WotC WotC general D&D survey just went live.

Haven't checked all the responses but did anyone see this weird question:


Like, uhhhh what? You can't buy digital versions of official fifth edition D&D books on DMsguild or Drivethru.

I mean, I hope that changes, but that's how it is right now. Or have I lost my goddamn mind? I mean maybe they're counting 3PP stuff that's effectively endorsed due to DMsguild but that's not how I understand the word "official".

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My longest write-in section can be summed up as "I'd like every class and subclass to have as many options as the warlock or battle master fighter, magic items to be like those in Baldur's Gate 3 (specifically mentioning the magic ring that applies Blade Ward to any target you heal as an example), and monster design to be more like 4E". I pretty much do the latter two via homebrew when DMing 5E anyway.
I like that write in

I gotta ask, with 40% of the players being aged 25 or under, how many of them even know what Birthright, Mystara, or Planescape are?
It seems like younger players are really mostly only aware of two older settings:

1) Dark Sun

2) Planescape

And they're aware of them primarily because older player keep bringing them up, and both of them have a very positive reputation - helped particularly by the PS:T videogame which is also a legend in videogame circles, even if relatively few people have played it. But basically anyone who knows what a CRPG is has heard of it, and more people besides that.

This is based on discussion in various places - reddit, Discords, Twitter, YouTube, etc. You often get people who are in that age range who know one of those two. Birthright gets some discussion but it's not really "high concept" so you can't explain it as quickly and easily as those two. Spelljammer also got a lot of discussion until it came out. That was the other big setting people hadn't actually played but discussed a ton. Greyhawk and Mystara very, very rarely come up, and people tend to just know Greyhawk as "the original D&D setting", if at all. This is anecdotal, note.

And thus we go back to the original point of my response post that there's a good reason why Wizards did not include asking about other RPGs in their survey.

They not only asked about other RPGs, they specified 6 other RPGs (Shadowrun, WoD, Star Wars, CoC, Pathfinder and Warhammer - even noting that there was various editions, and by name mentioning some of the Warhammer RPGs for example) as well as having a write-in, and they even asked me how much I spent on each in the last 6 months. They also asked me a couple of other questions about other RPGs.

They could have asked more (I notice they didn't ask if you played other RPGs before D&D - or if they did I missed it), but they asked about other RPGs a fair bit.


They for sure did.
They didn't on mine.

They asked about 3rd party accessories (dice and such), and then asked about activity in the past 3 months.

I wanted an opportunity to tell them I've been all in on Torg Eternity and why. It didn't fit in on any of the questions I was asked.

I did get asked about board/electronic games and could name-drop Slay the Spire and Frosthaven.


They didn't on mine.

They asked about 3rd party accessories (dice and such), and then asked about activity in the past 3 months.

I wanted an opportunity to tell them I've been all in on Torg Eternity and why. It didn't fit in on any of the questions I was asked.

I did get asked about board/electronic games and could name-drop Slay the Spire and Frosthaven.

There is some 'choose your own adventure' going on with the questions then, as I was asked about it.


I crit!
Haven't checked all the responses but did anyone see this weird question:

View attachment 278357

Like, uhhhh what? You can't buy digital versions of official fifth edition D&D books on DMsguild or Drivethru.

I mean, I hope that changes, but that's how it is right now. Or have I lost my goddamn mind? I mean maybe they're counting 3PP stuff that's effectively endorsed due to DMsguild but that's not how I understand the word "official".
Yea you can.

Voidrunner's Codex

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