WotC WotC general D&D survey just went live.


At least this forum is SOME data... as opposed to your claim that most people HAVE moved on to other RPGs with nothing whatsoever apparently to back up that claim.
Who is the 'your' here? Because it's not me. Demonstrably not me, so perhaps you've quoted the wrong person? Surely you are not declaring that I am saying things that I have not on the same page where I didn't.

And as far as the people posting here supposedly not even playing 5E... they sure seem to care a whole heck of a lot about 5E and what they want 5E to be. So they haven't exactly moved on from the game and are giving off a giant whiff of WANTING to get back into D&D, so long as it was made into what they wanted.
Where in any of this do you get the impression we're not playing other games and just staring longingly at a framed picture of D&D, pining away that it will take us back?

I'm personally concerned about the direction of D&D because D&D infects others games' directions. IF D&D catches a cold, other games get a javelin in their lungs. Look at how many properties have 5e-based versions of their games.

And thus we go back to the original point of my response post that there's a good reason why Wizards did not include asking about other RPGs in their survey.
You mean the part where they asked me how much money I spend on Shadowrun?

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I crit!
Uh... like WHO left D&D for all those other RPGs? It sure wasn't most people here on EN World... cause you all stuck around to continue to complain about the removal of the OGL * AND * all of what changed in the Druid/Paladin playtest packet. If most people moved on from D&D, they wouldn't still all be here mad about what's going on with D&D.
I did. Haven’t played or run any D&D since my last campaigns wrapped up. DCC and Call of Cthulhu at the moment with a couple experiment games for former purely 5e payers, like Dread, which they loved and immediately bought a giant jenga set for.


Uh... like WHO left D&D for all those other RPGs? It sure wasn't most people here on EN World... cause you all stuck around to continue to complain about the removal of the OGL * AND * all of what changed in the Druid/Paladin playtest packet. If most people moved on from D&D, they wouldn't still all be here mad about what's going on with D&D.
I also probably qualify as leaving D&D, or at least taking an extended indeterminable break. Back in November last year I ran a OneD&D playtest game 2-shot & that was last time I played/ran 5e...

...during the OGL debacle, I (tried to) cancel my DNDBeyond account (site manager wouldn't let me), I canceled an order of Stranger Things boxed set from my FLGS (was going to be gift for nephew), and I signed the Open D&D petition...

...since the OGL debacle, I've played one-shots of Tiny Dungeons & Old School Essentials, and just began playing a Blades in the Dark mini-campaign... and no 5e.

There are also life factors contributing to that choice, but it largely was a result of the OGL debacle, and my survey results probably reflected that. I'm open to coming back to 5e at some point, but in a "watch and see" mode.

Anecdotally, I've spoken with two GM friends who left 5e for Pathfinder 2e... but a lot of my friends were already leaning away from 5e & are on the internet, so maybe not the best representative example.


Write in 4e-specific stuff at every opportunity and made it clear my only interest in 5e/1DD stuff was for conversion.

I don't think they care about my opinions lol


When they asked me how I felt about the future of D&D I answered Positive. Overall I think the game is moving in a good direction even if I think it might not be for me. I'm pretty sure I'm not their target demographic these days, which is fine, it's something I've come to accept for a lot of products as I've grown older. It was a very long survey and took me about 20 minutes to complete. I answered a lot of questions.

The first D&D product I purchased was Keep on the Borderlands in 1987 from a Kaybee Toy Stores at the Chapel Hill Mall in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I don't think I purchased another D&D product until the 2nd edition AD&D PHB was released in 1989.

I haven't purchased any D&D products in the last 12 months save for some miniatures. They asked me about spending money on other RPGs in the last few months, but none of the ones they listed were what I spent my money on. And I wrote in that I was disappointed by the current edition's setting material.

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