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World of Warcraft RPG Anybody Interested?


First Post
G'Head... the more the merrier. And yeah... I found the tech rules to be screwed up. But you also have to remember, that the more stuff you put on it, the more it costs and the higher the DC to make it. If you can't beat the DC except on a 20, no matter wether you have the proper TS, you obvuiously can't build it.

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First Post
Snott the Guntotin' Goblin
(still have to edit in attack info, but that's just number crunching. The Acid Gun is from More Magic and Mayhem, and it's sort of like a Blunderbuss, but with Acid damage (the same no attack roll/cone damage/reflex save sort of deal.))
Name:	Snott		Age:  27
Class: Tinker		Height: 3'0''
Race: 	Goblin		Weight: 34
Size: 	Small		Eyes: Goblinish!
Gender: Male		Hair: Red!
Skin: Green!

Str:  	8/-1	Level:	3	XP: 3000
Agy: 	16/+3	BAB:   +2	HP: 20  
Sta:	12/+1	Grapple:	Alignment:  Lawful Neutral
Int: 	16/+3  	Speed:  20 feet	  
Spt: 	12/+1 	Init: +3		
Cha: 	12/+1			 

	Base	Equip	Dex  	Size   	Class  	Total
Armor:	10	+0     	+3    	+1	+X	14
Touch: 14			  Flatfooted: 11

	Base   Mod  	Misc  Total
Fort:	1	+2	+X	+3
Ref:	3	+3	+X	+6
Will:	3	+1	+X	+4

Weapon		MR	Attack	Damage	Critical	Range Increment
Blunderbuss*	1	None	Special	None		Special
Flintlock Pist.	1	+6	2d6	x3		20 Feet
Long Rifle	1	+6	2d6	x3		200 Feet
Acid Gun†	1	None	Special	None		None

*This firearm shoots a 20-foot cone of
lead pellets that deals 3d6 points of piercing damage
to all creatures and objects in the area. No attack roll
is necessary, and thus no feat is needed to operate the
weapon effectively. Any creature caught in the cone
can make a Refl ex save (DC 15) to take half damage.

†The acid gun sprays acid in a 10-foot-long
cone. Each creature caught in the acid takes 3d6 points
of acid damage (DC 15 Refl ex half). It requires no attack
roll to use and thus no profi ciency; however, fi ring an
acid gun requires a DC 17 Use Technological Device
It takes one round to load the acid gun with enough
care to avoid burns.


Weapon Familiarity (Flintlock Pistols, Long Rifles)
Low Light Vision
+2 Racial Bonus to Appraise, Craft (Alchemy), Diplomacy, and Listen
+3 Racial Bonus to Craft (Technological Device).
Craft (Technological Device) is a class skill.
+2 Racial Bonus to all Craft checks with adamantine.

Packrat (+5 Strength for Carrying)
Cobble 1/week

Point Blank Shot (Level 1)
Small Device Knack (Goblin Racial)
Firearm Knack (Tinker 1)
Martial Weapon Proficiency (Firearms) (Level 3)

Skill Points: 66	   Max Ranks: 6/3cc
Skills		Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total
[Concentrate]	+6	+2	+X	8
[Craft(Tech.)]	+6	+3	+3	12
[Craft(Alch)]	+6	+3	+X	9
[Disable Dev.]	+6	+3	+X	9
[Decipher Sc.]	+6	+3	+X	9
[Forgery]	+6	+3	+X	9
[Open Lock]	+6	+3	+X	9
[Prof. (Herb)]	+4	+1	+X	7
[Ride]		+1(2cc)	+3	+X	4
[Search]	+6	+3	+X	9
[Use Mag. ]	+6	+1	+X	7
[Use Tech.]	+6	+3	+X	9

Equipment:		Cost 	Weight
[Blunderbuss]*		250	5lb
 Ammo: Shot x12	10	1.5lb
[Flintlock Pistol]*	400	2.5lb
 Add-On: Clock		100	-
 Ammo: Balls x10	5	1.5lb
[Long Rifle]*		700	10lb
 Add-On: Light Scope	190	-
 Ammo: Balls x10	6	1.5lb
[Acid Gun]		255	2lb
 Acid Pellet x20	200	-
[Army Knife, Goblin]	50	4lb
[Phlogiston, Vial]x12	240	3lb
[Gunpowder, Horn]x2	70	4lb
 [Total: 64 Ounces]
Total:				35lb

[Light Horse]x2		150
  [Wagon]		35	400lb
     [Rations] x14	7	14lb
     [Misc. Materials]	32g	32 lbs?
Total:			2668	446lb
* = Self-constructed
+= TS2, requires 2 minutes of winding 1/week

Technology:		Cost	TS
 Add-On: Clock		100	2	Notes: Requires 2 minutes of winding/day to stay on schedule.
 Add-On: Light Scope	190	?	Notes: Free action to activate, 1 round to power up, lasts 1 round.  1 Vial of Phlogiston powers 6 charges.

		Lgt   	Med		Hvy
Max Weight:	0-37.5	37.6-75.6	75.7

Appearance: Snott is green, and his hair is worn in a conflicting red mohawk. He is otherwise clean shaven, and maintains a relatively presentable appearance. Of course, presentable is questionable; Snott has a large rifle slung cross-wise over his back that is actually taller than him - a pistol holstered on either side of his belt, which drags a bit from the weight - and strapped to his leg is a sizable blunderbuss. Snott tends to wear leather and cloth clothing, although his outfit is far from armor. Skins filled with gunpowder hang around his shoulders, and several vials of Phlogiston are holstered in a strap that runs across his chest. He's got an everpresent grin, and it widens for the ladies (well, most of them. He never was a fan of Tauren.) More often than not, he's seen driving a wagon that seems far too large for him - and if he's not, the wagon is never far behind. There is a constant ticking emitting from him.

Personality: Snott is friendly. He will shake your hand and offer you a good day. He will clap you on the back (if he can reach it) and say "Good job, buddy!" at exactly the right time. Snott is the kind of guy who examines your face first, and then spots your wallet. He's almost always kind, but he is a goblin - and he's always going to be after your gold. Snott is the kind to honor the law, though - and even if he's willing to rip you off, he won't do it without your consent.

History: One moment, Snott was fleeing for his life, and the next, he was in Dalaran. This was roughly a year ago. Since then, he's been perfecting his Craft, swindling the townsfolk, and making friends. Dalaran isn't exactly Snott's sort of place, but it doesn't seem like he's got a lot of options left in the world...
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Hey Paper Bard,

One of the first games I played was Uriel's Warcraft'esque setting, Remnants of the Horde. With Uriel as GM, and two psycho ogre's in charge of the group, it was bloody to say the least. Never played Warcraft before or since, so I have no idea whether it was representative. But it was fun.

Good luck with this one.



First Post
Boooooombs, beautiful!

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Here's My character....
Name: 	 Zaluth  Dawnblade	 Race: High Elf		
Class: Warrior       Size: Medium	Gender: Male		
Age:  137*       Height: 6' 2"  Weight: 136
Eyes: Intense Blue	Hair: Blonde  Skin: White
*I was unable to find anything about the ages used for races so I assume that this is correct

Points (32/32)
Str: 14		Level:	3**	XP: 3000/6000
Agy: 19		BAB:   +2	HP:  21
Sta: 10		Grapple: +4 Alignment:  Chaotic Good
Int: 12	  	Speed:  30 feet	  
Spt: 10	 	Init: +4   (+4 Agility)
Cha: 10				
**these levels are split between 2 warrior and 1 racial

			Total 	Equip	Dex   Sheild 	 
Armor:		     19  	+4	+4     +1
Touch: 		     14 	+0	+4     +0
Flatfooted: 	     14	        +4	+0     +0

        Total 	Base   Mod  	Misc  
Fort:	 +3	3	+0	 +0
Ref:	 +4	0	+4	 +0
Will:	 +2	2	+0	 +0

Weapon		Attack   	Damage	Size	 Critical	Range
MW Short Sword       +6		1d6 +1 (str)	S	*2 19-20	_
MW Short Sword       +6		1d6 +1 (str)	S	*2 19-20	_
MW Long Bow	     +7	        1d8                L	   *3		  100ft

Armour			Armour bonus	ACP	Spell Failure	Max Dex
Mithril Chain Shirt	+4		    0	     10%	     +6


+2 Intellect, -2 Stamina.
Lowlight Vision
Magic Addiction: Must spend 1 hour in Meditation each morning or take a -1 Caster level for spells, and a -2 penalty vs spells
for that day.
Racial Anamosity: -2 penalty on all cha based skills when dealing with Tauren and Night elves.
+2 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells or effects.
+2 racial bonus on concentration, knowledge (arcana) and spellcraft checks, these are also considered class skills

Weapon Finese
Two Weapon fighting
Two Weapon Defense
Weapon Focus (Short Sword)

Spell Like abilities: Can cast four Level zero spells per day, chosen from the arcanist spell list,
as spell like abilities. (I'm not quite sure on how to do this)

Skill Points: 18

High Elf Racial Skills: Concentration (Sta), Craft (int) Dipolmacy (cha), Knowledge (arcana) (int), Listen (spt) Spellcraft (Int), Spot(spt)
Warrior Class Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Craft (trade skill) (int), Handle Animal (Cha), intimidate (Cha), Jump(Str), Knowledge (Military tactics) (Int), Profession (military commander) (spt) Ride (agy) Swim (str)
Class 6 Cross Class 3

	      Ranks		Total
Dipomacy	3		 3
Tumble		 2		  6
Jump		  5		   7
Swim		  5		   7
Indimidate	 1		  1

Gear: 60 Arrows and Quiver, Back pack, Caltrops, Silk Rope (50ft), 4 Days Rations, Water Skin, Bedroll, Whet Stone, 1lb Soap, Signal Whistle, Crowbar

Money: 509Gp, 5Sp, 9Cp

Background: I’ll post latter…

I'm pretty sure this is acurate, tell me if there is any problems...
Hmmm... Didn't notice that... I could of sworn you could use them in that matter, oh well I'll just change it so that it's legal... See above for edit, and yes I am dual- Wielding...
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First Post
The tabs line up a lot better if you use [ code][ /code] (without the spaces.)

You don't get two attacks at +6 when dual-wielding scimitars, though; -4 onhand, -4 offhand. 2 BAB + 2 Str + 1 MW + 1 Focus = 6, -4 = 2. Your Full Attack should look like this:

full attack
Weapon		Attack	Damage	Size	Critical Range
MW Scimitar 	+2 	1d6 +2 	m 	*2 18-20 _
MW Scimitar 	+2 	1d6 +2 	m 	*2 18-20 _

Because Scimitars are medium, they don't qualify for Weapon Finesse.

I assumed that you meant to list the Scimitars as a dual-wield thing, 'cause there's really no reason to list Scimitar twice unless you're using both at once.
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