WotC WotC general D&D survey just went live.

Think I basically said I don't think D&D is for me anymore. It's too simple and too safe.
The thing is: I don't really find 5e simple. It's certainly simpler than 3e, but still miles from something like Into the Odd. But I agree that 5e feels to simplistic in some ways (while, at least to me, still being too convoluted in others). No arguing with the "safe" part, though (at least once you are past level 2).
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Except it did? Like a lot.

That, or the threat to the industry built on the OGL and they had reasonable concerns.
Uh... like WHO left D&D for all those other RPGs? It sure wasn't most people here on EN World... cause you all stuck around to continue to complain about the removal of the OGL * AND * all of what changed in the Druid/Paladin playtest packet. If most people moved on from D&D, they wouldn't still all be here mad about what's going on with D&D.


Golden Procrastinator
I started it, but I gave up. I no longer have the patience to complete this overly-long surveys, that are - IMO - full of boring questions. At least they should offer some kind of incentive, like a small coupon... after all, the respondents are contributing to market research for WotC.

Uh... like WHO left D&D for all those other RPGs? It sure wasn't most people here on EN World... cause you all stuck around to continue to complain about the removal of the OGL * AND * all of what changed in the Druid/Paladin playtest packet. If most people moved on from D&D, they wouldn't still all be here mad about what's going on with D&D.

I somehow wished they just designed their game without playtests... I think many people don't have any clue about good game design.

Many add fun houserules over houserules and wonder why the game does not work properly (monopoly anyone?).

Some changes need to be done to soldify the game. This is the designer's job. Not ours.
So I hope the loud complainers who won't actually play D&D anyway don't have too much of an impact.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Uh... like WHO left D&D for all those other RPGs? It sure wasn't most people here on EN World... cause you all stuck around to continue to complain about the removal of the OGL * AND * all of what changed in the Druid/Paladin playtest packet. If most people moved on from D&D, they wouldn't still all be here mad about what's going on with D&D.
Pathfinder sold out of books. Zweihander's Amazon rankings exploded. Chaosium had record sales.

The only publishers who didn't get a significant bump in January were those who only do 5e products


Uh... like WHO left D&D for all those other RPGs? It sure wasn't most people here on EN World... cause you all stuck around to continue to complain about the removal of the OGL * AND * all of what changed in the Druid/Paladin playtest packet. If most people moved on from D&D, they wouldn't still all be here mad about what's going on with D&D.
People on one forum out of the entire internet to have a discussion is the same thing as no one at all jumping ship?

Hell, a lot of people here don't even play 5e.

This is not valid data.

Except people played the games that they bought.
Several live streams went dark. Others diminished their 5e focus. Some rebranded.

The idea that nothing changed doesn't hold up to the basic facts.

Ok. I am not so much into that business, I stand corrected.
And I actually think this is a good thing for the hobby. So disaster averted and other RPG are now getting more from the pie.


People on one forum out of the entire internet to have a discussion is the same thing as no one at all jumping ship?

Hell, a lot of people here don't even play 5e.

This is not valid data.
At least this forum is SOME data... as opposed to your claim that most people HAVE moved on to other RPGs with nothing whatsoever apparently to back up that claim. I mean, at least @bedir than pointed to sales of other games to give some credence.

And as far as the people posting here supposedly not even playing 5E... they sure seem to care a whole heck of a lot about 5E and what they want 5E to be. So they haven't exactly moved on from the game and are giving off a giant whiff of WANTING to get back into D&D, so long as it was made into what they wanted.

And thus we go back to the original point of my response post that there's a good reason why Wizards did not include asking about other RPGs in their survey. Because there's quite enough players (or would-be players) of D&D to not need data on the people playing games outside the D&D community.

Voidrunner's Codex

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