I think some are still around because they might be the key to stopping him in the adventure.
Well, notably, neither the Time Lord's nor the Daleks stayed genocided in Doctor Who. Timey-whimey shenanigans. So, I think there will be Spell Weavers in that Vecna campaign...and they might be angry with Vecna.
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Book-Friend, he/him
Is it though? Because that strikes me as being roughly equivalent to telling someone interested in Ahsoka that, in order to understand the full scope of what's happening, they need to have seen the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, the Clone Wars series, the Rebels series, and The Mandalorian.
I'm following fine without seeing eitherthe Clome Wars or Rebels. I don't even think the movies are necessary, really.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Is it though? Because that strikes me as being roughly equivalent to telling someone interested in Ahsoka that, in order to understand the full scope of what's happening, they need to have seen the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, the Clone Wars series, the Rebels series, and The Mandalorian.
Neither the Mandolorian nor Andie required that.

They were simple tales and more powerful because of it


The EN World kitten
Neither the Mandolorian nor Andie required that.

They were simple tales and more powerful because of it
Sure, and there are simple D&D adventures too (though "more powerful for it" is an opinion that's highly debatable; I found them less powerful for it). But it's not "rude" to have the ones that aren't simple rely (or even heavily rely) on what's come before. That way, there's something for everyone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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