WotC WotC general D&D survey just went live.

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Think I basically said I don't think D&D is for me anymore. It's too simple and too safe. It doesn't present any interesting challenges in character building or once the character is in actual play. At least that's what 5E feels like it wants to do (to me), you can make it more challenging and complex, but you are working against the system then, rather than with it.
In many ways I am the opposite. While I wish character options were a little more robust the simplicity of 5E allows me to really tell the story. My group has a lot of informal house rules which 5E lends itself to well.
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In many ways I am the opposite. While I wish character options were a little more robust the simplicity of 5E allows the me to really tell the story. My group has a lot of informal house rules which 5E lends itself to well.
Yeah, I could wish that 5e offered more organic character growth and character decision points after about 3rd level, but I do kinda like its relative simplicity compared to, say, 3e. Combat moves much faster, especially when you have players who sometimes have difficulties with the maths, and because there are fewer options, the power gap between optimised and unoptimised PCs tends to be smaller, which makes for less intragroup tension and fewer balance headaches for the DM.

Well, it glitched out on me about 75% of the way through, not going through all of that again. I do have some notes, however:
  • Hasbro still seems incapable of understanding that there are things happening in the RPG community that don't revolve around D&D.
  • Did they really need to have a separate page/question for every single product? Certainly the "accessories" could have just been in a "select all that apply" list.
  • None of the sections where they ask what you like or prefer seem to offer any option other than the current 5E-isms.
  • Listing Paizo as a 3PP is... an interesting choice.

yeah these surveys are horribly designed.


I'm not sure if they don't understand or if they simply don't care that much (probably not much better, though).
Based upon the brouhaha back in January... I think it was proven to them quite well that yeah, whole heaps of people only seem to REALLY care about D&D and not any other part of the RPG community. The OGL going away was the perfect time for most folks to go "Oh? OGL gone? Okay! I'll go play X game instead" but that didn't happen. Instead, everyone saw the potential loss of D&D and D&D-adjacent product and lost their freaking minds. Which I'm sure confirmed with Wizards that they really only need to be concerned with their own D&D circle and not anyone or any game outside of it. Their circle is more than big enough.


The OGL going away was the perfect time for most folks to go "Oh? OGL gone? Okay! I'll go play X game instead" but that didn't happen.
Except it did? Like a lot.
Instead, everyone saw the potential loss of D&D and D&D-adjacent product and lost their freaking minds.
That, or the threat to the industry built on the OGL and they had reasonable concerns.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Whatever system they use for these surveys is very flaky for me. Doesn't load right. I was still able to complete all but one question (there was one where they wanted you to drag choices to order by preference, which was unresponsive so I had to skip that question). Also, they asked when I last played ANY version of D&D OTHER THAN 5e. I forgot what I chose but my answer was more than one year. The next question asked why I haven't played D&D in the last year and what would get me to come back. I was confused thinking I missed a question. I just answered that I play D&D regularly but almost solely 5e.

Oh, also, my son taught me Magic the Gathering over Christmas and we've played a few times since them. When I'm working overseas, we'll play MtG Arena and talk on FaceTime. So I got a bunch of MtG questions. When they list all the various MtG product options my eyes just glaze over like anytime someone tries to explain that labyrinth of product offerings to me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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