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OOC - Planetouched Peril (New to ENWorld PbP) - Completed

Isida Kep'Tukari

Despite being related to fire, the ash genasi enjoy the cold remnents of the flames instead of the actual fire. Most tend to be rather introspective and somewhat solitary, for they know that even the most raging fire must eventually crumble to ash. This introspection doesn't make them the most social of folks.

Ash genasi can often be found in the clerical professions, from priests, to laybrothers and sisters, to mortitians and those that cremate the dead. More light-hearted ash genasi are found as chimney sweeps, charcoal burners, and the like. You tend to find more ash genasi in the northern part of the country, rather than the warmer south. They don't have any predilection to stay in the larger cities, so you're likely to find one in Andeluvay as the small down of Thistledown.

As for their abilities, I think this is the only one that needs clarifying:

Extinguish Flames (Sp): Ash Genasi have the ability to Extinguish Flames once per day. Upon use of the ability, the Ash Genasi can, for the next two minutes, extinguish any non-magical flames within a 5' x 5' square as a standard action. Burning materials that are extinguished in this manner instantly become cool to the touch, as though they'd stopped burning days before.

And the saves against fire and cold effects are +1 that increase every five levels.

Ash genasi, like the smoke and fire genasi, tend to be thin. Their skin may be dark colored, and their hair dark gray with flecks of white. Other traits they might have include leaving an ashy residue on anything they touch, smelling of burnt wood, or tiny flecks of ash dropping off of them as they move.

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First Post
I would still be interested in giving this group a try, if you need a sixth, and would be interested to know more about the lightning genasi.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok wolfheart, you'll be my sixth.

Lightning genasi cast their shocking grasp as a sorcerer of their character level. Their bonus against electrical spells and effects is +1 per five levels.

Lightning genasi tend to be in professions where quickness is a virtue, often becoming magicians, musicians, swashbucklers (as bodyguards or adventurers), or thieves. More than one Guildmaster in the Thieves' Guild is a lightning genasi, though there are just as many in more legal professions. You also see almost as many lightning genasi as sailors or ship's captains as salt genasi, and the two types of genasi get along splendidly.

Lightning genasi tend to mecurial, make lightning-quick decisions, and rarely pause for long introspective planning. Most tend toward lithe builds, with pale hair and eyes. They also exhibit one or more other traits, such as hair that always stands on end, static electricity every time they touch something, faint sparks that dance around their bodies, or eyes that literally flash when they are angry.

You find lightning genasi around the coasts, in the mountains, or in port cities, primarily.

CK - I just remembered I had made some tweaks to the fire genasi, so take a look at them again. Anyway, their ability to affect the intensity of flames goes like this, they can either decrease or increase the amount of illumination of any flame from a candle to a bonfire to double or half its normal radius of illumination. You have to be within 50 feet to do this. This does not affect the fuel consumption of the fire or how hot it is, and it only lasts for an hour. This takes a standard action which provokes an attack of opportunity. During the hour you can only affect one fire, but you can change the intensity of it at will during that hour.

At any rate, fire genasi are brilliant and witty, if a bit flighty at times. You find many of them in the arcane arts, and many others as minstrals and bards. They are found all over Low'verok, but primarily in cities. However, you do see several in the tribes of the Forbidden Lands. These tend to be more serious-minded.

Fire genasi tend to be born with brilliant red or orange hair, which sometimes crackles like flames. Others have dark red or orange skin, are intensely warm to the touch, have eyes that glow like embers, or a faint scent of heat or smoke.

EV - For radiance genasi, their ability to cast daylight is as a sorcerer of their character level. Many radiance genasi tend to be in the entertainment business, and they thrive there. They have a great love of beauty and the finer things in life, and many feel it is their duty to bring beauty to all they meet. You also find many in the service of Liira, the goddess of joy, or Sune, the goddess of love and beauty.

Radiance genasi always have skin that is some strong bold color, like magenta, cerulean, yellow, or red, with a pleasing bold contrasting hair color. Their skin glows faintly, and their eyes are always some magnificent color. Radiance genasi tend to be found in the cities, where there are many people that need beauty in their lives, but you also find those that wander in remoter areas, bringing beauty to those who might otherwise never find it.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Well, seeing as everyone wants to be a Genasi, I am deciding NOT to go that way. I think I have decided on a rogue. The downfall I see is that all Genasi have darkvision, and that would mean I would need to be a dwarf rogue to complete this "group of darkness". In regards to the second level being the starting level, what amount of gold are we starting with for supplies?

Well, after looking at the info....it looks like my guy is a Smoke Genasi Rogue. Those bonuses are just too hard to pass up as a rogue...

What do we do about posting stats? I got my guy ready, pretty much....
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, 2nd level characters as you guys all effectively are get 900 gp to spend normally. However, you all will have one magic item that I will be rolling up for you more or less randomly that does not count agains this total.

Anyway, I'm retitling this thread to Planetouched Peril, which will be the name of the game. And here's the link to the Rogue's Gallery. Remember to please put your character in the same format as the sample character, as that makes it easy for me to find information.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, for the void genasi, I actually have extensive background on them because I changed them so much from my inspirational source material. Basically, all void genasi are born on the Plane of Vacuum, which is essentially the multiverse's Sphere of Annihilation. Gods go there to die. Artifacts are thrown into it destroy them. And powerful wizards and psions are cast into it when nothing else will kill them.

Over many thousands of years of casting powerful items into Spheres of Annihilation (essentially portals to the Plane of Vacuum) created pools of powerful magic. One day many centuries ago two powerful individuals were cast into the same sphere by vicisous rivals. One was a fantastically powerful wizard, the other a very enlightened psion. In hopes of saving their lives, the wizard used a powerful wish spell, and the psion frantically manifested genesis in hopes of creating something out of nothing so that they wouldn't be destroyed.

Both their powerful spells and powers, combined with the pools of fragmented magic left from thousands of things thrown through, allowed them a kind of victory. It created a space in which the plane could not destroy them. And that sphere became a portal to this strange place. Both of its creators found the plane wonderfully quiet, a fine place to flex their minds without distraction. As chance and careful persuasion eventually swelled the population of the city, a very distinct problem emerged. The spells that had created the city were constantly under assault by the fabic of the plane itself, and had to be renewed periodically.

It them became the task of all those in the city to remove themselves from their quiet city and go into the bright, loud world, in hopes of gaining the experience and power necessary to ensure the continuance of their home.

All void genasi are born in the Plane of Vacuum; if you're not born there, there's no chance of the child being a void genasi. In the city, the fabric of the plane attempts to suck the life from everything, leaving the place dim, virtually monochromatic, and quiet. All void genasi bear the scars of growing up in such a place; some are blind, others are deaf, some can barely feel. But there is compensation. They are extraordinarily tough, they can absorb magic by channeling it back to their home plane, and they are extraordinarily intelligent.

However, they are single-minded. A void genasi in Low'verok has one purpose; to gain enough power to return home to bolster their home city. After growing up in such quiet and dimness, most consider this plane to be overly bright, noisy, and colorful. Void genasi refused to be impressed by anything. Void genasi as barbarians or palains in unheard of, as are druids. The kind of passion for the first two professions are entirely lacking, and as there really is no nature as such in their city, the way of the druid is foreign. Void genasi tend to be sober, cynical, even nihilistic.

Also, void genasi arcanists do not call familiars, instead taking a magic-related feat. Void genasi can also absorb spells. By readying an action, they may absorb 1 level of spell energy per every two levels. This may only be done once per day. If the spell is greater than the levels they can absorb, nothing happens, the use is wasted, and the spell affects them as normal. If the spell is lower than the number of absorbable levels, they do not carry over.

Void genasi also lack one or more senses:
Sensory Deprived - All denizens of the plane of vacuum have one or more of their senses dimmed as a result of the vitality and matter-sucking nature of the plane. Roll 1d4.

1. Blind - Automatically fail Spot checks, though because of extensive training to overcome this, they are able to listen carefully to things around them, pay attention to air currents, and other such things. This means melee opponents do not get +2 to hit them, and they retain their Dex modifier to AC against melee opponents.

2. Deaf and Mute - Automatically fails Listen checks, and cannot speak. However, due to training, deaf void genasi do not suffer the 20% spell failure when using verbal components.

3. Unable to smell or taste. Because eating for a person like this is merely a refueling exercise, it's often forgotten to be done. Additional -1 to Con, -4 to Alchemy checks).

4. Dulled Touch - Sense of touch diminished. -4 on attacks with a physical weapon. Base speed lowered by 5. It's difficult to place blows correctly if you can't quite feel it. It's also hard to run if you can't quite feel where your feet are supposed to go.

In addition, a void genasi automatically knows when he is within 60 ft. of a Sphere of Annihilation, and can control one as if he had a talisman of the sphere with a +2 to the check.

If you decide to be a psion, that's cool. I'm using the varient Mindscapes psion and psychic combat system. (Mindscapes by Bruce Cordell, Malhavoc Press).


First Post
What books are we allowed to use for character creation. I have wanted to build a Battle Sorcerer ever since I got Unearthed Arcana, would this be ok. If not, I am leaning towards ranger or maybe druid.

I also have some other questions that sound a little silly, but bear with me as I have only recently come back to playing D&D after several years.

Do we just get first level hit points if we are a genasi?

Do we lose our first level feat if we are a genasi?

Is this going to be a heroic campaign or something completely different?
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Isida Kep'Tukari

I think we're just going to stick to core books to be fair. I don't own Unearthed Arcana, so I'm going to have to veto that one. Sorry.

Typically one doesn't get hit points for being a genasi, but I'm going to be nice and say that you do. All genasi will get 8 hit points plus Con, then you get 75% plus Con for your character level.

You do get a first level feat at your character level. So if you're a smoke genasi rogue 1, you get your first level feat as normal.

As for heroics... well that's kinda up to you guys. I'd rather do a heroic, or at least semi-heroic campaign. I don't mind if some people are a bit shady, and I'm not going to come down with the Hammer of Alignement Enforcement if circumstances dictate otherwise for your character. After I see everyone's character background, I will develop some potential plots...

Oh, and I remembered a few other things about the void genasi. They tend to be pretty colorless, with virtually albino skin and hair, and completely dark eyes. Also they tend toward the thin, even the skeletal, and there is no such thing as a fat void genasi. Because there are so few of you, all void genasi know all other void genasi. If you decide to be a void genasi, I'll tell you which others are currently in Low'verok.

Voidrunner's Codex

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