What should I run next? (5e PBP)

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
I've got a couple of ideas floating in my head (one of which, admittedly was an eloquence bard) but I was going to see the rules and the campaign premise before I narrowed things further.

I mentioned Thri-Kreen as a joke. If the implementation is like in the UA, I think it is one way to avoid the issues with opportunity attacks for a Soulknife (even if it doubles up on the telepathy). I suspect that won't make the cut -- that another build will prove more compelling.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock


If I run the spelljammer adventure from the book (Light of Xaryxis), which I would like to do. It's not very long, either. What would be about 30 hours of play, give or take IRL - so, y'know, months and months by PBP, but nothing compared to an AP like Tomb of Annihilation.

The expectation is characters of Level Five, with Background Feats. (Feel free to ask if you don't know what I mean). The idea is (as an introductory to Spelljammer adventure) that the PCs have likely never HEARD of Spelljamming (though I don't see any reason that there couldn't be stories of it). I'd like to make up the starting setting (for now think of it as Generic Fantasy World) for reasons that will become clear later.

So, I'd rather the PCs are from NON-SJ races. If you're really keen on a Giff or a Thri-Kreen, or whatever, we can talk about it.

Generally, all you need to know to come up with a character idea is this: You should be someone who would be near the docks in a fantasy port town on a particular weekday afternoon. A merchant. A smuggler. A bartender or barista. A street vendor or chef. A traveller. A coachman.

You don't even need to be someone who means to be an adventurer (though at level 5, you are very qualified) but, obviously, you need to be someone who would rise to the challenge.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
If I run the spelljammer adventure from the book (Light of Xaryxis), which I would like to do. It's not very long, either. What would be about 30 hours of play, give or take IRL - so, y'know, months and months by PBP, but nothing compared to an AP like Tomb of Annihilation.

The expectation is characters of Level Five, with Background Feats. (Feel free to ask if you don't know what I mean). The idea is (as an introductory to Spelljammer adventure) that the PCs have likely never HEARD of Spelljamming (though I don't see any reason that there couldn't be stories of it). I'd like to make up the starting setting (for now think of it as Generic Fantasy World) for reasons that will become clear later.

So, I'd rather the PCs are from NON-SJ races. If you're really keen on a Giff or a Thri-Kreen, or whatever, we can talk about it.

Generally, all you need to know to come up with a character idea is this: You should be someone who would be near the docks in a fantasy port town on a particular weekday afternoon. A merchant. A smuggler. A bartender or barista. A street vendor or chef. A traveller. A coachman.

You don't even need to be someone who means to be an adventurer (though at level 5, you are very qualified) but, obviously, you need to be someone who would rise to the challenge.

Oh, I have such the idea. Quelle surprise!

Before I start the process-

1. Level 5.
2. Background feat? Is that the specific feats tied to the new SJ backgrounds (which I don't think apply given our PCs haven't heard), or just a "free" feat? Something else?
3. When you have other creation ideas/restrictions, let us know.


Right. I thought I might be unclear about the Background Feat. So, as most of you probably know, they've been adding feats to Backgrounds in all new projects. So, yeah, if you pick a background that doesn't come with a feat, you get a free feat. BUT, that feat should speak to your background, and not just be "uh, I take Sentinel to go with my Pole Arm Master!"

Keep it reasonable, gang! (Oh, I guess I should mention: Use the Standard Array for your Abilities, but if you want to use point buy to "fudge" a few points over to another stat, that's fine.) Yes, you can float your racial ASIs. Use Average HP. No rolling for that kind of stuff. No magic items. 400gp.

Voidrunner's Codex

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