Moldvay is great and very clear in most things but a few are still a little ambiguous. Initiative and the order of operations is a bit contradictory.
Page B23
To determine initiative, each side rolls Id6 (the DM
rolls for the monsters). The side with the higher roll may move first
and attack first in combat for that round. If both sides roll the same
number, the DM may either have both sides roll again, or may consider
movement and combat for both sides to occur at the same
time (known as simultaneous combat).
The side "with the initiative" has the first choice of actions. Members
of that side may choose to fight, run, throw a spell, take defensive
positions and wait to see what the other side does, start
talking, or do anything else that the players or DM can imagine.
If combat occurs, the side with the initiative always strikes first in
that round. Both sides should roll for initiative each round. If both
sides tie on their initiative rolls, and combat is simultaneous, it is
possible for both sides to be killed!
Page 24
Combat Sequence
A. Each side rolls for initiative (Id6).
B. The side that wins the initiative acts first (if simultaneous all
actions are performed by each side at the same time):
1. Morale checks, if needed (page B27).
2. Movement per round, meleed opponents may only move
defensively (spell casters may not move and cast spells).
3. Missile fire combat:
a. choose targets
b. roll ld20 to hit; adjust result by Dexterity adjustment,
range, cover, and magic
c. DM rolls damage
4. Magic spells (roll saving throws, as needed: ld20).
5. Melee or hand-to-hand combat:
a. choose (or be attacked by) opponents
b. roll ld20 to hit; adjust result by Strength adjustment and
magic weapons
c. DM rolls damage; adjust result by Strength adjustment
and magic weapons
C. The side with the next highest initiative acts second, and so on
using the order given above, until all sides have completed
It looks clear that each side goes through their entire sequence then the other side does.
But then the example combat om B28:
In the second round of combat, the party loses the initiative roll.
Another two hobgoblins charge through the doorway. Since
Morgan still has her bow out, she may shoot at the charging
monsters. These start moving from 20' away from her. so the party
has time to get their weapons out. The DM warns Silverleaf that if
he wants to cast any spells this round, the hobgoblins will be able to
attack him before he can do so. Silverleaf decides to get out a
weapon. Morgan rolls a 4 (a miss), and the hobgoblins decide to attack
Fredrik and Morgan.
It also does not clearly say when you declare your actions but from the sample combat it seems after initiative.
Page B23
To determine initiative, each side rolls Id6 (the DM
rolls for the monsters). The side with the higher roll may move first
and attack first in combat for that round. If both sides roll the same
number, the DM may either have both sides roll again, or may consider
movement and combat for both sides to occur at the same
time (known as simultaneous combat).
The side "with the initiative" has the first choice of actions. Members
of that side may choose to fight, run, throw a spell, take defensive
positions and wait to see what the other side does, start
talking, or do anything else that the players or DM can imagine.
If combat occurs, the side with the initiative always strikes first in
that round. Both sides should roll for initiative each round. If both
sides tie on their initiative rolls, and combat is simultaneous, it is
possible for both sides to be killed!
Page 24
Combat Sequence
A. Each side rolls for initiative (Id6).
B. The side that wins the initiative acts first (if simultaneous all
actions are performed by each side at the same time):
1. Morale checks, if needed (page B27).
2. Movement per round, meleed opponents may only move
defensively (spell casters may not move and cast spells).
3. Missile fire combat:
a. choose targets
b. roll ld20 to hit; adjust result by Dexterity adjustment,
range, cover, and magic
c. DM rolls damage
4. Magic spells (roll saving throws, as needed: ld20).
5. Melee or hand-to-hand combat:
a. choose (or be attacked by) opponents
b. roll ld20 to hit; adjust result by Strength adjustment and
magic weapons
c. DM rolls damage; adjust result by Strength adjustment
and magic weapons
C. The side with the next highest initiative acts second, and so on
using the order given above, until all sides have completed
It looks clear that each side goes through their entire sequence then the other side does.
But then the example combat om B28:
In the second round of combat, the party loses the initiative roll.
Another two hobgoblins charge through the doorway. Since
Morgan still has her bow out, she may shoot at the charging
monsters. These start moving from 20' away from her. so the party
has time to get their weapons out. The DM warns Silverleaf that if
he wants to cast any spells this round, the hobgoblins will be able to
attack him before he can do so. Silverleaf decides to get out a
weapon. Morgan rolls a 4 (a miss), and the hobgoblins decide to attack
Fredrik and Morgan.
It also does not clearly say when you declare your actions but from the sample combat it seems after initiative.