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Zero Divide - Episode #1 - "Looking Glass"


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"Everything's OK." shouts Ian, looking at the different possible exit.

When you tell he is trap, what that mean? Is both door closed and blocked? Is both windshield blocked too? All windows too?

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Velmont said:
"Everything's OK." shouts Ian, looking at the different possible exit.

When you tell he is trap, what that mean? Is both door closed and blocked? Is both windshield blocked too? All windows too?
Means he will need help to get out...

The doors of the vehicle are crushed in and in no working order glass is all over the seats and the tree blocks the majority of the windshield opening. Getting out will be tricky and take some time short of brute strength or exotic abilities…

James Heard

Vanifae said:
He rolls a 7 Toughness check, and a 12 Fortitude check including the bonus from Rage. Let me know if you wish to use an HP, Alan has used 2 thus far.
OOC: He's going to keep his last hero point in reserve in case he needs to recover, or stabilize Vanessa again (or himself)


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"Wah?" Facade blurts as she's grabbed by Haven. "I have legs!" she yells...but is suddenly called on to use them as the earth shifts and shakes.

"The house is on fire! The whole thing's going to collapse into the basement! How is that any safer than out here?" she yells over the noise of rumbling and fires.


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Ian tries to open teh door but he sees he is stuck in it. Luckily, he has teh radio now. "Micheal, I'm stuck in the car. I need Ashley to get out of here." shouts Ian. He sits in the passenger seat and put both his legs on the tree that his blocking the windshield. "Mira, what's happening?!?" He then put all his strength to push the tree. If it seems to have some effect but doesn't move enough, he will use Extra Effort to push it out of the way.


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"C'mon. Dee!" Ashley stoops over her fallen comrade and tries to throw the tree on top of Dee off to the side. (TK +10: 12 tons heavy load). Then she checks her injuries (if there are any). "I'm tough too, no need to be protective."

"Haven, what are you thinking? Do you really think the house is going to be safe? Isn't that more of their conditioning; another trick to keep us in line?"

(Not spending a hero point so far.)



Michael won't spend a HP for the Reflex save...I'd prefer to save it for the Toughness save.

"Mira-the voice on the radio-said that the basement would protect us from instabilities. This reality seems to be going to hell on the double. Mira, whoever she really is, is the one who gave us information, and she warned us that our lives were in jeopardy. Do what you guys have to, but I think I'm safer in the basement," Michael's duplicate calls, as the real one continues to make his way as best as he's able to the Estate and the 'safety' of the basement.


"I'm already talking to the others, and I'm not sure if Ashley's coming," Michael calls into the chaos of the garage. "Do any of these cars work," the duplicate asks frantically, searching around the garage for chains, a power saw, anything.

"I don't plan on leaving without you," he growls, abandoning his investigation of the garage to momentarily to help push the tree off Ian. "Umm...computer guy?" Got anything?"


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James Heard said:
Utterly fearless, and knowing that his female charge is stable, Alan pauses long enough to gesture tough straps connecting the two of them and a rough circle of ...something fire retardant? He hoped. Kicking it off before him like some strange surfboard, he drops off into the flames hoping that Vanessa will be OK.
Alan drops down, his “shield” protects him from the flames on the way down but the force of the fall cracks something in his left leg… shooting pain courses through his body if it were not for the rage and adrenalin he would be down for the count. But he remains steadfast even with the stinging smoke and heat…

Alan fails the Toughness save by 11, the damage is Lethal; will update when I have my book on hand. He does not fail the Fortitude save though.

Alan sees the entrance to the basement adjacent to the kitchen… he just has to cross a flaming room and avoid fallen debris and he is home free, the damage to his left won’t make it any easier…


Ashley throws the tree off Dee, and then loses her footing as the ground shakes sending her tumbling to the ground! Dee looks fine, her clothes are shredded and torn, but she looks like fine besides the dirt and grime…

Haven is able to maintain his footing but loses his grasp on Façade as she tumbles to the ground in the chaos… Ashley and Michael as well fall to the ground as the ground shakes violently.

Haven succeeds at his Reflex save, everyone that fell is at a -1 to their next action, and are also prone.

The Garage

Between Michael and Ian’s surge of strength, the two are able to move the tree enough to pull Ian to some modicum of safety.

Ian uses Extra Effort to push the tree out of the way with Michael’s help… or at least his duplicate.

Mira speaks, “You don’t have much time… get to the basement as quickly as possible.”
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"Come on. To the basement." tells Ian, leading the way there. "Do you have a duplicate bringing Vanessa or you need help?"

Extra Effort to boost strength doesn't necesserly need an Hp to be spent. It only give fatigue. But as I want to be able to run, yes, I'll spend an HP.

Voidrunner's Codex

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