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Industrygothica's "Those Left Behind" [IC]



The bartender offers Friadoc a fake smile, and an even more fake laugh, and sets a large mug of ale in front of the halfling. "Excitement ye say?" the man says. He stands up on the tips of his toes to lean across the bar and whisper into Fridoc's ear. "I guess that depends on if yer the bettin' type or the fightin' type."

The halfling is thankful when the man lowers himself back down to his normal size' something about him made his skin crawl. "The looks of ye says yer more of a bettin' type. Not much in size, are ye!" The creepy man's laugh is more than genuine this time. "Tell ye what, if Kavros sent ye, then ye've gotta be all right."

The bartender turns around and pulls on a small metal ring hanging on the wall, impossible to notice for anyone that wasn't looking. A few moments later the giant half-orc appears, seemingly out of nowhere and offers his ear for the barkeep to whisper in.

"Listen," the bartender says when he is done speaking to Grunk. "If it's excitement ye want, Grunk'll show ye. But there be a certain amount of secrecy that goes along with it, if ye know what I mean. If ye can keep a secret, then follow Grunk."

As Friadoc looks up at Grunk standing and waiting, the group's attention shifts back to the entry door as it slams open. The broken-nosed elf stands there, staggering, and looks in your direction.

Soveliss manages to get to his feet and head towards the door. He loses his footing on the way and falls into it, causing the door to slam open violently.

The elf manages to stagger into the tavern despite his blunder and looks around at everyone staring at him. Feeling the need to say something to the offended crowd, he stands as erect as he can and exclaims confidently, "Oops."

Finally his eyes rest on the bar, where sits a halfling and a wirly old man. A large ogre-ish thing stands next to them menacingly.


[Round 1]
13 Rokelsh 0/37 (16+9=hit, 1d3+3=6 damage [non-lethal]; 6+4=miss)
6 Rogash 0/39 (2+7=miss)

Rogash and Rokelsh stand in the cage facing each other. Rokelsh offers his words of apology, and the dwarf barely has time to decipher them before the man's large fist smashes into his face. Rokelsh swings a second time but misses. He can't tell if the dwarf dodged the blow or accidentally staggered out of the way. Rogash swings wildly, completely missing the large human, and Rokelsh is confident it was the latter.

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With a sigh of resignation, Rokelsh plants his back foot and slams his front one into the dwarf.

*Power attack for 2.
Attack = +8/+3, 1d3+6*



Rogash, more than a little unhappy with the way this is turning out, moves in for another attack. Taking a little more care this time he aims a blow at the foes' midsection. "If I had my axe, I'd fell this oak tree," he says to no one particular.


The dwarf seems to have come out of his drunken trance as he dodges the big man's powerful kicks. He follows with a swing of his right hand, landing squarely into the man's gut, sending a blast of air out of his lungs. [end round 2]

[Round 3]

13 Rokelsh 3/37: attempts to start a grapple (4+9=grab succeeds; grapple check (1+9=10 Rokelsh) vs. (5+7=12 Rogash)=failure)
6 Rogash 6/39: (9+7=miss)

[sblock=ooc]I decided not to go with the AoO for the grapple, just because I wasn't sure. Turns out it's a moot point anyway, at least for now.[/sblock]
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"Oh, I can keep secrets," says Friadoc simply enough as he stands. Before turning to follow Grunk, Friadoc offers a simple nod towards the elf with the broken nose while making a comment over his shoulder towards the barkeep. "Did you know that one of the most poisonous snakes alive is roughly the length of a human's middle finger?"

"It's so odd how size doesn't always tell you a think," says Friadoc with a half-smile as he turns to follow Grunk. "One moment you under estimate something small and then..." Friadoc snaps the fingers of his left hand. "...you get brought down to size."
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Eager to follow up his success, Rogash circles and after a quick fient with the right he tries an uppercut with his left.

OOC: [sblock]Just trying to add a little color to the basic 'I swing again' not looking for an added benefit.[/sblock]



Friadoc said:
"Oh, I can keep secrets," says Friadoc simply enough as he stands. Before turning to follow Grunk, Friadoc offers a simple nod towards the elf with the broken nose while making a comment over his shoulder towards the barkeep. "Did you know that one of the most poisonous snakes alive is roughly the length of a human's middle finger?"

"It's so odd how size doesn't always tell you a think," says Friadoc with a half-smile as he turns to follow Grunk. "One moment you under estimate something small and then..." Friadoc snaps the fingers of his left hand. "...you get brought down to size."

The bartender eyeballs Friadoc curiously as he follows Grunk through the concealed door into the basement. He's not sure if the old man got the joke, but he still feels better having said it.

At the bottom of a short flight of stair is a thick wooden door. Grunk knocks on it, first three times, then twice more, and the door opens. Two large humans guard the other side of the door, and an impressive crowd of drunks are cheering and jeering a hand-to-hand battle going on inside a small cage at the far corner. Friadoc winces as the human's hand smashes into the smaller dwarf's face. When the dwarf comes back with a heavy hand to the human's gut, Friadoc is silently thankful he hadn't gotten involved on that end.

And then something steals his attention.

Perhaps one of the most beautiful human women he's ever seen passes in front of him. She is carrying a tray high above her head with several full musg of ale. Amazingly, she doesn't spill a drop, even after the catcalls and many, many stray hands landing in inappropriate places.

Despite the woman's competent abilities, it is quite obvious to Friadoc that she is not here by choice (sense motive 20+7).


The forgetful elf staggers to the bar, but the halflng and the half-orc have disappeared. He looks around for a moment and finally falls onto a stool, obviously confused. He is about to speak to the bartender, who is tryign to stifle a laugh at the elf's expense, when the half-orc appears again, seemingly out of nowhere. He approaches the elf and slams a bundle of equipment down on the bar in front of him.

"You'll be wantin' yer things back, I reckon," grunts the half-orc. He digs into a purse tied to his belt and slaps a few gold pieces on the bar as well. "That's all ye get. Oughtta spend it on a healer n'get that thing fixed." He gestures to the elf's face and then disappears behind the bar again. Ivellious is left open-mouthed, still unsure of exactly what is going on.

ooc: speaking of equipment, I could really use for you to finish your character sheet if you don't mind.


Rokelsh sees the incoming fist and reaches out to grab it, pulling the dwarf in close for a bodyslam.

Grapple check! Wrasslin time, boyo.
+9 touch attack, +9 Grapple check. Normally it would provoke an AoO, but we're both unarmed, so I think we can't take AoO's, true?
If I dont' succeed with the first, I'll try again. If I do suceed, he takes unarmed damage (1d3+3 as per normal grapple), and I attempt to 'damage' him again via the 'bodyslam' (opposed grapple checks for 1d3+3 damage)


industrygothica said:
And then something steals his attention.

Perhaps one of the most beautiful human women he's ever seen passes in front of him. She is carrying a tray high above her head with several full musg of ale. Amazingly, she doesn't spill a drop, even after the catcalls and many, many stray hands landing in inappropriate places.

Despite the woman's competent abilities, it is quite obvious to Friadoc that she is not here by choice.

oO He should have minded his wind better Oo thinks Friadoc upon seeing the inevitable pain being played out within the 'ring'. However, the halfling's focus is elsewhere, at the moment, as his eyes following the human female.

With a light step, Friadoc follows the woman through the crowd, dealing a stealthy poke in a sensitive or inappropriate place upon any who molest the woman. Once he is able, the monastic wanderer will politely get the young woman's attention.

"Excuse me, miss," says Friadoc with a disarming smile. He does his best to not pose a threat to the young lady "May I ask a favor of you?"


I've updated Friadoc's appearance, so it can give you an idea of what she sees.

Voidrunner's Codex

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