What should I run next? (5e PBP)

I already sent a note to @FitzTheRuke about this... but I'm not actually a fan of SJ so I politely declined the invite. He runs a great game and I really enjoyed the Candlekeep one, so had it been some other game I would have been a fast yes. But if it's Spelljammer, it's probably better to replace me with someone who actually cares about the setting. But thanks for the offer though! Have fun folks!!!! :)

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Right. I thought I might be unclear about the Background Feat. So, as most of you probably know, they've been adding feats to Backgrounds in all new projects. So, yeah, if you pick a background that doesn't come with a feat, you get a free feat. BUT, that feat should speak to your background, and not just be "uh, I take Sentinel to go with my Pole Arm Master!"

What we've seen in the UAs was a rule featless backgrounds to choose from Skilled or Tough or (in Wonders of the Multiverse) one of the new "scion" feats, or (in Heroes of Krynn) the new "divinely favoured".

I am hoping that they'll open it up to more than just those two PHB feats, but they may not.

I'm not actually a fan of SJ so I politely declined the invite. ... if it's Spelljammer, it's probably better to replace me with someone who actually cares about the setting. :)

I've never played spelljammer. I really don't know what I think about the setting.

I've never played spelljammer. I really don't know what I think about the setting.
Ditto for me, but looking forward to trying it out!

For character concepts, I’m thinking of either recycling Ethian (High elf twilight cleric) - he’s a noble/sailor, so would have all the reasons in the world to be in a port. Heck, he could even have dabbled with spelljamming ships in his past.

Alternatively, I could try an echo knight. Concept tbd, likely coming from an obscure order aligned with psychics (think psychoportation focused martial psion).

I’m pretty open though and will go with what works best for the party.


Right now, I'm waiting for a ruling on something.

But I think it's time, to quote George Clinton, TO GET THE MONK OUT!

That's right. Cobra Kai. The Way of NO MERCY.

Sweep the leg, Snarfy.

Cobra Kai Sweep GIF by IFC

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